ya yeet
Ya yeet
What is so funny about posting this? It's not even that good
great title, meh record
the problem with constantly shilling this album is people wont listen to it out of principle alone
other way around
actually the title is pretty bad, worse than "meh"
You're a fucking disgusting person.
why does this board always have to ruin nice things.
for those who haven't listened: they're a good band. please don't allow the memes to put you off.
What even is the meme?
One person constantly has been shilling this album for months, that's the meme.
There's always 2 different file names and they're always the same.
So the meme is that someone posts the album a lot?
Idk man there are albums posted way more than this that we don't call memes...
What does the title mean? Like making plans for a weed high like one would do for an acid trip? Why plan an acid trip at all?
i feel like most people somewhat plan their acid trips
I feel like this album being shilled is a meme in itself, pretty damn meta
I like this a lot but the last album was better imo
There's a different between people posting American Football 1999 and one single person constantly shilling a small indie album.
>tfw you genuinely love Fishmans and A Sunny Day in Glasgow
>tfw they're both shitty memes now
Same with kkb. All it takes is one fucking autist to spam something over and over again to make it a le meemee
No you don't get it senpai. There's like one or two anons who have been using every oppertunity to post this album, just to shill it into the ground.
I actually enjoy this record, and even I can tell it's forced.
I'm with you bruv. This board ruins pretty much anything I actually like.
i guess...
it ruins everything
its a good album but stop fucking shilling jesus christ
also check out sea when absent the superior album
> Like making plans for a weed high like one would do for an acid trip?
yeah the band said the name is a joke
r u me?
An acid trip usually lasts anywhere from 6-12 hours, so even if you're not planning specific things to do while tripping, you wanna at least plan it for a time when you don't have any other priorities and can just enjoy the trip.
I feel like this is gonna be like VDC where one guys spams it so much that it actually gets people to listen to it, but then no one can talk about it for a couple years without getting accused of shilling.
It's not even their best album, though.
it reminds me of when i smoked weed for the first time at 15 and prepared like 24 hours in advance
maybe im just a pussy
how did you prepare?
how did you prepare?
how did you prepare?
I played this on my radio show last week and someone called in and said something about Sup Forums, I just kept saying "what? Hello? Thanks for calling and listening to my show, I can't hear you, call me back if you can hear me" and hung up. They didn't call back.
how did you prepare?
thanks to you OP we finally have our latest addition to the posercore pantheon
Are you Goose or Fish
nah, it's a show at my college's station
how did you prepare?
Wow what fag decides to be cancerous out of Sup Forums too?
>for months
he's been doing it for years user
why does being a meme ruin that album, again?
no indie cred mang
it's all about lookin hip in Sup Forumstown
fuck the music
give a fuck if this is the best dream pop band
its fucking not so
It doesn't. It's a good album.