Would you buy it?
Would you buy it?
Dominic Edwards
Julian Butler
that's a big house
Asher Sanders
man I don't even care about her but why are tabloids etc such disgusting people
Hunter Mitchell
Nolan Reyes
I don't have the money, never will. But yeah, why should I care that someone died in my ridiculously luxurious home if I can enjoy it now?
Grayson Bell
Didnt the house have mold or something? I thought that was how she got sick....
Brandon Wright
junkies are not human and should be treated like shit.
Levi Foster
yep toxic mold
kill urself
Zachary Sanders
>Brittany Murphy Death House
sounds like a Robert Rodriguez flick. make this shit already.
Isaac Young
If "big discount" means I can but it with the $63 in my bank account then sure.