Literally not even memeing or making this up but I had this exchange with my sister 10 minutes ago when we were...

Literally not even memeing or making this up but I had this exchange with my sister 10 minutes ago when we were discussing what movie to watch

>me: "do you want to watch Master and Commander?"
>"what's that?"
>"it's about these ships in battle during the napoleonic wars"
>"who would want to watch that?"
>" it's like about honour and pride"
>"ugh no"




I believe you.




Well that's unfortunate for your sister. Girls in their youth aren't too prone to sentiments of honor and patriotism.

I hate women. Don't even know why for sure, but I hate them, which makes me even madder for being attracted to them. It sucks...

Women don't like anything that doesn't directly benefit themselves.
Honor and pride? Women know not the meaning of these words.



Well that's not a very good description of a movie, most people don't want to watch a movie just because it's about "honor and pride".

I find it strange that you are making a big deal out of women having different tastes in movies then men do. How is it that you haven't figured this out? People know this by the age of 10.

Its because you are a virgin that has never been with a women and you resent them for it because it makes you feel inadequate or some shit

is a show about a exploration vessel run by a 12 year old who trick the french but get outsmarted anyway

honor, pride?

>Its because you are a virgin that has never been with a women and you resent them for it because it makes you feel inadequate or some shit
Wrong. I even have female friends, but I don't like the idea of women (I don't know if that's clear). Probably because I've never met a woman that's actually passionate about anything, and most look at you as if you were obsessed if you are.

This joint is about frog removal, should've told her that.

MaC is my mom's favorite movie, not even meming. She was in the navy tho.

Women won't understand this scene or movie

>>" it's like about honour and pride"
you didn't understand the movie (or never watched it)
you're just parroting what Sup Forums posts

>you didn't understand the movie (or never watched it)

OP here, I havent seen it, that's why I suggested watching it. Where in OP did I insinuate that I've seen it?

Look at all the anti brexiters. They're like 75% women and the rest nu males

Why does Sup Forums pretend to enjoy this movie and act like they're so enlightened and above women for enjoying it? I mean it's alright but nothing fucking happens. What, were you around during the Napoleonic wars and can relate to it, can you?

>you have to relate to a movie's direct experiences to understand it

you can't be this fucking retarded can you?