Feels thread. GF just broke up with me and its my bday

Feels thread. GF just broke up with me and its my bday.

shes probably sucking nigger cock by now


At least you've had a girlfriend and the luxury to cry about it, bitch.

Im sorry user. You dont want to have to go through this. Love you Sup Forumsro.

Hang in there buddy, it gets better, it really does. My ex dumped me the week before Christmas and took all my shit and even the gifts from the tree. Since then life has been better, pussy has been better. You deserve better, you deserve the best. Your Birthday is all about you man, fuck her, fuck the world. If you have friends use them to get over her, if you are alone, watch your favorite movie, eat your favourite foods and you'll see, anyone who does this to you doesn't deserve you. Relish the opportunity to show you can survive any-fucking-thing. You are not alone.

you got trips man, life is gonna be gud

Thanks user. It means a lot man. She never said to me that I was attractive ever, never said that I meant a lot, never said she cared about, excdpt for ONCE. I was a fool and acted like a beta fag. Never again.

Quads dont lie

Not OP. But how did you not realize that bitch was crazy? Look at the way she blankly stares into the distance