ITT: God-tier biopics and documentarys.
ITT: God-tier biopics and documentarys
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grizzly man
How come there isn't a proper biopic of hitler yet
And no rise of evil doesn't count
that's really not a god-tier documentary dude
you need to watch more
>god-tier biopics
>His mother lies to the camera
>Courtney changes her story up about the rome incident for the 15th time
>no dave grohl
it's not even a biopic, they should have just called it "Kurts home videos and recordings"
Some Kind of Monster is the only one I found interesting, because James Hetfield is an interesting person and I liked watching him battle alcoholism
I liked this one. Honestly he played up how bad his life was in a lot of his songs and interviews, his parents didn't seem that bad and he only did heroin like 10 times before he was famous.
All of Kurt's friends said that doc was horrible
grow up
>telling people to grow up for posting a Herzog doc in a Nirvana thread
urgh god anyone who watches this shit is a 2edgy4u teen and needs to grow up or follow cobains example
The editing was really good, though, and the way they added the songs and unreleased tapes was great. It's a shame that it had so much Courtney in it.
Great comedy desu. Psychotherapist stuff is just classic.
Not a bad film, but has jack shit to do with real events
The story about him trying to fuck that retard girl was hilarious to be honest
Entire movie is bullshit. That's coming from several more reliable sources than that crackhead bleach blonde cunt who helped end his life. No Dave Grohl....I wonder if its because he could call out some people on some of that bullshit...
You need to see Kurt & Courtney. Much better doc.
biopic when?
Reminder that Courtnet did it
fuck you Courtney you killed him you cunt
after watching this I was wondering how is that bitch not in jail? and how is the case not being reopen again?
This is the best. Should be compulsory for elementary school teachers to show this.
See guys I didnt kill my husband: The Documentary
I liked it but it was biased as fuck. prost did nothing wrong.
Faking their death?
this is boring garbage
>"work 10 years doing the same shit you already master in the first 6 months and then you can cook this other shit"
>muh art, muh tradition, muh discipline