Escape from New York is being remade. Who should they cast as Snake?
Kurt Russell.
Zach Efron
The guy from Godzilla 2014.
Michael Fassbender
David Hayter
David Hayter.
Angelina Jolie
Idris Elba, he would be transgender
the pres would be a woman, too
Kurt Russell.
Kiefer Sutherland
David Hayter
Melissa McCarthy
Emily Blunt.
Iroquois Pliskin
take my money
Hell get him to write it too what else does he have to do?
Kate Hudson would fulfill our woman quota and she's his daughter.
He has no screen charisma
Karl Urban
Japanese knockoffs are no substitute
Idris Elba
Only racists disagree
You're right, they should get a male model that looks the part and have hayter dub over for the voice.
Eastwood's son.
>Escape from New York is being remade. Who should they cast as Snake?
I'll cast my fist up their ass's.
The reddit choice, and perhaps the right choice
Man i have fucking same hairstyle with him but my stache is much weaker like teen boy
Obviously the oppressive government with be conservative Christian.
This. Like Snake he comes across as a sonofabitch who'd backstab you a moment's notice.
kojima gtfo
>should we try and write a new movie?
>lol fuck no, lets take an exisiting one, we'll ruin it, but people will still watch. easy cash grab!
The actor is so memorable nobody knows his name
A black woman.
We're in 2016 afterall
these two were basically remakes/rip-offs of Escape from NY and they were shit. I hope the actual remake is better.
Bale would be better in a Captain Ron remake
Atleast Lockout was fun.
he was fine on screen in The Guyver 2
Like in Escape from LA?
That guy from John Carter of Mars
They essentially remade it with Escape From LA anyhow. Whatever they do now can't be any worse than that was.
David Hayter Kek wills it
although I agree that LA is a pale parody of NY saying "Whatever they do now can't be any worse than that was" is grossly underestimating how shitty Hollywood is at the moment.
Bryan "the Cranberry" Cranston
>it won't be Escape from Detroit
they had one job
i'd watch that.
I instantly thought this
It should be Escape from Mars instead of anything else.
It really should be either Kurt Russel, Karl Urban or Sebastian Stan.
But that wouldn't be futuristic?
And it would violate the 21st century sensibilities of portraying African Americans in villainous roles.
I vaguely seem to recall John Carpenter did say something about if had ever done a third that it would be on a space station or the moon or something.
You can even soft reboot it by making it his daughter
Movies like this are supposed to be fantasy, not something that you can experience for yourself in reality.
if he put on like 30 pounds of muscle like Batfleck did, then yeah i can totally see it.
David Hayter
>Get Kojima to Direct.
You can't outrun niggers so the movie would be too unrealistic
First half of the movie Snake would be played by Jai Courtney and the second half would be Sam Worthington.
Seriously fuck off.
David Hayter is a terrible actor, and the only reason you and the other anons are throwing his name is because you want the "LOL now he played TWO Snakes xD" connection.
Kill yourself.
>in the second half, Plissken has an eyepatch over his right eye instead of his left
And it would be the only thing people would notice was different.
Honestly that would probably work out really well.
just add an eyepatch
>doesn't like The Guyver 2
Tell me, what's it like being a joyless prick?
this desu
WHY?Why do they have to ruin and completely fuck up every good old movie with some bullshit remake,reboots or whatever..Its just Escape from New York/Escape from LA these 2,just leave it as this....fuckin pricks ruining movies.
He's already too old
channing tatum
seth rogan as taxi driver
>Why do they have to ruin
As needless as remakes are, literally nothing is being ruined by them.
It's not like Hollywood completely removes the physical and digital copies of the old films in addition to wiping every single human's memories of the movies.
David Hayter? Why not pick Karl Urban? They look the same and Karl can act.
Liking the Guyver 2 has nothing to do with David Hayter being a good actor or not.
Hideo Kojima
fucking /thread right here
actually it ruins the possibility of a good new entry when Hollywood is spending its time making shitty reboots.
I thought the Kurt Russell post was /thread
but holy fuck now I want this.
It has to do with showing he has sufficient acting chops to perform in something tongue-in-cheek like EFNY
the fastest freerange land-nigger we've clocked was 35mph. why do you think we hold the olympics? anywho, write in some cybernetics and presto: our hero can outrun the horde. the drama comes from escorting the non-cyborg Blonde White Female President.
Do you honestly think current Hollywood would use the money used on remakes on anything original or of value?
yeah the old movies still exist,but they legacy they have left is completely destroyed.I really liked both of the old movies,and im sure if this bullshit remake gets released ill probably turn to hate the old ones and pretend they dont exist.
>they legacy they have left is completely destroyed
It isn't.
>ill probably turn to hate the old ones and pretend they dont exist.
Just so you know, this was honestly the dumbest thing I've read this day.
On occasion. Old and crusty as I may be, there's usually still one or two movies that come out every year which I find to be genuinely good.
Those movies don't come at the expense of another remake.
Remakes don't come at the expense of something original.
Let it be so.
ITT people not realizing the age we live in. The only acceptable, non racist, non sexist answer is Zoe Saldana
Doesn't matter, what I originally meant is that for example we aren't getting the ghostbusters sequel we've waited 25 years for because instead they greenlit a shitty reboot made by an entirely less talented group of actors, writers and artists.
I want to be able to tell my wife's grandchildren I was on the right side of herstory
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
He's in every other remake. Might as well make it a straight flush.
Loved it; will use.
>Zoe Saldana
Oh, so every African American is as beautiful as a model?
Fuck off, ugly and fat-shamer, Leslie Jones is clearly the only casting choice, you fucking bigot.
Holy fuck if they're really doing this, and it's terrible if they are, please be Emily Blunt.
recast her
You got me. What took you so long?
We're not getting the Ghostbusters sequel we waited 25 years for because Harold Ramis died.
The female Ghostbusters was greenlit after he died.
It's going to be Jennifer Lawrence.