What's the next movie in the Watchowski Sisters filmography? Jupiter Ascending was mediocre

What's the next movie in the Watchowski Sisters filmography? Jupiter Ascending was mediocre

How the fuck got his hair back?


It's a wig dumbass.


>What is a wig?

>mental illness

a miserable pile of hair

If they both got pussies inverted cocks then they're both sisters mentally ill

They haven't made a decent movie since the Matrix. V for Vendetta was ok I guess.


I hope that now the other one has gone tranny they can make sense8 even more unwatchable by shoehorning in more gay sex and trans bullshit.

Seriously, fuck these mental patients



I was

>Make an ambiguous epic philosophical sci-fi masterpiece of cinema
>one starts thinking he is a woman
>suddenly can't make anything but shit
If anything they're just further proof that masculinety is superior.

It's her hair you dump trucks. She just kept it shaved as a man

Why would you do this?

Why make it impossible for people to ever take you seriously again?

V for Vendetta, Speed Racer and Cloud Atlas were all alright, but then again only one of them was trans

now that they're both trannies they only produce complete clusterfucks like sense8 and Jupiter Ascending

proof women cant be directors

He wears a wig because he's comfortable in his body and it's perfectly natural.

Hes bald as fuck on top. He looks like Lex Luthor after he stole 40 pies and ate them all.

How can you say it's natural.



when did the other guy go transgender

wait THEY made jupiter ascending?
wtf that movie was shit

I mean, the 2nd and 3rd matrix didn't come close to the first but they still held up

jupiter ascending was true dog shit tho

Top kek

You mean you didn't think the wolf/man hybrid skittering in the air on hover rollerblades was cool?!

They didn't make V for Vendetta and it was a steaming pile of shit.

Stop replying to your own post, idiot. Take your video game references back to /y/

mediocre? wew thats putting it mildly
sense8 was shit too, i liked cloud atlas tho

The Wachowskis lost all steam once they ran out of shit to steal from Grant Morrison comics.

Thanks for the (you)

Despite some stupid shit, I really like Cloud Atlas, and parts of Jupiter Ascending was OK (the parts about earth being a duchy used for farming lives, for a tiny elite class). The entire queen DNA rebirth bullshit was beyond retarded, and the protagonist was a fucking terrible actress.

dude eddie redmayne and channing with eyeliner and spacerollerblades was retarded

but yeah farmplanet wasn't bad

They've said they're not likely to make another movie. Sense8 will hopefully keep them busy for several more years.

Absolutely disgusting.

best post on Sup Forums in awhile have a upvote

Why couldn't these fuckers just die in a plane crash after making the first Matrix?

At least they would have gone down as those mysterious brothers that were exposing the illuminati. Now they are the cuck sisters that are controlled by the illuminati

>How the fuck got her hair back?

There really wasn't much of a concrete reason for you to make this post, was there?

Cloud Atlas was great tho
and Lana looks better as a woman tbqh

A lesbian incest vid featuring themselves


why does anybody ever bother with becoming transgender if the result will always be ugly
it night be ok at the start but give it 2 and they'll become uggo