What do we think bros?
The Neon Demon
So, was there supernatural stuff going on?
I'll let you know when I actually watch it. Which will be never.
kino, dubs confirm
Looking forward to this thread. Right now, the only people who have seen this movie are adults with jobs. Pretty much the only time discussion about it will be possible.
It's a great movie, by the way. Not has good as his previous work, but one of the better so far this year.
what did he mean
Was he the one who raped the girl in 214?
What anime do you think refn watches?
Lucky Star
We can dream, right?
I assume yes. Earlier in the film he couldn't gett he door open with a key, and I assume he used a spare key from his office to try and get her door open again but still couldn't.
Also when Jesse calls Ruby she keeps saying "he" or "I think he's going to kill her" where if it wasn't Keanu the dialogue would say "someone is in there"
I am sure he has at least touched up on Texhnolyze seeing as he loves protagonists that don't speak. Main character literally has 3 lines before the 8th episode.
I really enjoyed Technolyze. Very somber.
Can somebody tell me exactly how much violence and sex there is in this movie, and what it's like?
All I've heard since the beginning is it ''goes way too far'' and it's ''way too extreme'' but i don't know if that's just weak stomach faggots moaning about any sort of violence.
What's actually in it? Is it fappable?
agreed. That and Serial Experiments Lain are the two anime I feel transcend their genre.
Anyways back to the topic of Neon Demon. It has been asked in every thread and I still don't know what is meant by the scene with Ruby under the moon. I know it has something to do with her absorbing the sexual pleasure she lusted for by Jesse, and that the moon represents fertility or what not... but wtf was the blood oozing out?
I also fond it pretty interesting that she arches her back the same exact way Jesse does on her motel bed after the runway scene.
Can someone post the webm of refn kissing fanning at cannes?
I wasn't aroused by anything in the film. There isn't any gore scenes that get to the level of the OGF torture scene, a lot of it takes place off camera. Depending on how deprived you are you might think some of it is hot, but all the nudity is done in such a way that I felt more disturbed or a sense of dread that something was gong to happen instead of aroused.
i want to tickle and kiss elle's feet
I liked it a lot.
I might go again but if I do it'll need to be soon since literally nobody is watching this movie.
Oh that's somewhat disappointing. The way everyone hyped up the gore i was expecting something like cannibal holocaust.
There was a big thread last night and at the end people were discussing audience numbers.
Seemed pretty dismal.
I don't have a cable subscription, is this being advertised on TV anywhere?
>expecting something like Cannibal Holocaust to play in American theaters
Unbearably pretentious, utterly devoid of any substance. Mistakes being artsy for having depth.
He's way too autistic to ever crash his car
you just described anything refn in one sentence
>is it fappable?
How is it "pretentious"?
I love how pale and pink she is compared to everyone else there. Why are white people so cute?
>Who is this Neon Demon
Why did Christina Hendricks Character literally (LITERALLY) have to mention "some guy named Chad who tells a girl she's pretty"?
why is Refn so obvious?
Spoiler Warning: Apart from the scenes that are obviously just stile/dream/imagination (like hands being visible from the other side of the wall), the movie is a "normal" setting, except that at the end they eat a human and and bathe in blood, and then, and this is supernatural, a whole lot of blood runs out of a vagina. This is all just the last 10 minutes, though
Kill yourself, cancer
Symbolism discussion in the long old thread from yesterday:
need not all be repeated
>models are jealous murderous sex deranged drug whores : the movie
So that's all well and good.
Now where's the fucking torrent?
>Hurr durr style over substance amirite guys xD
Go back to the imdb message boards and stay there. If you can't understand a film as simple as this one, you're everything wrong with Sup Forums.
honestly the film wasnt very good.
>are you food or are you sex?
The models were eating each other, and used sex only to get ahead.
Ruby was/wanted superficial sex. Dead (sex with corpse) or alive, didn't even matter.
It's not different than the age of "too soon" meme. Dead hot girl is still a hot girl to anons.
age old*
Nice opinion.
Ruby wanted to reach Jesse's beauty through a purely narcissistic relationship. In fact, homesexuality is inherently narcissistic: you're basically fucking an extension of yourself. She fucked the corpse, not because she wanted sex but because she was frustrated by Jesse's rejection. The intercuts showing Jesse about to masturbate are just fragments of Ruby's imagination as she projects Jesse's image on the corpse.
Anybody else going a second time?
Good news is you'll have the theatre to yourself.
Wish Popcorn wasn't so expensive.
What happened to the dead girl/corpse that they had her whole torso cut open?
maybe I do, for the purpose of focusing on the shot aesthetics
and stop eating carbs with fat, you fat fuck
I've seen Cannibal Holocaust in American theaters, mate. Green Inferno played at the fucking multiplex.
Green Inferno is a cartoon.
Eli Roth is a joke.
What was the deal with the triangles?
Green Inferno is nothing like Cannibal Holocaust. It's a watered-down baby version of it.
So once a torrent comes out and all the underage and/or autistic Sup Forums users see it, what are the memeiest lines they will use to shit up discussion threads?
This, obviously. Also, WIDER. Keanu was pretty much a walking meme in this movie.
>Unbearably pretentious
It fits with the theme and plot revolving around fashion world
Fashion world is indeed unbearably pretentious
Yep, I've seen an ad for it a few times since Friday
That guy from Dexter keeps saying he just lost a lot of weight, but he seriously looks a little sickly. His face is nothing but bone.
the fuck is this from?
This is LITERALLY the most pleb opinion possible.
Re-posting from last thread.
Movie was really good. I thought the satirical aspects were a little heavy handed but it was okay because I'm a pleb and wouldn't have gotten it otherwise. Keanu was a neat little comedic character, I always enjoy seeing that guy on the screen.
The rectangle imagery I didn't really get, but the triangle imagery I interpreted as representing Elle's state of mind (blue triangle for purity goes to red as she starts getting deeper into shit).
I thought the parallel between sexuality and violence was very well done in this one, Refn's getting really good at that (compare Drive's strip club hammer scene with the necrophilia scene and the murder/shower scene and you'll see a clear difference). I thought the ending dragged on way too long and wasn't very satisfying, and the period/full moon imagery was a little odd. It seemed to represent the start of a new cycle and that was reinforced by introducing the other young girl for the shoot, but the whole cycle aspect was dropped immediately afterwards.
>Best scenes
Jena Malone lesbian necrophilia
Murder and following shower, that scene was really fucking powerful
You kino conniseurs got any movies similar to this?
I need my fix dawg.
>>>Best scenes
How could you not include the fashion show scene?
Was that the runway scene that pretty much showed Elle's descent into narcissism? It was pretty good but the cuts between reality and symbolism were a little jarring (maybe that was the purpose, considering it was a drastic change in character).
Big Bang Love, Juvenile A
Ichi the Killer
Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II
Only God Forgives
I liked it quite a bit actually. The more I thought about the movie after I saw it yesterday, the more I'm starting to really like it.
It's weird as fuck, and definitely a Refn movie, so if you're not into his kind of shtick then it might not be for everyone.
90% of Sup Forums in a nutshell.
>3 days in
>607k total
>Your name is Bean?
Fucking garbage, just like everything else Refn directs.
Not even being ironic, I fucking loved it. It was a bit slow, but it was the most entertained I've been by a movie in years.
I'm pretty lukewarm on Drive and I hate Only God Forgives, but I fucking loved this movie. I don't think it's deep, I don't think there is anything heavy behind the film or it's themes, but goddamn. It was a big stupid, hilariously entertaining mess. Beautifully shot, too.
>What happened to the dead girl/corpse that they had her whole torso cut open?
That's a y-shaped incision from the autopsy.
I loved Drive and this, didn't care for Only God Forgives.
Definitely a slow start to the movie, but by the end it's almost fairytale-like.
Why did Jenna Malone bleed out of her cooch like that? I don't think that's what periods look like.
I feel like Refn is a downs syndrome kid who's pretty good with a camera and people are encouraging him way too much.
This is exactly how I feel.
And I cant wait for more desu.
Someone give me the legitimate torrent link and you'll get the nudes of this slut
Overall i thought it was great. Great visuals, great music and while there wasn't much to the story i think he explored the themes using the characters in a way that kept me intrigued. I really liked the constant close ups on the characters faces.
It did have some weaknesses though. The dialogue was kind of awkward and some of the acting was pretty wooden. I also think the climax could have been done a bit better. 8/10.
Fuckin go see it it's getting it's neggyhole pozzed up at the box office.
>we think
nigga i aint french; form your own opinion,
you piece of shit
No singles policy though. And no showers.
i wish i had the balls to go see this alone
It really doesn't take balls to see movies by yourself. Literally no one cares.
I started going to movies alone just a few months ago. I've been to about 10 alone ever since.
Here are some guidelines I follow. Hope they help you.
>buy tickets online/fandango
This is to avoid standing in line alone, diminishing time where your mind can wander and give you a sense of regret or insecurity. Just walk in, don't give any eye contact, scan your ticket and then take a piss or go right to your seat.
>get to your seat 10 minutes early
This is to avoid walking into the theater while everyone is already sitting down. Walking into a theater alone and feeling all those eyes weigh down on you is quite unnerving.
>sit in the back row
Just like in tip #2, the less people know you're alone the better. Minuscule and feint giggling coming from rows above can be taken out of context and make you feel like wanting to slit your wrists. Sitting in the back is the way to go.
>sit in the corner closest to the stairs.
This way once the credits roll you can pop up and walk down the stairs first before anyone. Just keep your head down and keep moving.
>if you want to buy a snack
There are sacrifices you need to make if you want to go alone. Either bring a snack yourself or take a risk and stand in line alone. The more you think about being alone, the bigger chance you'll bitch out and leave.
It's shit. Trips confirm.
Is this serious?
jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with people
just go watch a movie alone
Can somebody explain the no singles policy meme?
I was the only person in the theater when I saw this at a matinee. It was glorious.
It's pretty self explanatory.
Because everyone else realizes the movie is terrible.
Same. It was pretty sweet.
I was definitely aroused many times. The concepts of the things going on is over the top, but the portrayal is not. Gross things happen, but it's not shown too explicitly, and many times it's definitely meant to make you confusingly hard
Kill yourself, if you want movies like this to keep getting made, go see it in theaters. Pirates are the epitome of anti-art, as much as they like to believe otherwise
I'm going again. I missed the first 10 minutes because of the Pride festival going on around the theater.
please dont post that image here.
I agree with most of this. After reading about bad writing, I was surprised how realistic all the dialogue was. I had no problems there. Some of the acting was stiff, but Jena and Elle were great. If by climax you mean when she gets pushed into the pool I thought that was phenomenal, but it did lose impact when the movie kept going. There were some great scenes afterwards, but it definitely took away from that scene.
Refn says he made the movie with the fact in mind that people watch movies on their phone, and chop them up and put scenes on YouTube, and that shows. I don't think it's good or bad, but there were definite start and end points to each scene, and it's something that may seem better on a second watch when I know what to expect
Did anyone else get witch or occult feels from it? I felt that it was all heavy with a supernatural vibe and just laden with organ symbolism . Like triangles and ancient female power symbols rectangle for the phallic / penis. There was 3 of like everything . Many like the 3 main women . Ruby covered in tattoos . Jessie speaking of the moon watching her. Ruby invoking the moon for some kind of blood ritual.eating her bathing in blood . The abandoned old mansion ruby was borrowing had 2 stuffed predator animals a leopard and wolf and a cougar was in Jessie's room . Plus the just sacrificed a virgin at the end. Not sure if it was suppose to be really supernatural or if he just used the occult asspect as a metaphor for groups of selfish dangerous women ?
I was thinking about going to watch this again, but this time with altered state of consciousness. I haven't actually done it before, so it could be interesting experience.
The only thing that still puzzles me is why was the title of the film "Neon Demon"?