Dear old people: Thanks for fuckall

Dear old people: Thanks for fuckall.

I am SICK and TIRED of hearing you BITCH AND WHINE about how we millennials are a bunch of spoiled whiny SJW libcucks with weak fee fees. Don't get me wrong, it's true. But whose fault do you think it is?

Look at yourselves. You're strong. How did you get that way? You suffered. Your lives were hard. You had goals and actually had to work at them.

And when you brought us up, did you give us that same opportunity? Did you bask in the spoils of your lifetime of hard work and leave us to make our own lives? NO! You fucking GAVE US ALL YOUR SHIT and PAMPERED us, just so YOU could suffer some more. Just so YOU could build some more character you don't need.

The world is harsh. But it's not infinitely harsh. The burdens given to us to bear are not unlimited. You hogged all the burdens, you greedy pricks. You did all the hard work and didn't leave any for us, and now we have no choice but to stay immature whiny babies forever and it's all your fucking fault. And now you have the gall to COMPLAIN about it.

Fuck you. You're hogging all the personal growth and moral higher ground. Not cool, man.

I mean, I guess that's one way of looking at it.

I'm not sorry, though. I see no particular flaw in your argument, I just don't find it compelling.

fuck u op

If you had all of the trials, tribulations and burdens you would just be bitching and moaning about how hard it had been for you, you little millenial pussy.

Here's what you don't get, and what those of us in older generations have confronted and used to our advantage. We play the hand we are dealt...for better or for worse. We strive and struggle, whatever our backstory, and we succeed.

So stop bitching on an image board about the problems someone else created for you, and go do something with your life, you little entitled candy-ass fucker.

I'm more mad at boomers for taking a gigantic stinking shit on 2016 when they'll all just fucking die and leave us in the middle of this crap

That's a Boston Red Sox pic.

>If you had all of the trials, tribulations and burdens you would just be bitching and moaning about how hard it had been for you, you little millenial pussy.
No, I wouldn't, because they'd make me strong just like they made you strong. But you fuckers denied us that opportunity. You just had to have all the personal growth to yourselves.

>Here's what you don't get, and what those of us in older generations have confronted and used to our advantage. We play the hand we are dealt...for better or for worse. We strive and struggle, whatever our backstory, and we succeed.
Bullshit. You strive and struggle because you have to. If you were born into lives just as easy as ours, you'd be just as weak. You gave us these easy lives. You made us weak.

This is such horseshit. You're either born weak or born strong. Life experiences ain't got nothing to do with it.

So you have nothing to struggle for? Nothing to rail against? I call bullshit.

Complacency and laziness are not indelibly ingrained unless you have crippling mental illness. You are perfectly capable of getting off your ass and going out to get what you are all of your peers.

If you believe otherwise, it is because you are rationalizing your immobility and paralysis and placing the blame on others, simply because it is easier to point fingers than to actually walk out the door and do something for yourself.

Don't think it's limited to your generation, user. You are just hyper-aware of this dynamic because technology has you so very plugged into a bunch of shit that folks my age didn't have to ability to obsess about. It also gives you the luxury of time to brood.

Use that time for something else.

>weak fee fees

The fuck is a fee fee?

Dude that way of thinking so outdated you make me think that your'e a caveman

haha, blaming others for your own mistakes. Typical millenial behavior. It's not that life was harder back in your parents day. Life was so so much easier. There was much less to do at home, so work was more rewarding. Inflation was lower, so each dollar bought more. Technology didn't have every answer, so more people were needed to do the work. You could get a job easy. More people were homeless because of mental illness, drugs or crime than circumstance. You want to blame someone for the state of the world, blame technology companies and our government. People are becoming more redundant every day and instead of preparing for the transition our society is in, we cling to the past and continue to wage war and buy useless shit just to justify making/importing said useless shit. You want to change things? Work hard, live simply, don't buy useless shit. Make things with your hands and sell them. Out of ideas? You're on the internet. Use it. When I was a teenager I failed school because I didn't have the world of information in my back pocket like everyone does today. Learn. Grow. Become better. Fuck the system.

What is OP saying?

Yeah, that's right, asshole. I have nothing to struggle for. Nothing to rail against. No reason to live except for the pleasure of living. If I'm going to be using my human brain for so little in my life I may as well not even have it. I may as well have been born a sea squirt if I knew life would be this easy. I'm a waste of my own time and so is everything I ever do.

That's because there's nothing worthwhile left to do. Yall did it all already. Life is easier and more comfortable than ever. But comfort isn't healthy. Comfort isn't good for the soul. You suffocated this country with a cotton quilt. Why bother striving for the newest technological innovation when the extra convenience it will offer will inevitably be of so little significance? Why bother making life better for people if it won't make them happier?

And what WILL make them happier is exactly what they don't want. I could try to take things away from people. I could try to hurt them. And then they'd suffer, grow, and eventually thrive. But do you think they'd thank me? No, they'd be fucking pissed, because when I first acted against them, it was when they were still weak, and back then, it stung.

I get it, G. You are depressed and despondent. Because life is too good. Bummer for you.

Good luck with that...i need to make some more money before I run out of day.

Hope you can adjust your attitude and stop being such a miserable, navel-gazing little fuck.

I AM learning. I'm well on my way to a very successful life. But it doesn't feel hard enough. It doesn't feel worth it. What I have to offer to society is what it wants, but it's not what will benefit it. They'd like me to think people who do the kinds of things I do are smart, diligent, decent people. I am learning, I am contributing to society, but I'm not growing or becoming better from it. Being "useful" isn't enough. I need an opportunity to ACTUALLY be useful. I need pain.

No, I'm depressed and despondent because I know I'm a worthless piece of shit, which is IN TURN because life is too good.

I can't adjust my attitude. It's not that I won't, it's that I'm fundamentally incapable of it, because nothing bad is going to happen to me. I have no opportunities to build character. Your generation took them all.

Valid point from the pansy millennial
I'm 36 and when is younger my parents made me help and work.
I'm hard on my kids, and so far all three of them are only single digits in age.
They might end up hating me, but I hope it makes them stronger people.
Also, checked.

Get out of the way, light-fuzz chin, or I run you the fuck over with my supercharged mobility scooter...


Only flaw I saw is that most people who use terms libcuck and SJW are millennials. But yeah, I dont think your argument is going to compel many people. Even if they see the reasoning behind it.

Try learning skills you don't need today buy might in the future, like automotive repair, home repair, gardening, wilderness survival. Who knows what you'll need in the future. Instead of being adequate for this moment in time, learn to be useful no matter what. Maybe you'll never use the skills, but you'll have them. You may also enjoy using them and fix something even when you can just throw it out and buy a new one.

Same person. I have a feeling that a lot of people will try to say that they are not a millennial when they are...

Shit b8 m8.
Fuckin millennials

bitching about how life isn't hard enough, and how older people might be looking down on him because he doesn't have a hard life.

i"ve been silent-- for*a while^^
IT feel~s so good tO be free::
no%one will s(top m) e
Love.the::::::::Sup Forums
Love.the::::::::Sup Forums

.the /surgeon\ Has [returned]. . . . . . . . .

I like knowing that I'm not completely helpless, I work on my own car when it's not something too complicated

Nice. Also it's cheaper. I've been able to keep he same pos running for 13 years. No car payments, cheap parts every 6 months or so.

when you put a baby cow into a box and take away its ability to use its muscles, it stays weak and soft and tender.

same concept, really.

But the calf has no power or ability to get out of its box.

OP is wallowing in his own existential dismay because daddy and grandpa didn't make him get a paper route and cut the grass.

Huge difference.

Shut the fuck up you whiny little faggot. Not everything goes your way you little bitch.