What if the Sup Forums equivalent of this?
What if the Sup Forums equivalent of this?
Other urls found in this thread:
DKR and Drive would definitely be there.
this board is genuinely not as shit as that place. Where they do a Sup Forums core, Sup Forums does a core for each genre and particular interests. Sup Forums actually isn't up its own arse
The most divisive one.
too recent a meme, no longevity or history to most of the titles
dude NEON lmao
Well there's this, but you're probably right about the quality bit. Sup Forums is currently spiraling straight down in that department.
Lmao what a joke of a board.
This list is is growing on me, not because I like all the movies, but I understand its purpose. Enemy sticks out though. Villeneuve is neither divisive nor exceptionally good. I also hold that Sucker Punch doesn't belong there but whatever
Its purpose is to troll newfags, retard.
Sup Forums used to have a lot of film lists. I never see them anymore, this board is more devoted to television than it had been then
we had a huge influx of newfags who wanted this to become more like /r/movies
it happens all the time during GoT season. it'll die off 1-2 weeks after tonight.
I just want my 3x3 threads back.
Enemy, Anti-Christ and Inherent Vice are quite decent, from the ones I've seen in the chart.
holy fuck that music is awful
That's just Sup Forumstrying to be unique. Kinda the equivalent of liking BvS because everybody else hated it.
Kek no wonder everybody hates Sup Forums.
Lol Sup Forums fags think they are better than Sup Forumstants. This board is literally rèddit 2.0. Please kill urselves
Sup Forums man here, suck this dick
Let's see
>Animal Collective
Overrated and mediocre
>Talking Heads
>King Crimson
Ersatz shit
>Death Grips
>American Football
Oof, not the best track record for a "best of"
Even on Sup Forums I'm pretty sure the idea of one taste everyone has collectively is a joke.
this is from like 5 years ago
kid a, loveless, untrue, remain in light, and american football are the only good albums on there.
Kill yourself
don't worry Sup Forums
It's just the Sup Forumsedditors
what are Sup Forums's favorite albums
>americ anfootball
>king crimson
Does Sup Forums actually think they're less shit than Sup Forums? Everyone knows the top half of Sup Forumscore is just a fucking meme.
>Not good
Serious m8?
>Sup Forums
>shitting on other boards
pretty fucking rich. stick to capeshit, rlm, blacked memes, and GoT, redditors
Sup Forums has bad taste though and is the closest board there is to reddit
>generalizing all of Sup Forums based on a chart someone made 5 years ago
They're fucking shit
Garbage, shallow instrumentation and whiney vocals.
Actually listen to their good shit and rethink your opinion
stop posting that shitty year old meme
>b-but anco is good though!!!
Please die and then kill yourself
I was making a Christgau meme when I said KC was ersatz shit, I actually quite like them. NMH is just run of the mill psychedelic folk. Not bad, buts it no Sung Tongs.
>posting a meme chart about a country artist spammed by underaged facebook memers
That's dated as fuck. See pic related.
>Reddit: the board making fun of anything in this site.
top kek fammo
>disliking the most comfy album of all time
I don't like anco either, but at least they put out interesting music.
ITAOTS is a meme and nothing more, most overrated shit of the 90s alongside Nevermind.
>All that negro shit
>my bloody valentine
Do they have any jazz/classical lists or is it just a bunch of plebs over there?
go check yourself redditor
>Minority Report in God Tier
>The Color of Money that low
>Days of Thunder in Shit when it's High at least
Whoever made this needs to be confined to Reddit
he said Sup Forums not Sup Forums you anti art capeshit drone
My Bloody Valentine is the best band on there
>Gospeed You! Black Emperor
>all that negro shit
only two black artists out of 12
>my bloody valentine
I'm not sure you actually know the band
there was a time when i thought it was pretty good. i don't know if i really enjoyed it or if i just wanted to like them because they were on elephant six with otc, of montreal, and beulah.
but then i grew tired of that kind of music at some point. and then some girl i knew did a really awful cover of the king of carrot flowers, pt. 1. and then Sup Forums nailed the coffin shut.
i tried to listen to it recently and everything about it was just super grating.
>Do they have any jazz/classical lists or is it just a bunch of plebs over there?
There are jazz/classical lists and plebs.
Why does everybody forget about Traditional damn it
Name your top 5 albums, if you're so great
He said In the Court of the Crimson Kangz, not In the Aeroplane Over the Sea.
>tfw Sup Forums is pleb as fuck now
Sup Forums please take us back
please get Sup Forums away from us
Well if you're looking for pleb shit I don't have that but you can have the patrician equivalent. See pic related.
Nobody even mentions sucker punch
lol wrong album mang. ITAOTS is ok though, i never intentionally put it on.
Do you guys like Nick Drake
my bad, y'all. i'm tired.
>he's now going to pretend he didn't confuse My Bloody Valentine with Bullet for my Valentine
Yeah but he's a major fag for killing himself.
what's that gook film in Sup Forums 2015?
Imagine being this new
just fucking imagine
>All that negro shit
>Imagine being this new
and autistic
What music does Sup Forums listen to?
>Do they have any jazz/classical lists or is it just a bunch of plebs over there?
check this out: muessentials.com
Which one of you faggots was this?
jesus christ do most of you in this board talk like a fucking tumblrina too?
not really, over there a lot of people argue over music being objective rather than subjective, it's really backwards.
lol what
why would you comment on a board you clearly don't know anything about
You won't find Sup Forums posters in here mate
>experimental shoegaze/dream pop chart
what the fuck
It was one of them, we would never do such a thing
Oh you mean the only good music blacks ever made? Yeah I'd like some of that. Amazing how a group of people can create the most influential and talented genre of music of all time and then proceed to produce the most simplistic pathetic garbage of all time. They literally went from the peak of musical prowess to the worst ever. It's crazy.
Meant for
>hates "negro shit"
>likes jazz
Nice meme
Pic related is not my top 9 albums, but generally represents my taste. How is it? I've never been to Sup Forums. I don't actively seek out new music (except for classical because I'm a musician), so I don't have anything beyond entry level.
Audioslave is shite but good everything else.
maximum fedora tip
Rubber Soul is best Beatles album.
this is bait
Improv-based, incredibly dynamic, melodic, played by world-class musicians with actual social issues, world wars, and racism holding them down
Drum-machine beat #2453324563, muh bitchz n money so hard in da hood
>earl the edgy faggot
go back to Sup Forums
Then everyone should start making their own charts and sharing them.
do it or remained cucked
no... Like I said, I'm no Sup Forumstant, and I never claimed to have developed taste in music. What don't you like about it?
This list is much better. But Sup Forums still sucks.
hang yourself
Sup Forums is clearly the worst board
3x3 threads AKA avatarfag's meeting place
This. Rap is """"""music"""""" for morons.
t. /t/v/edditor
Before you found bane posting and ruined this place Sup Forums was our sister board