ITT: pure kino
ITT: pure kino
based box cover. i wish they'd make a vidya film all in 1st person.
What? It was fucking shit.
I can't find it any redeeming value beside the extensive use of practical effects.
>hurr i can't stop memeing
Turn your computer off is a good way.
No you moron, clearly its a p90
it's some /k/ meme, Iunno.
I fucking love this movie.
Not just the FPS scene but the end fight with Sarge, that horror scene when the African guy gets thrown into that pit and has to try and escape by battling that demon. That bit had me on the edge of my seat when I first watched it; really excellently filmed.
The opening shot of Mars as the scientists are being chased - absolutely kino indeed.
As far as vidya gayme movies go, Doom was pretty good. I think this movie and the first resident evil were the best vidya gayme movies.