What would Chef Ramsay say about the new Ghostbusters burgers?
What would Chef Ramsay say about the new Ghostbusters burgers?
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yes well done ghostbusters well done ghostbusters HOWEVER
Are they supposed to represent the ghostbusters?
The black on is the big beefy black woman, and the white one is the big, fat melissa mcardiac arrest?
jeeeezus christ the top one looks like it has cockroaches for buns
appeals to their target audience
no, that looks like the kind of person to be complaining about how they've ruined ghostbusters
How do you even eat a burger that big, it just doesn't make sense. Americans please explain
god i really want to eat those, i have no shame at all
you press down on it to flatten it
>"Oi faggot"
Good times. Ramsay really sold out.
I feel nauseous now
you guys ever had a pb&j burger? they're pretty great.
It's a Japanese restraint. In Japan. Europoor.
>not even green
I had one at Slaters 50/50 and didn't enjoy it at all. It was a good burger with pb&j slathered on it. Just completely unnecessary.
these things are probably going to set back relations worse than another nuke would
>If you don't like how it looks, you're being a sexist pig.
>Oh yeah? THEN FUCK OFF!
Why is everything that surrounds this movie so shitty?
Spot this thread. Last time i went on a UK kitchen nightmares watching spree and ended up on foodtube watching some Greek guy make great souvlaki
This looks delicious tbqh
sony realized it was a guaranteed flop, and decided the only way to recoup as much of their investment as they can is to generate as much hate buzz as they can.
shut up, fatty
>everyone that finds comfort food appetizing is a fat person
Shut up you fucking idiot
130 lb @ 6 ft senpai
there used to be a place called moe's nearby. they had a great pb&j burger. too bad the place closed down and the new place is too cool for pb&j burgers.
back to r͏eddit fatty
I loved that book. Some legitimately good artwork for a kids book.
Guillermo del Toro is trying to adapt them. It has the potential to be amazing.
>It has the potential to be amazing
>Guillermo del Toro
user i'm so sorry
I'm not sure how you could, but visually it'd probably be pretty cool.
>we're glad you don't like our burger!
>it generates interest for us!
>please hate on it more!
Am I the only one thinking that it's a Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper Burger? Would be more fitting tbqh senpaitachi
Are they based on malissa mcarthy's diet?
It got re-released with shitty artwork. I'd love to give the fucker who greenlit it a swift kick to the undercarriage.
You press down when it's talk like other user said, but that's usually from lettuce and other things that sort of pop up, this is just fucking disgusting.
It's never as big and nice as the photo. Nobody points it out directly because they're afraid of a spit burger.
I thought the same thing
That's disgusting you fat shit, I live in Wisconsin and we wouldn't eat this fucking horror.
>shilling the EU under the r
Get over it already!
Jesus Christ, are those miscarriages?
What are those 3 orange layers on the black burger? And is that also marshmallow on the black burger? Marshmallow and beef? Disgusting.
The second one is more concerning. It appears to be just marshmallow cookies and whipped Creme.
In what universe is that a "burger"
Oh my fucking god what is that?
It's so fucking disgusting. Do americans eat this shit?
No one will notice that Ramsay get's mad at the chefs, and usually likes new foods, but prefers the simple style over "fancy" shit.
It's just a desert thing, it's only relation to a burger is the shape, pic related.
Seriously though, a beef patty, 3 mystery layers that look like chicken wings, marshmallow and chocolate sauce? That's fucking gross, I'd rather eat the dessert.
you have no idea about demographics SON
I'll never understand why you americans spit in your food.
A lot of undereducated minorities work in fast food.
it's incredibly petty but a lot of people are petty so whatever.
to mark your territory
I'll never understand it either.
If someone spits in my food you bet your ass I'll make that person's life hell and sue the shit out of him.
Sue them for what?
Where? i live there too...
>I live in Wisconsin
Thanks for letting me know I can ignore your opinion hillbilly
Hillbillies are from Virginia, Wisconsin is cattle country.
Yeah, this You fucking idiot.
I'm not even American.
Where these designed by mellis mccharty herself?
underrated post
no shortage of rednecks anywhere in the us
Ghostbusters marketing is trying just as hard as Meme Squad.
When will they stop hiring 16 year old hipsters/faggots to market their movies.
ur avin a fukin bubble baff m8
White one is Mr. Stay Puft, but yeah. I got nothing on the black one.
it's obviously the fucking sheboon
That shit looks fucking vile. Who the fuck was behind the creation of this crime against human race?
why there are so many threads about this movie? are you guys paid shills? i cannot fathom why people would care about this, not even those criticizing it.
If any of us were shills then we'd be posting these on Reddit instead so large numbers of people might actually see them.
Aus fag here. I went to an American-themed restaurant a few weeks ago, and I faced a similar problem with the "American cuisine" they served there. It was just all 12 inch tall burgers full of meat, cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup, and fuck knows what else.
I literally just gave up after nearly dislocating my jaw, even after squashing it, and just used a knife and fork to eat it, thus negating the whole point of a burger.
Some fat black American cunt sitting a few tables over took out his phone and actually took a picture of me doing it. When he left, he said to me in a thick Texan accent "DON'T EAT IT ALL AT ONCE, PRINCESS!", to which I looked the fat fuck up and down and told him to suck my dick. He told me not to swear infront of his kids, and I told him his kids can go fuck themselves too.
Spineless fuck just stormed out with a sweaty face and fat she-boon wife making some weird clicking sound at me with her tongue, quipping about how "racist Australians are", even though what I said had nothing to do with race.
>complain about being called a racist
>use terms like 'she-boon'
did women cook them?
Should have played Knifey Spoony with him.
What does my description of her after the fact have anything to do with how they perceived me at that moment? I didn't make a single racist comment.
Your people are just fucking soft cunts who look for any excuse to be offended.
They are.
This is all on part of Sony's marketing department. They've strategized a coordinated effort to utilize the impotent rage of Sup Forums's Sup Forums and Sup Forums crossover posters to hype up controversy for their film. In pointing out a sexist boogeyman they have reason and opportunity to continually shoehorn their film across media, increasing visibility and support.
Only in America
I think it's Japanese. I'm not sure exactly when it became tradition there that every (and I use the term whimsically it comes to Ghostbusters 2016) "blockbuster" has to have a disgusting tie-in hamburger, but here we are.
>Picture is life-size
I try to make the sexy girls taking my orders mad at me just so they will spit in my food (or even pee in my coffee).
according to this site
the white stuff is anchovy paste and the black stuff in it is olives. I'm not sure whether the redish things are onion rings or what but I'm willing to bet they're like shrimp cakes.