Marvel vs like
Marvel vs like
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Except Marvel ends up passing with flying colours while DC fails and has to repeat the year
>not one marvel movie has touched the quality of The Dark Knight
>now Marvel is in too deep with the MCU aiming for the younger crowd to even attempt it
>DC will forever have the best super hero movie
>flying colours
>DC tries something new
>Doesn't entirely work
>Marvel copies DC but learns from their mistakes
>Success for Marvel
>Rinse and repeat
Y-you just wait until Hellboy 3 comes out! Dark Horse will show you all!
? I thought marvel was the first to unite several and different heroes in the same movie
I was talking about the comics
They're dropping in sales though
Literally posting fb memes
It's funny because Marvel is still doing it.
Until they try their own Rebirth series
They already did, months before DC trotted out Rebirth.
Marvel loses again
You sure? You could trade Batman for John McClane or any Arnold role and do the same movie.
Tryng too least make some of those pictures like like each other
trolled :^)
reminder that someone legitimately believed this enough to make this image
the guy who posted it most likely doesn't, but someone actually did
think about that
It was actually dc that planned an avengers style "shared universe" well before marvel but dc were far too slow in getting going
Well memed my friend.
George Miller had a Justice League movie in development long before the MCU started with Iron Man, they even had a cast, but financial issues and the writer's guild strike killed it.
Why is batman always in the centre and the main point of focus? Superman is the fucking leader and he's fucking superman for fucks sake
Batman is more popular. Superman is a figurehead sure but he has never been a leader on the Justice League, hell neither of those fags were on the original Justice League.
If anyone was a leader and tactician it was Martian Manhunter.
It's called Wolverine Publicity. Batman is the most popular character and the one who sells more comics/movie tickets, so he's often the focus in JL stories.
The three best capeshit films ever made were DC.
MCU films are predictable, infantile, overly-sentimental trash for children.
All dc has are memes
Hammer is more suited to Superman than batman desu
yeah Marvel wants to be DC and is copying them lol........
He's a little bit of a pretty boy, but I think it could work.
MCU, DCU, who gives a shit
Theres a new cinematic universe in town
You'd have to be pretty dumb to think Watchmen (which is NOT DC, I don't care who publishes a standalone BOOK and they lied to Moore about rights and publishing), which is a deconstruction of comics, is the primary influence on the MCU.
Name three good DC movies that don't feature Batman.
Oh, yeah, they couldn't squeeze it in somewhere between 1978 and 2016... How cruel of Marvel to steal the idea.
Man of Steel
Superman, Superman II and Watchmen.
Which is too bad, because Daryl in Walking Dead is the Wolverine, but he's not the pov character. He would have worked out better with a real ensemble in the original 2.
This, at least
they copy the good parts and leave out of the bad parts
instead DC/Snyder makes great scenes, but at the same time he manages to make awful non-sense scenes which results on their movies being mixed bags of quality, even if it has mostly great scenes, a couple of out of place terrible scenes destroy all the atmosphere, development and narrative, resulting in mediocre movies
Watchmen isn't DC universe proper. Anyone could have published that, and Moore wishes anyone else had.
>someone hasn't been following the comics
It is now
Superman 2
Man of steel
>implying he wasn't going to use DC characters until they denied him
>implying all the Watchmen character's aren't just copies of the original DC heroes
What, DC is doing another cash grab retcon with no respect for the source material? You don't say. Whats next, the yearly reboot? Ah, yes, it has already begun. Oh, and you're going to have a TV version of Superman in Supergirl to further confuse the audience that didn't pay to see BvS? So, how would you like your DC? Just...
>Perfect splash of blood is still the same after years
It's fucking blood doesn't belong to the badge reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Number one, Charlton was never DC. They bought that company out, per se. Number two, a costume is not a character. The Watchmen ended up borrowing nothing more than costume concepts from the Charlton comics. What you and DC do not understand is the difference between costume and character; this difference is WHY Marvel connects with the audience and DC fails to.
>still not realizing The Dark Knight is only a mediocre movie held together by one great performance
Pleb level maximum.
Marvel isn't any better, you know, maybe even worse depending on your point of view. All they care now is their movies, with no respect for their classic heroes either. Also the fuck you are talking about? A Superman on a shitty tv show that no one watches isn't going to confused anyone, except for autists.
Mediocre is a bit strong. It's pretty cool how it's almost Batman meets the Godfather, that feel. Third act and Two Face blew it for me, tho.
I would say an almost annual reboot is much more destructive to continuity than the Marvel method, where a death or CHARACTER Event (again, see my use of character) creates a buzz where the payoff is not a reboot but a Return to status quo. Marvel did this well so many times without that damn DC baby with the bathwater shit.
Cap as Nomad. Cap as The Captain. Spidey in black. Doc Ock as Spidey. Rhodey's as Iron Man. Thor becomes a frog. It's fun stuff.
Having a tv show running alongside a movie series with different actors is fatiguing and confusing; very bad marketing decision.
Say it ain't so...
>implying mcu directors are capable of understanding a movie like Watchmen.
I for once, beg to differ. I don't think DC butcher it's characters as much as Marvel do, but every once in a while they make some really bad decisions, like what they did with Wally West or the New 52 as a whole, but hey, if Marvel's way of handling things is your cup of tea, good for you man.
You're saying you understand it better than these hugely successful artists? You have quite an ego. I am a huge Moore fan, but I somewhat question the artistry in a shot by shot remake of Watchmen put to film. It is cold as hell and the novel was full of soul.
This sounds like the DC animated movies, nothing wrong with that.
We're good. I'm a Marvel guy, but I don't walk into comic stores more than once a year these days. I'm not fond of it when I hear Marvel comics have gone all SJW, either.
I consider it a dead art form, for the most part. Even stuff that buzzes tends to be a retread, like when Wed on did Astonishing X-men. It was just a rewrite of the good times.
DC can't win now. Going dark blew up in their face, go back to fun and you get Evans gifs laughing at you.
>It's my first triple-homicide. Didn't know I was supposed to prepare jokes.
Batman takes on the critics
All DC movies should be like Seagal in the bar looking for Ritchie.
It gonna end in a Batman Beatdown. Clark, help, they've got words.
Putting the flag on a coffin is a DC invention? Most of these don't even look similar
A George miller justice league movie would be so good. Too bad we gotta deal with Zack Snyder's poor man attempt
DC is better at actual comics from what Ive read recently
Nothing too good but pretty entertaining and doesn't push a "young people demographic" shit marvel does
Movies though, marvel wins