You know p4k is gonna give his album a 10/10 right?

you know p4k is gonna give his album a 10/10 right?

It is pretty great though.

Why does pitchfork have such a hard on for him

fuck you mean the drummer of one of their fave bands went solo to show everyone he was just an ironic hipster just like them but with a beautiful voice

Because he's alternative white male Beyonce, sent here to tell you young goys what to think.

he was solo before fleet foxes dumbass

>muh drumpf

nothing in my statement implied that he wasn't plus how the fuck is that relevant to the question i answered you autistic dullard?

>the drummer of one of their fave bands went solo to show
your statement heavily implied that buddy

yeah he was solo, joined a band, and then became solo. what other useless facts have you memorized you aspie? how many model trains do you have?

no, p4k will never give a new fucking white male release a 10 ever again


is being a hipster ironically the ultimate hipster move?

They don't give high scores to white people.

He's, dare I say it, /theirgoy/

Because he was around for the exquisite death of Saxon Shore.

mark my words he will get a 10 or 9 minimum

>he's the voice of your generation goy

I hope not, I thought it was a pretty big step down from ILYH.

I liked the first couple of tracks quite a bit, but it got so tiresome as it went on. The album is so fucking full of itself, it's unbearable, even more so than his other stuff.

For once Sup Forums wasn't exaggerating.

I love you honeybear is pretty great though still

have you heard the whole album?

has it leaked?

been leaked

mark kozelek my words