People you instantly consider morons

People you instantly consider morons

>Anyone religious
>Any drug addict

Other urls found in this thread:

>super religious folk
>people that talk about terrorism like its something that affects their daily life. you are more likely to be killed via vending machine
>people that think a politician will save em (Hillary/Trump die hards)
>people that have never tried illegal drugs (and live in a western country)

mormons are morons?

anyone who disagrees with me ever

american football players and fans

Spot on OP

people who order steak rare or "medium-rare" or whatever they come up with...

Unpopular opinion thread? Seems that way

Anyone who has and uses pintrest. But seriously what even is pintrest



Bruh. Medium rare is the only way to eat steak. Any less and the chef didn't even try cooking it, any more and you're eating a dry piece of shoe leather you have to rehydrate with A1 sauce to make it slip down your tasteless gullet.


Any faggot OP who thinks he is in the pisition to br a judgy cunt.

>anyone religious
Some people use religion to turn themselves into pretty great people. Not too preachy, and just try to be good company and good neighbors all around. My line is when people start treating the Bible as incontrovertible fact, with Jesus riding on dinosaurs and miracles happening everywhere. Those people are morons.

>drug addict
Yup. Here too, a lot of them are good people with problems but anybody actively using is a fucking moron who I can't stand to be around.

>skinny faggots who don't work out

They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. And some, I assume, are good people.

Last time I checked hard drug use was more common among smarter people thu?

>anyone who believes in psychopaths, degenerates, irredeemable morons, etc.

I'd like to see some sort of evidence to support this. Everybody that I've met into drugs is cognitively stunted back into 4th grade.

>People who havent planned out their future goals
>transexuals aka mentally ill people

>uhh terrorism isnt a threat its white man fault
>drugs are so cool im enlightened

you are talking about savants that cant handle mainstream way of living and are pushed into drugs to escape, not normal people

There are a lot more things on it but heres one article

At a glance, anybody with a tattoo commemorating a family member/loved one. Visible tattoos in general are a warning sign for me, but the ones advertising dead people particularly sound the alarms.

People with ANY bumper sticker.

And lastly, anybody and everybody who wears crocs.

anyone who smokes cigarettes/weed or vapes or chews

you're all degenerates

>Some people use religion to turn themselves into pretty great people

That's fine, but by saying they believe in a magical sky wizard they are at the very least insane.

tasteless americunt spotted



Get out of my head.

I've never seen the dead people tattoo. But around here what's popular are the car window stickers that have the person's name, birthday - date of death, and then "in loving memory" in an arch over the top of it. Makes me cringe. As if any person behind you on the road will ever give even the slightest of fucks.

And bumper stickers, yes. Nothing more than attention whoring. Look at me, I do fun things and have super neato opinions as you can see by my political stickers!

Atheists particularly ones who think they proved god doesnt exist

>the "a real man does X or believes Y" type
>people who think you need to drink or do drugs to be cool

>15 minutes of reading a day exposes you to more than 1 million words per year
Im genuinely curious how many words i read from spending half the day on here

You're an uncool pansy

>smart kids are necrotic, depressed incels who drink and smoke too much and are always tired

Hey that sounds like a me I know

>9/11 conspiracy theorists
>iPhone fans
>people that watch and discuss Survivor
>functionally illiterate managers

>Anyone that judges other people based on one factor in their lives

people buying organic something

It doesn't count when its a bunch of retards writing them

>drug addicts
>people who are vehemently against all drugs
>overly religious
>overly atheist
>non political
>people who say memes in public
>fans of sports

People who:
>are religious
>addicted to smoking
>addicted to drugs
>eat their steak well done

do the math dumbass

32 million, it's 32 million if you accept 1 million per 15 minutes at 8 hours a day

People that are afraid of forming opinions.

Any faggot that spells like this

>people who unironically enjoy call of duty or any other normie series
Other than that, i agree

I'm addicted to drugs but I'm probably smarter than you will ever be. Graduated college at 19

anyone that discriminates on the basis of stimulus response

>49% of MIT undergrads are virgins

Confirmed bullshit. MITfag here, that was an informal study done by a Wellesley student paper that interviewed about 12 people at the campuses's least popular dining hall. It's a hilarious number we joke about a lot, as it indicates that members of a certain dorm were 100% virgins (a fact I have personally refuted). The real number is like 10-20% virgins, mostly international transfers.

People who tell you what mediocre degree they have. Everytime you see them. Blacks who call white dudes "nigger". Anyone who lists TV as a fucking hobby.

>internet atheists
>people who post every fact about their life on facebook
>people who act like children
>any woman with multiple children from multiple men
>people who think mental illness is "cool"
>anyone driving a fiat, minicooper, or other ridiculously small car
>people who let their children behave like animals in public
>most people that watch mma
>anyone who still wears ed hardy t-shirts

Can't really say that I've ever seen atheists making such a claim. It's kinda pointless, when any true, self-respecting atheist knows that the theists haven't even come close to meeting the burden of proof for their assertion that their god absolutely does exist.

*transgender retard

Anyone who voted for Trump.

Anyone who boted for Clinton

Yep. Hard to argue this one. Both were bad, but he was unimaginably bad.

Not everyone that uses drugs is also addicted. It's only the addicts that are retarded.

ITT: People who disagree with me.

>people that base their entire opinions on what others tell them about the subject

>people who think they're better because they don't trust anyone else

Ex drug addict here.

I am also a Doctor.

Being a drug addict doesn't make you a moron. Drugs are powerful things which effect your bodies in ways which are out of your control.

You can become a drug addict for lots of different reasons, but to pigeonhole every drug addict without right or reason is fucking stupid.

I take fluoxetine. Am I… am I an addict? I'm a moron to OP?

>people who are scared of guns and want them banned simply because guns
>people who have white guilt, and anti racist types that refuse to call out things because it's the fault of a specific race (majority of european terror attacks and US crime rate) "children are being raped by organised gangs and there are bombings weeklty but at least I'm not being called racist"
>the types that think we should protect/believe women simply because women and women can do no evil (pussy pedestal basically)
>people who think with their feelings
>people who think getting weed legalised is the most important thing in the world
>people that do/like whatever society and the media tell them to do and have no independent thought (like when a movie or genre of music used to be "shit" but then facebook or something tells them it's good now and they suddenly love it)

>addicted to smoking
>addicted to drugs

they're the same thing

(you're probably a moron yourself)

>eat their steak well done

Redeemed yourself.

>any woman with multiple children from multiple men
>people who think mental illness is "cool"
>people who let their children behave like animals in public


>Hardcore feminists
>People who are certain that they are right in their every belief, and cannot take critizism

i think people who dont admit to their own choices and lbame their addiction on something other than them deciding to take the drug in the first place.

because unless you were held down and forcibly injected with the drug it WAS your choice.

therefore you are a moron.

Being a doctor doesnt stop you form being a moron.

Although you will not experience withdrawals in the same way a heroin addict will, your body will be used to having antidepressants to "top up" your serotonin levels.

imagine a glass of water thats full
a hard drug user will need their drug of choice to overflow the glass.
a prozac user will feel half full empty withour their prozac?

if that makes sense.

>People you instantly consider morons
People who wear baseball caps backwards
People who wear their trouser waistbands around their thighs
Obnoxious drunks
So called "alphas" who think violence is the answer to anything (no not cuck, but it should be a last resort, not first)
Men who hit women (unless really, really provoked and attacked)

No-one in their right mind is afraid of guns. Rather afraid of giving guns to trigger-happy retards.

There's always a story of drug addiction. I personally started smoking weed at 12 just to have friends and a social life and 12 years later I lay in bed on thanksgiving morning wishing I was intoxicated. I haven't seen my family or text any of my friends back because I don't have a fix.

I hate my life. I wake up every day concerned with only getting High and going to back to sleep on the mattress in the floor. My wife left me. I can't have kids, I lost my birth certificate and social security card years ago and the government refuses to give me new copies until I have photo id but I can't get photo ID without them so I've never even had a job. I get kicked at every corner and sell small amounts of drugs to support my own habit. Personally I am worthless, I wrote this to say no one should hate an addict because it's a struggle but now that I look at it i am pretty worthless

I know how it works. I'm bipolar, so if I get off fluoxetine I'll be "on drugs". So getting off drugs will get me on drugs.

If that makes sense.

>the "a real man does X or believes Y" type

>iPhone fans
Agree, same as people who think they're better than you because they spent thousands of pounds on their clothes
>I went to school with people that would buy £100 trainers just for school

Jędrzejczyk would maul you faggot. OP insta moron.

>porn addicts
>LGBTQetc people
>people who voted or Clinton
>people fapping more than once every six months


You sound like so much fun, what a guy!

you're implying that all drug users that take drugs are in a shitty position in the first place to take drugs? Or are you saying that all people that took drugs in the first place are morons, because in that case I agree, to want to take drugs in the first place is stupid but guess what [spoiler] people make mistakes [/spoilers] .But you said people who are drug addicts are morons. So what about people who are addicted to morphine?

Drugs can cause problems, drugs can also accentuate problems, drugs can also be the sole problem in someones life that can cause other problems.

no, im not implying that.

im SAYING that if you take drugs and become addicted YOU made that choice to take them.

and yes, that includes people addicted to morphine who couldnt manage its use enough to not become and addict.

morons all.

>people who think the police are bad and should be rid of
>people who think opinions are more important than facts
>people who think there better than everyone else because of their beliefs/practices

You'd think that but I know plenty of people who think guns are dangerous simply because they exist and would feel unsafe if people carried them and "what if chavs had them" even though chavs could already beat there ass, but if you have a gun you can at least scare him off or shoot him
Note: Chavs are the UK equivalent of niggers, attack in groups, etc etc

Exactly. In most cases I can tell that blaming the drugs is like blaming the car for the car crash: it's the vehicle, but it's not the root cause.

You obviously fall into one of the categories I listed

Religious people

Man you're the moron. Enjoy taking drugs while thinking you're above others who take illicit drugs. Sheep BAAAA BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

I don't make baseless assumptions like that tbh.

>the police are evil racists
>you don't need guns the police will protect you
Pick one

joanna related?

Clearly, and you're obviously a boring af loser.

I dont think you understand addiction, and I dont think you ever will.

Just some advice, if anyone you care about becomes addicted to anything (even morphine after a life changing surgery/accident where they needed steady doses for 4-5 months) dont call them morons.

you small minded prick.


Would you consider people who smoke weed frequently drug addicts?

I agree with a majority of this

wtf are you talking about?

where have i said that that im above anyone?

you should also note that i am calling DRUG ADDICTS not drug users.

but if its easier to insult people than actually read whats in front of you, then, well....

go fuck yourself.

people with a southern accent

Dont fall for the bait


trump voters


All you faggots actually believe there's all these morons out there and you're fucking special.

Stupid bastards.