Femanons of /b

Femanons of /b

Post your:
Bra size
Largest cock you have had

112 lbs
9 FAT inches

Pictures of tits or gtfo

You eat the fries first because they get worse the longer time that passes.
You have a short window where they are still fresh and warm to eat them.

500 lbs
10 SLIM inches

>implying anyone on Sup Forums isnt a virgin
>implying there are any girls on Sup Forums at all
>tits or GTFO

this guy gets it

190 lbs
36 C
7". I've had smaller that were used better though

8 1/2 fat.


its Sup Forums what did you expect?...

I was hoping at least over 200lbs
>pic related

HE's still an adult eating mcdonalds.
He's supposedly fucking loaded, so why is he eating garbage tier food in a god damn private jet while wearing a suit that costs more than my car?
fucking fuck makes terrible choices with money and this picture is the best proof of that.

this, seriously fuck off, why eat something good first? Obviously the fries will get boring after you eat the burger and they go to waste and taste worse.

"Fresh" what the fuck are you talking about son.

have you ever considered that he could have been offered that meal to eat publicly as a form of advertisement in a way to achieving money from his partial iconic idol status?

I dont think so, think again buddy.

Also the fact that he is eating cheaper food then from a custom chef really doesn't mean hes using his money poorly wtf? In fact its the exact opposite.

>2" cock

105 lbs
8 inches. Guy was a stud. God I'll never cum like that again.

He has said he is afraid of people spitting in his food. Fast food is nondescript and available. Cleaner product.

Tits or gtfo

[spoiler]No seriously, post tits[/spoiler]

Ima guy, but fuck you.
245 lb. (I'm not a walking blob. I am fat, but I also have quite a decent amount of muscle.)
I have a ~8.5" dick. Never taken one, though I have shoved a few things up there.

Also, you always eat mcdonalds fries first. They're only edible when they are warm, and they don't stay warm long.

i"ve been silent-- for*a while^^
IT feel~s so good tO be free::
no%one will s(top m) e
Love.the:::::::: Sup Forums
Love.the:::::::: Sup Forums

.the /surgeon\ Has [returned]. . . . . . . .

ITT: femanons with measuring tape.

- OR -

Rule 16

Maybe he does it to look relatable.
But from the $$ perspective, the guy is a billionaire so whether it's a $10 or $1000 dinner, it all has such an insignificant impact on the wallet. At that point it's not about what's the premium 'pinkies up' choice. Fois grois or French fries --its all the same...might as well do whatever the fuck you want.

Post kiks fems and rate my cock

Yeah I'm thicc fuck you Sup Forums

the fries get cold faster, faggot

pics now

760 lbs
76 inches spaghetti dick

384 lbs
4 slim inches

Not a girl
225 lbs of lean muscle
Chef at wendys making $130,900
9 VERY GIRTHY inches

So long as you have a cute face, I'm fine with 180lb.
You don't have a cute face, do you...

nice meme


King Kong, that you?

How ugly are you?