This is a thread to see how culturally educated you fools are!! tell me who the hell this is!!

this is a thread to see how culturally educated you fools are!! tell me who the hell this is!!


Diamond dimebag

Barbara Streisand?

diamond darrel abbot

thank god... alright who's this?

tell me these boys too!

dartanian from the three musketers

keemstar and steve buscemi

His dad swarovski cheeky breeky

Cliff Burton

is that young james rolfe
>hes gonna take you backk to de passt

not funny wise ass, it's your masters.


my masters?

uncultured fuckwit...

uncultured because i dont know these two fuckwits
aha... suree
i`ll stick to my classical music, thank you

oh please, you've never lived a day in your life!! go back to your hole

stfu projecting faggot
you`re thread is dead
i rest my case


I know the one on the left is TobĂ­as Forge

culturally educated ....yet you post metal guitarists are a special kind of stupid

Anybody into poopcakes?