Yet another rehashed cashcow overstimulating cgi shill orgy literally solely designed to just get your fucking ass in a...

Yet another rehashed cashcow overstimulating cgi shill orgy literally solely designed to just get your fucking ass in a cinema seat, rather than a film that actually has any trace of good writing or creative plot with real human drama, acting talent or depth.

Just how long can this really go on?...How long will you take it? Just how much soulless shit CAN they crank out?

I'm beginning to truly worry that the general population will actually forget what good cinema really is?
Is this just evidence of the degeneration of the population?
Why are we unable to recognise letalone celebrate art, or at least innovation or novelty anymore?

Other urls found in this thread:

>getting cucked by jj not once, or even twice, dare even fucking 3, but to get cucked 4 times in a row by the same man

wait is that the real poster? A direct copy of ST:The Motion Picture? Lel

at least we get the new tv series

>inb4 progressive trans w/e


Are you a cat?

>inb4 progressive trans w/e
Don't even joke about it, user. I can totally see this happening.

You're right user, it's impossible for too many things to be happening on screen at once, they should compress films down to a second for maximum kino and anyone who disagrees is a cat.

I get you.


Not seeing a 'no' there...

Okay, /trek/, you are appointed as an executive producer on Star Trek 2017.

How do (You) make it socially progressive but without alienating the coveted Sup Forums demographic?