I'm bored. Pics you've saved

I'm bored. Pics you've saved.



I wish.



i have saved many pictures


many pictures i have saved

you begin to wonder what the difference is between "saved" and "rescued"


you are saved when you accept jesus
and you think you have been rescued from something awful


you come across hardship and ask god to save you from these troubling times

but he never came

you pray time and time again
but god never shows


you wonder if you've done something wrong to make god angry with you, to make him ignore you

but nothing comes to mind
and god won't answer you
so what's wrong?
how did everything get so bad?

you come to realize that there is a fundamental difference between "saved" and "rescued"

but you don't know what it is
you desperately search inward
and pore over the bible for answers
why has god abandoned me?

but alas, it's too late

this thread took a weird turn

what the fuck