Symone Sanders : we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now

Symone Sanders : we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now.

what did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

> Symone Sanders, former spokeswoman for the Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, appeared on CNN Wednesday afternoon to weigh in on the future of the DNC and the Democratic party.

> "In my opinion we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now," Sanders said. "The Democratic party is diverse, and it should be reflected as so in leadership and throughout the staff, at the highest levels. From the vice chairs to the secretaries all the way down to the people working in the offices at the DNC."

What did she mean by that ? Did white democrat just cucked themselves to oblivion ?

> Sanders finished saying "I want to hear from the millennials and the brown folks."

what did (((she))) mean by ((((this))))

((((((((niggers)))))))) ((((((((((((((whites are oppressed despite having all the power)))))))))))))))

go back to (((pol))) faggot. sage.

She's clearly very racist. People should be judged on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

Wow another buzzcut on a monkey how sexy



well obviously someone has to be the party to uphold rights of black people. the democrats should be the party for the black people, as we've clearly seen that the republicans are the white racist's party. it's time that there's true equality, so why don't we make america a safe space for black people? for example bathrooms or safe spaces in public transportation especially for black people, so that they're finally safe from hate crimes.

Ok so blacks should comprise 12% of the DNC leadership commensurate with their population

Is she related to Bernie?

>the democrats should be the party for the black people
mfw liberals believe this
and at the same time they call republicans racists and a party for white people
mfw there is no face

I'll take it.
Say what you will about who Barry actually is under it all, but the man won the whitehouse because he projected calm suave.

This woman has every loudmouth nu-age regressive on her mind who will try and scream their way into office, and that's simply not how presidents win in your guys' country. You gotta project strength, not desperation.

cause segregation
10/10 bro

If the DNC leadership would be proportionate to population, 20% should be aged 0-14

There also need to be a few mentally retarded, as well as felons

Voting population you fuckhole

see this, see this right here?
this is racism.
welcome to 2016, 'white people' are the minority, and now have to deal with racism. enjoy!

100 bucks that this could be sold to those cucks. they're basically halfway there already


That still includes a lot of 18-24 year olds, and murderers and rapists (most states allow ex-convicts to vote).

She meant exactly what she said; any other interpretation is damage control. This needs to keep spreading around social media so more people see the way some Democrat strategists think.

If she were a Republican strategist saying we don't need black people leading the party...this would already have a million views and the party would stay as far away from her as possible.

nice quote burn bro

I love the whole double standard of...

Oh wait. I forgot blacks can't be racist. Never mind

Democrats are the ultimate cucks...

Yeah, because the deliberate exclusion of over 60% of the population always works out fucking great for you assholes.

It's astounding to me that anybody is remotely astounded that after this election Republicans now control every corner of the American government.

She said this is pretty obvious bait, especially given the dumbass phrasing of the post. What did she mean by this?

Not bait. OP doesn't have any seem to have any pretense about supporting the cunt, just dumping it here to bitch about.

>It's astounding to me that anybody is remotely astounded that after this election Republicans now control every corner of the American government.

Well you have to admit that more people voted for Clinton than for Trump and naturally people are a bit frustrated about that. Trump supporters would feel the same if this happened to them.

>the democrats are a (((diverse))) party and it should reflect that

Diversity of race is inherently a bad thing

She's right.

>millions of illegals

Pick one.

Why can't there be a capable and qualified leader not based on ethnicity, gender and sexual preference?

People who whine about the popular vote are uneducated.

You should judge people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin.

Okay, so assume that voter fraud and illegal voters aren't a thing. Assume that the electoral college is broken and stupid and Clinton was the real victor. Stop and ask yourself how badly the left must have pissed off the American people if Donald fucking Trump could run for president and get anywhere near half of the popular vote.
Republicans also won basically everything else outside of the presidency, too. Go look at a map of what the political landscape looks like now. For the next 4 years, and very likely the next 8 years (because incumbents tend to score multiple terms), the country will be under firm Republican control. The left did this to themselves, and rather than learning from it, it's looking like they're going to just double down.

It's also not an inherently valuable thing. Diversity is valued because it is (on paper) a symptom of equal opportunity. When you intervene with equal opportunity to create diversity, you're defeating the purpose of it. The worship of diversity is what under-qualified or incompetent minorities cling to to further their careers.

LOL they let them talk in microphones


Don't tell them that it's their fault, let them double down.

Guys seriously, if we explain to them why they fucked up so badly, they might change their behavior. Let them keep shooting themselves in the foot, let them keep completely de-legitimizing and alienating the public. The more it goes on, the more support they'll lose, the more people will despise their ideology.

Let them ruin themselves even more, do not offer constructive criticism or anything close to it. I ask anyone who wishes to see this toxic ideology to go extinct, to do the same.

No. The American system goes against the principle of democracy: 1 person 1 vote.
In America, rural areas have a stronger vote than urban areas, and America really is the only country in the developed world where that is the case. It is profoundly unjust and undemocratic. Most democracies have a popular vote system and in those countries there is NEVER any debate on changing the system towards the American system.

The principle of democracy isn't necessarily a good thing, and America isn't a democracy regardless.

Ever watch black mirror? Episode six is what you get with direct democracy, tyranny of the majority.

California and New York would decide policy for the entire country in a direct democracy.

>most countries do this
Do we really want to start a talk about what MOST developed countries do? Because I think you'll find that in particular the American approach to free speech is basically unheard of in other countries, even in places like Canada and the UK. I don't care what other countries do. I care about what's good for us.

Here's the white guilt faggot.

Good thing we're a democratic republic.

These are the type of black people who hide behind concepts of Social Justice to legitimise their bigotry towards white people. The only power these people have is shame, since actually working hard / working together as a team is a concept that's too fucking difficult to understand.

I'm thrilled to see more people in this country standing up and fighting against this bullshit mentality.

blacks so racist

thats a very democratic thing to say


The Democrat Party is all but dead at this point. I foresee an alternative to the Far Right materialising in the next 8 years or so, while the DNC continues to move left and remain the party of black/brown part wackos, feminists, SJWs, Millennials who still have not found employment by that time, and Tumblr runts who should have been put own at birth.

>the American approach to free speech is basically unheard of in other countries
Another American retard who doesn't know there's multiple countries that are more free than America... including mine (the Netherlands).

I live in a country where there is virtually NO censorship on TV or anywhere. You can hear any swear word or full frontal nudity on any tv channel at any time of the day. Weed is legal. We don't have politicians constantly referring to God and Jesus but there is true seperation of church and state. We have legal prostitution. Our speed limits are higher than in the US. There's less corruption and influence of corporations and the media in politics. Age of consent is lower (and rarely enforced when broken). Legal drinking age is lower. Euthanasia laws are the freest in the world. And free speech is definitely at the American level or better.

We have more freedom than you, America.

Typical Idiot. People like her are the "Overseers on the Plantation" that is the DNC.

Europe's idea of freedom:

1. Weed being legal.
2. Tits on TV.
3. Atheism.
4. Higher speed limits.
5. Get to fuck young girls.
6. Kids get to drink.
7. Old people get to commit suicide.

America's idea of freedom (Since destroyed)
1. Government should not have any power over my life or future.
2. I should be able to keep as much of what I earn as possible.
3. No nanny state. If you fuck up, you deal with it.

It worked great. Now we are a socialist hellhole, just like the Netherlands.

>Now we are a socialist hellhole, just like the Netherlands.
Kek. The Netherlands is one of the most advanced, richest and well organized countries in the world. I can think of only two or three countries that I would consider better places to live, and only slightly better. (those countries being Australia, Norway and Switzerland).


Netherlands is the country of freedom, not America.


the rest of his argument was spot on tho


>There also need to be a few mentally retarded, as well as felons

they got that covered

It means "I'm delusional and I think the United States has more minorities and minority sympathizers (read: cucks) than working class white people, and in no way do I think that a restructuring of the democratic party to align only with minority interests will either destroy the party or hand the republicans consistent victories for the next 2 decades."


Liberals seem to think that diversity = quality. That's their problem, among many many others. You should have the most qualified and effective person leading your party. Their skin color vs. the skin color of break down of the party membership should have jack shit to do with anything. That is how everything should work. An employer should be looking to hire the best possible staff they can. Having a lily white staff of quality people is better than having a diverse staff of less talent, and vice versa. Stop with this bullshit about pretending diversity is inherently better.

>murderers and rapists
the DNC party already got that covered; Hillary and Bill Clinton respectively.

it means what we all know but wont say. blacks are the most racist race out there.

>Most democracies have a popular vote system and in those countries there is NEVER any debate on changing the system towards the American system.
Australia has something similar to electorates, except there is no "choice". The popular vote in each area is ironclad.

But Australia also has preferential voting which kids the shit out of the US model

This is the face of success
He's Ivanka's husband. Being able to wife Ivanka is fucking amazing

>those countries being Australia
Why would you want to live here? It's hot and there are too many Australians.

I take it she doesn't realize how fucking racist that is to say.

Here, let me try.



You're the retard, and a presumptuous one. I'm not talking about freedom as a whole, I'm referring to freedom of speech in specific. The typical European definition of hate speech is so much more extensive than the American concepts of it that yes, it is in fact not as free as the American version. There are a lots of ways I'd rather the US be like the Netherlands, but tou are completely full of shit if you're arguing this.
Anyhow, my whole damn point being that playing the "everybody else is doing it" card is bullshit and doesn't have anything to do with your own country.

As a fairly hard left Democrat, my party will lose to Trump again in 2020 if voices like hers are the ones that are listened too.

She is the reason Trump won.
More and more of The silent majority of white people just sit back, shake their heads and vote Republican now.

She meant that it's okay to be racist as long as you're a leftist.

go back to your fuckin safe space you cuck

sounds nice. is your country one of many in europe that is allowing mass immigration?

People like her are driving more and more whites to the Republicans. Even though they may align more with the Dems. Whites don't point out reverse racism they just silently disagree and use passive aggression. Like they did on election day.

Good. Let it happen. Would love to see what happens.

But republicans ended slavery soooooo....shouldn't it be the other way around?

das racist, it be much higher if we go off da percentage in prison, thats more representative of our people of color, white boi you mad?

big lips matter activfaggot detected

This is why the Dems keep failing. Talk like this that ignores, belittles, or outright bashes whites will continue to alienate the majority and push them toward extremists like trump.

safe space for black people? they're the most dangerous race in america! have you even seen a crime statistic before? fucking idiot
and why do you need a party for black people? a party should be for everybody you fucking cuck, republicans are not the racist white party, they are the anti crybaby faggot sjw entitlement party

well please feel free to excercise the right to free speech and mind you own business.

wtf is that watch?

dont worry, there will be plenty mentally retarded involved

8. Starting world wars

She means her instinctual bigotry.

The left is just grown more comfortable returning to hate intolerance.

Oh, there is no more room for those "others"

They sould be the FUBU party.

lol, they should, at least then they wont have to muddy the waters with uneducated white guilt cucks.
I'm still betting on a civil war at some point.

Niggers taking over the democratic party, duh.

not like they don't already have control of BLM, the modern black panthers, da streetz, muh dick, and the welfare systems.

now they want control over the jews. that will never happen; jews have always played better mind games than niggers ever could.


What was Colonel Sanders' take on this?

>I'm still betting on a civil war at some point.
I pray every day for it...

I used to, but i've got kids now, and i dont fancy going to civil war with muslim scum and niggers. I'm uk and we dont have guns, considering getting a recurve bow though, for this very reason


>we don't need white people leading the Democratic party right now
Who's going to lead it then? niggers?
Even niggers hate other niggers for the most part.

holy shit, i never even noticed those filthy quadraceps!


We've all tried helping them at one point or another. What progress did they make? None.

Let the kids shout and play in the sand, and let the adults get to work.