Conchita Wurst is

Conchita Wurst is...

>Audience murmurs

A brave and beautiful person

>The audience explodes in a chorus of applause

And if you disagree

>The audience waits for it

You must be a republican. Come on, it's 2016 people!

>A raucous mix of clapping, laughing and cheering happens for a good minute until the host has to calm them down and get back to the next part of the story

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah except u exaggerated like by 80% of it

>The Tolerance Gates screech open and a frothing mass of refugees pours into the studio to culturally enrich the audience

all joking aside, has he ever told a joke that isn't essentially "THIS THING THAT REPUBLICANS DO IS LIKE THIS POP CULTURE REFERENCE"

Except OP isn't.

oliver's recording his reaction to brexit right now

what's going through his mind Sup Forums?

You think you're funny but you're actually just an autistic tryhard

>see thread about john oliver and brexit
>expecting that it's liberal biased talk saying pro-brexit is racist
>it's actually filled with valid arguments and the conclusion is that they have every right to be against the EU but that they need them

you forgot the part where he screams the punchline a few more times just to make sure the audience knows when to applaud

If you dislike Conchita Wurst, you're not a Republican, you're just a pleb