I saw it today for the first time in my life and it is *literally* _the_ comfiest film I've ever seen...

I saw it today for the first time in my life and it is *literally* _the_ comfiest film I've ever seen. Try to name more comfy film tip pro can't you.

A Trick of the Light directed by Wim Wenders. Really comfy film

who is Charlie Chaplin?

have you seen any other Chaplin OP? If not I'd suggest watching The Circus or Modern Times next. I love pulling up one of his shorts on yt when I get an extra half hour

Hitler's illegitimate brother

Honestly this is my first Chaplin. My list of films to-watch also includes:
The Gold Rush
Monsieur Verdoux
Modern Times
Limelight (this one only if I really like all the others)
I have also seen Buster Keaton's The General recently and also loved it a lot, but City Lights is just on another level, it's not just comedy but very comfy film with love story and so many things.

if you watch The Gold Rush make sure you grab the silent version instead of the 1942 re-release with unnecessary voiceover. I also prefer Chaplin to Keaton, mostly because I think Keaton operates best through the medium of short films; his ideas hinge so much on stuntwork that it all gets a little repetitive after awhile, and there's rarely (if ever) as much pathos in his films as there are in Chaplin's.

I hope you enjoy exploring Chaplin's filmography!

Charlie was a looker
I've always stayed away from his films because my grandma loved him and she had shit taste when it came to comedy

liked the cameo in Peaky Blinders

I have Criterion copy with restored longer version, 1 hour 36 min. I think it is the silent one.

Loved it!

City Lights is in a class of its own. I saw it a few years ago at a golden age theatre, with an orchestra playing the score live. Was maybe the 12th time I'd seen it, and I cried.

who is the modern day chaplin?

Btw since we have already mentioned it, can you recommend me something to watch by Keaton? I have only seen The General because it's the only one being mentioned here and there, I loved it but have no idea what to pick next.

No one. He is too good. Also his films does no age at all. Modern day Chaplin = is still Chaplin.

I haven't seen as many Keaton films as I have Chaplin, but Steamboat Bill Jr. is a good bet for a feature length effort. My favorite two-reelers of his are One Week and The Scarecrow.

Watch Modern Times next. I might like that one even more than City Lights. The Great Dictator is also a classic.

Tom hanks

>Chaplin thread on Sup Forums

All is not lost.

Fuck that communist jew and his propaganda films. I'm glad he was forced to leave America. I only wish it had happened sooner.

Fuck you and your stupid anti-white racism.

I kek'd so hard...