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Jesus fucking Christ.
kek. My exact thoughts.
Why is everything about this production a complete train wreck? This is just embarrassing.
At least better than Ghostbusters Soundtrack.
It's a pretty good song actually.
Why does hollywood have to force horrible rap music in mainstream films?
They did the same thing with the Assassin's Creed trailer.
Where is good old hard rock? Especially Jared Leto who is in an alterantive rock band: you'd think they could at least put one rock song on the Suicide Squad soundtrack instead of horrible negro rap?
Not to be racist: I know rock and roll originated from African blues although Africans nowadays are fucking shit with their drug music.
This. Its actually strange, everything that could go wrong for DC and their cinematic universe is going wrong, while the opposite is happening to marvel. Is this meme magic? Or is it simply the great balance of all things, ying and yang and all that
Because teens and pre teens dominate social media and youtube, which is where all their data mining comes from, and teens and pre teens love rap music.
This is a flawed business model, as the studios soon realize the audience they are targeting is seeing less and less movies, especially at the cinema, and they should have appealed more to the people who actually buy tickets, not the ones who give the most likes on social media.
>people dislike the ghostbusters fall out boy song which at least tries to have a guitar, rock kind of sound (apart from the horrible rapper) whilst everyone on youtube is fucking liking this shitty nigga rap track
You should all be ashamed of yourself!
This song has one of the worst rap beats I have ever heard in my life! It is so fucking bland and just sounds identical to any generic rap song!
Will Smith's Wild Wild West song, Will Smith's Men In Black rap song are fucking legendary pieces of music made for film.
But this rap song for Suicide Squad should not even fucking exist! It is a complete fucking joke!
It's actually very good. It's because you're scared of black people ;)
This new kind of shit in him
>everything that could go wrong for DC and their cinematic universe is going wrong, while the opposite is happening to marvel
Are you living in a cave?
DC's comic sales are better than ever with the rebirth launch. While nothing from Marvel sells other the Star War shit, and most people are sick of their current direction and jumping ship already.
Not to mention both video games and tv shows are much better at DC than Marvel.
>m-m-mah dad rock!
You should broaden your taste in music.
I love music, I can fell in love in almost every genre, but I can never understand how people can willingly listen to talking niggers. Why is that even considered music?
I don't hate this song because it is made by black people; I hate this song because it sounds so fucking shit and bland.
If you want a good black rapper and song writer then check out J Green:
All his songs sound really dark and just work really well
>Comic book sales
>Versus movie sales
Irrelevant as fuck. You and I both know that shit doesn't matter at all in comparison
Imagine Dragons sucks
>BvS grossed better than 90% of the marvel movies
>Suicide Squad will likely surpass it
Grim time to be a marvel fan.
But why do all teens just listen to horrible rap music and not music like this anymore?
>tfw we will never hear this type of music in film again
Sorry, but this sounds like exactly the stuff college kids nowadays still listen to.
I dunno, but the music during my teens was fucking based
Even the nigger music was better
I thought this was the one for Suicide Squad?
>Even the nigger music was better
You are so fucking right.
Remember this classic 90's song?
What is Harley's superpower? Couldn't you just give a random streetjunkie a baseball bat and he would do a better job than her?
Movies and media dont like to acknowledge just how underpowered women are compared to men when it comes to basic strength, so most people will look over this. It is retarded though.
keeps the drinks cold
Anyone who actually likes this song: remember you are killing real music and real talent by supporting this shit
There's an entire album of original songs for this movie.
Probably, but she's a vicious murderer, there's a good chance she'll die on the mission and thus will no longer be a burden on society, better than her having a cushy cell and wasting taxpayer's money.
Why should actual patriots die for their country when scum like her can be meatshields?
See if they got NIN to do Suicide Squad too it would've worked
>each one of these rappers probably got as much for their verse as you make in a year
i was able to listen until
>linking Park
Name better music from that era
holy shit that was thoroughly average
>not linking the REAL best original song
Women up pls buff
Imagine dragons is the best part of this song, the rapping is boring. Pretty funny how the rappers are forced to not say 'nigga' in their verses when it's every second word in their other songs.
heIIo reddit
i like imagine dragons.
I'm not a millennial like you so I wouldn't know.
man bands just don't exist any more.
i can't remember the last time i saw a video clip showing the drummer.
Those youtube comments cant tell if there joking or not.
prisoners dancing along is so fucking cringey. not a terrible song though, much better than OP
>I browse reddit because I prefer rock music over bland rap
fucking end yourself
>i'm a rock kid fuck your mainstream sensibilities i was born in the wrong generation
drink bleach
i unironically dont know any of these people except for the radioactive song guys
You Sup Forums fags need better taste
he sounds fat
>I prefer bland rap music over rock
fucking end yourself
a wild wigger appears at 2:00
genre fags are the worst
rock music hasn't been good since the 70s
enchantress looking weird
This will always be way better music
Go back to Sup Forums
Yeah he's a big guy
not that bad Tbh
For.. me?
what about Radiohead and Swans?
I can't tell if you're joking. Please be joking
lol they are tryin to turn you comic book manchildren into wiggers
Wild Wild West won a Razzie Award for some reason, but it really is a fun song and Smith was a charismatic rapper.
But this Suicide Squad shit is just... uh, shit. It's like they weren't even trying.
it's just overly ambitious marketing, misguided choice of music trying to appeal to their supposed target audience they lost touch to a long time ago also the whole production design with the cancerous neon colors...it's one bad decision after the other
I guess to problem is that they don't just have the one director or a small team with a concept/vision and a straight plan, they have their small """creative""" departments for music, marketing, social media etc all overlooked by the studio forced to appeal to a generation they don't understand
>But this Suicide Squad shit is just... uh, shit. It's like they weren't even trying.
I wish more people thought like you.
>Wild Wild West won a Razzie Award for some reason
What the actual fuck!? That is so messed up. It sure is a heaps fun song.
I think the beat was based on another song? I can't remember what.
grow up
Bitch please
DC's only good franchise is Batman, and it's been done to death.
Lenny Kravitz isn't a nigger
We're looking at a franchise that asked who'd win between Batman and Superman.
If there kryptonite: Batman
If there isn't kryptonite: Superman
Literally the definition of Kryptonite is the shit that makes Superman weak
What if I'm not trying to impress hipsters?
radiohead isnt hipster anymore, grandpa
Are you forgetting civil war borderline flopped?
Is say something about how much Marvel is ass raping if a movie that only got to 4th or 5th highest grossing film all year is a borderline flop
There just a sucker for BBC
this has to be bait, has to be
That was bad and you should feel sorry and ashamed for recommending it.
>not "Thirty Seconds to Mars ft. Will Smith"
How can op see inside my core like open doors .
>people will unironically like this piece of """"""music"""""""""
>Lil'Wayne's song without 'nigga' or r-rated lyrics
do it for da senpai dawg! yeah! nigga nigga senpai lit senpai keep it hunna! :emoji laughing face:
God I'm so fucking sick of nig culture
His father was a Jewish Russian you fucking retard.
Exactly my thought
Heathens was so good and this gets released what the fuck is happening to DC
>I'm not a millennial like you so I wouldn't know.
>I haven't lived during that time so i don't know
what are you living in a cave? jesus you're so fucking bad.
>itt: marvelcucks and dcucks arguing the future of their franchise over a song
what happened
Comic book sales are down across the board m8
>more than a million fewer comics were sold in May 2016 than May 2015.
Comics is a dying industry, they are on their last legs only the movies and merchandise is actually selling and propping the companies up.
>Why does hollywood have to force horrible rap music in mainstream films?
You know why...