What do you think Sup Forums?

What do you think Sup Forums?

I don't usually like trap. I'll give it a listen now.

it's seriously not very good
Monster > 56 Nights > DS2 >>>>>> the rest >>>>>>> FUTURE and HNDRXX

who gives a fuck? I care about as much about this plants opinion as I do p4k/conde nast.

When you can dial up any album for free with a couple keystrokes, what's the point of (((reviews))) other than to tell you what to think?

>Future is not good

what a shocker

>Complains that all his albums are identical
>Future makes something different
>Rate Not Good


I unironically quite liked Hndrxx.

Bit rich to complain last week that Future never tries anything different, then when he does, he shits all over him regardless

Some of future's best work. I don't pay attention to Fantano but if he doesn't like HNDRXX then he probably is just biased against future or trap in general.

Never really liked Future outside of a few songs. Really enjoyed HNDRXX though.