Ways to spot a fake music enthusiast

>he uses flowcharts to decide which order to listen to an artists releases in
>he does not own or download any singles
>he does not listen to massive umbrellas of music such as Electronic Dance Music or Classical Music
>he has never been to a proper club
>he mainly finds music through publications such as pitchfork, resident advisor, tinymixtapes, e.t.c. (or from recommendations of other people who do that)
>he places too high of a value on lyricism and dislikes good music for 'bad lyrics'
>he thinks that certain musical genres are 'not music'
>he almost exclusively listens to a single genre
>he cant play a song that people will enjoy at a party which he also enjoys

lol nice try slipping RA into this, as if we wouldn't notice

>he has never been to a proper club
What do you mean by a 'proper club'?
This is the only one that applies to me.

a proper club is a club where they are not rinsing top 40

somewhere where they have actual genre nights with actual proficient djs

you dont go to clubs for music you to clubs to have a terrible time surrounded by smelly drug addicts who honestly need a bullet in the brain

EDM is inherently pleb trash no matter what you call it "house" "techno" "garage"

you go to proper clubs for music

t. fake music enthusiast who listens to four tet and burial

so pretty much everyone on this board?

le proper clubs

t. never been outside and doesnt know that there are two types of club

Four Tet and Burial are way better than the mindless untz untz untz drop shit you like

four tet has made loads of house singles and burial makes garage you mouthbreather

>browses Sup Forums
Sure sign that you're just a 16 year old with a chip on his (always his) shoulder who has no idea what they're talking about a pretty limited worldview.

le proper and le faux

yes glorified bars with a local DJ who rinses a NOW CD are not a proper club

but in a more interesting IDM way

no four tet has made loads of HOUSE singles and Burial is not even slightly IDM until his newest stuff

am I a fake music enthusiast if 1-2 things apply?

i dont listen to his singles because im not a pleb
i listen to albums

so you are a fake music enthusiast

depends on which 1-2

cant tell whether this is ironic or bait
the only ones i agree with are
>he uses flowcharts to decide which order to listen to an artists releases in
>he has never been to a proper club
>he mainly finds music through publications such as pitchfork, resident advisor, tinymixtapes, e.t.c. (or from recommendations of other people who do that)
>he places too high of a value on lyricism and dislikes good music for 'bad lyrics'
>he thinks that certain musical genres are 'not music'
>he almost exclusively listens to a single genre

so you don't listen to singles?

>he listens to music

Why listen to singles when you can just hear the full album?

>he cares enough about other people's taste to post a shitty greentext rant
probably the fakest music enthusiast here bro

you realize there are loads of genres where singles are the primary release and there is no 'full album' (or the full album is just a shit single compilation with filler tracks))

and you realize many artists even in rock genres release singles that dont ever have a 'full album' later

>mainly finds music through publications
swap this with rym

theres nothing wrong with using rym as a database of music as long as you arent droning users and lists like a mong

you're far worse than the majority of the people here, and that is really fuckin saying somehing

You sound like a pretty miserable person OP. I'll leave you to your thread, hopefully it fulfills your needs :)

nobody said you werent enjoying music properly el projecto

Speaking of flowcharts how do I into Brendenburg, Philip Glass, or Bjork?

Their first album, like you would any other artist.

The start

start with the first or start with the one that is the first in your favourite genre that they do