Why can't I be happy Sup Forums?

why can't I be happy Sup Forums?
how does one achieve happiness?

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Good question. Have you tried drugs?

yes lots recently ive been with withdrawal symptoms because of abuse also

You don't

How does one achieve drugs?

Happiness is the result of feeling satisfaction with oneself or for others. If you want to feel genuine happiness, go out and find a hobby. Study that hobby until you're legit good at it. You can always try helping other people with community service or something like that.

Such as? How old are you and how long have you felt unhappy?

Happiness is fleeting, you want to find contentment.

i started in and worked my way out.

I didn't settle at jobs. i hopped around until i found one i liked. i didnt settle with friends. i hopped around until I found ones that i could bond with. i didnt settle with hobbies. if I'm not feeling good about something, i dont do it.

you build the life you want, and you try to have fun even when you're struggling to make it reality. it can take years to make the life you want for yourself. but if you can be happy working at it, you can be happier anywhere.

I'm on my way to 30 yo, dunno.. since ever? I fail at life in all aspects except for working
i've been abusing mdma for some time I know that fucks my mood but thats not the case

yeah I think the problem is mostly social, I pushed away everyone i knew and I think I feel lonely and cant connect with anyone anymore. its been a long time

the native americans had a spirit totem for the bobcat. those born under its guidance were meant to learn how to be alone without being lonely. this doesn't mean they were permavirgins, hermits, or forever alones... just people who had to learn how to enjoy time by themselves more than others.

You don't achieve happiness. You simply stop obsessing over acquiring it.

I enjoy being alone, sometimes. but its hard to think I will be alone for the next 50 years

define 'alone'. im considerably 'alone' but i dont expect no human contact for fifty years. I got friends, An amazing boss, and the occasional fling with someone to stick my dick in.

I have no friends, I have family but its like I didnt, all I relate to is coworkers who are old enough to be my parents and an occasionally hooker.

not obcessed just purging myself

That's very far from alone.
Imagine never getting laid, ever.

id survive. i wouldn't love it, but id survive. Cuz I've been there, for long stretches of time, before i went to / as i entered my 'cocoon'.

it sucks, but thats not what being alone is. and if it means that much for ya, settle for a fatty.

>Imagine never getting laid, ever.

Not him but I havent gotten laid in 4 years and I want to die.

