why is this allowed?
the movie wasn't great but it wasn't this fucking bad.
why is this allowed?
the movie wasn't great but it wasn't this fucking bad.
People hate what they don't understand
seriously though
how can people say that this movie is worse than the thor movies?
Thor movies were (bite me) fun. Even if it wasn't good and generic you could still go and have a good time.
Dc films actually take itself too seriously and there's hardly any light moments, you have to concentrate on everything that's going on otherwise you won't understand the movie. That's not what capeshit movies are about
Because BvS genuinely was terrible.
Nah it was just meh
Don't agree with this at all!
>That's not what capeshit movies are about
Then you take it on its own merits, not about what it should be.
It's absolutely a 5.1/10
Bvs was great imo. I loved the new take on batman
one of the three greatest capefilms ever made.
literally too intelligent for Disney fans and critics obsessed with infantile Disney trash.
good times
The main story wasn't so bad but it was played so dry and self serious while they were doing ridiculous things. I think they shouldve toned down Luthor just a bit for general audiences and clarified Supermuhs incessant reasons for pouting. But the email scenes and shoved in dream and LOK FORWERD TO DARKSEEID AND JUSTICE LEAGUE tip the movie into being something offensive. Only nerds can handle that shit. Most people just tune out.
Actually BVS is capeshit, Sup Forums
Because it was deathly boring. I watched it a second time and i realized that on top of all the things people always mention being bad about the movie, the simple fact is that it's just dull.
With the exception of Ben Affleck, which is why Batman is the best part.
why is anything allowed?
>one of the three greatest capefilms ever made.
legit torrent when?
Why is this allowed?
I gotta say, a lot of people are not gonna like it for a variety of reasons. Some people are gonna compare them to the marvel movies which admittedly isn't fair.
However, there's something to be said about non-dc fans NOT liking it, and then half the people who are fans of the comics being split right down the middle about the movie.
That leaves a rough 65-80% of those that saw the movie either didn't like it, didn't care for it, hated it, or thought it was just ok, for any number of legitimate or lackluster reasons.
Seriously why?
Why aren't these low IQ capeshitters on Sup Forums where they belong?
>is too retarded to see the average score right below it for critics
5/10 for a movie isn't all that terrible you retard
the joke is that it's 27%-4.9/10 now, sperg
>from 5.1
>to 4.9
>b-b-b-but muh special %!!!!!!!!!!
>Because BvS genuinely was terrible.
This, The extended edition is OK a solid 6/10 dou,
>4.9 is not so bad
>worse than Daredevil