Let the bloodbath begin

Let the bloodbath begin.

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about tree fiddy

2$ ?

what is $1?

the wrong answer

x = 1 + p / 2


go home little ones

$1.50 theres no debating it


Not enough information given

was there such a thread before i don't have any idea why this should be a tricky question


two niggers

if we interpret cost and price as the same value, which is a pretty reasonable assumption, the answer is $2
if we assume cost and price mean different things, there is not enough information given
the only valid answers are $2 and not enough information


The only true answer.

its clear there are no asians in here only dumb niggers and white trash.

According to Google, £1.61

The real question is whether or not it is on steam sale

about $100

$2... 1/2 +1/4 +1/8 + 1/16... is an infinite series that converges on 1


Right answer
$1 isn't the cost. It's $1 plus half of its total cost.



Since when are asians the best at maths?

The greatest mathematicians of all the time were either white, or greeks, or sandniggers white

Yeah, because if it's $1 AND THEN half of it's price...
That is an unknown variable. It could cost $20 plus that original $1, and then on top of that half of that total (so like $10.50 additional)

So you really can't answer the question because you don't have all the info.


false asians have tiny dicks and nothing better to do

You mean $1.67, $0.67 is our x

p = 1 + (p / 2)
2p = 2 + p
p = 2

T = 1 + T/2
2T = 2(1 + T/2)
2T = 2 + T
T = 2

right. thanks.


well they are producing my cloths 16 hours a day, i think thats enough for them to do


i"ve been silent-- for*a while^^
IT feel~s so good tO be free::
no%one will s(top m) e
Love.the::::::::Sup Forums
Love.the::::::::Sup Forums

.the /surgeon\ Has [ r e t u r n e d ]. . . . . . . .

1 + 1/2x = x
1 = x - 1/2x
1 = 1/2x
x = 2

How the fuck has this thread not died yet?

$1 plus half the games original price which if its $1 originally its $1.50

Wait... 1 + (x/2) = x,
It should be x - (x/2) not plus. Then the equation would be: 1 = (x/2), so x is 2.

X=(.5)X+ 1

well I was wrong

Generally speaking, when using the terms cost and price in a business setting (at least in the US) total cost (shortened to cost) refers to the sum of fixed and variable costs (product costs, and the costs of production and maintenance of a facility conducive to business activity) at a given level of production. Price refers to the sale price of one unit of a given good/service. Therefore, in this particular case, assumping GAAP are applied, your answer makes the most sense.

a small loan of a million dollars

yeah I just realized that looking at

Price is P, cost is x:
1 + (P/2) = x, P is an unknown value, equation doesn't work.
>also forgot to include tax


>sales tax
capitalist scum

How much does the game cost?

price =2

Almost there.

P = 1 + P/2

$2 = $1 + $2/2

wow user u teach math?

With that interpretation of cost and price, there is not enough information to solve.
Some valid values (out of infinitely many possibilities) for cost and price are:
Price = 20, Cost = 1+20/2 = 11
Price = 8, Cost = 1 + 8/2 = 5

However, we're not in a business setting. We're on Sup Forums. If someone asks "how much does that game cost" or "what's that game's price" they would expect the same answer. In that case, the solution is 2.
