Kevin Hart Sounds Off on 'Playing the Race Card in Hollywood': 'I Don't Feed Into That'

>Winning Oscars and promoting big blockbuster movies shouldn't have anything to do with the color of your skin, according to Kevin Hart.
>At a press conference for the movie The Secret Life of Pets on Thursday, Hart told reporters "people will look for any excuse to play the race card in Hollywood."
>"I think in this day and age – look – it is what it is," Hart says. "You want it to be more diversified, you want to see more diversity, but a lot of people make attention and draw attention by talking about it whereas if you just work and progress, you eventually put yourself in a position to help the problem by bringing more people into the business."

Why is he so based?

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being a manlet keeps his ego in check
good for him

Kevin "I dont do that, im black" Hart?

I remember watching him in small movies no one knew about such as Paper Soldiers and now he's everywhere. He worked hard for what he has.

>if you just work and progress, you eventually put yourself in a position to help the problem by bringing more people into the business.


Looks like Kendrick has some fat nipples.

I don't think he's funny at all, but you have to respect him for trying so hard and not being a douche about it.

Based nigger.

don't worry Sup Forums will find some reason to call him an unfunny nigger monkey manlet in no time at all

it's what we do :^)

>>if you just work and progress, you eventually put yourself in a position to help the problem by bringing more people into the business.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Good man

I'd never expect this from the hack who saw Chris Tucker in Rush Hour and decided he'd emulate that in each of his roles.

Good for him.


He's just saying this so mainstream audiences will like him.

I have been in this thread for a good 5 minutes and I haven't even read the OP

god DAMN look at those nipples

Kh is legit funny when not scripted. He's not my cup of tea but he does what sells and he's not egotistical about it.

>He's just saying this so mainstream audiences will like him.

So what the hell is Sony doing?

Why is it only good black comedians become successful? Like there's no black Dane cook or Carlos mencia
Richard Pryor Kevin hart Chris Rock all based


Ask you're mom about him.

>not 'me'
stay based lil kev

you gotta be really, really good at stand up if you're black, its more of an uphill battle. White stand ups can get by being mediocre as white audiences will empathize and relate to them as an individual, black comics however have bridge that divide.

We don't see the Black Dane Cooks or Carlos Mencia because they never get that far without getting that majority white audience on board. Unless they go full opposite and play specifically to niche black audiences like Kat Williams and Steve Harvey. Kevin Hart does that to an extent, but like a softer Chappelle, his experiences about life being black in America are relatable or comprehensible enough for broader audiences to get it.

Committing career suicide with the hopes that Passengers will make up the difference.


Pretty based

Fucking hot desu

His standup is actually great. He does self-deprecation well


I thought blacks were supposed to be tall.

blacks can't digest dairy

>nigger with self esteem

inb4 he backpedals and changes his story

The race card is a double edged sword. You use it to expose racism in a system, yet at the same time it undermines your own competence because people question whether you deserved any of your accolades or if you only got them to appease your race baiting.

I think Hart is right about this, the best way to fight any perceived discrimination is to use their not inconsiderable wealth and influence to bring in more "outsiders" (read: minorities). That's how the Jews work, once they get to a position of power they hire their Jewish friends and relatives, give them contracts if they're in a related industry, invite them to parties with important people to help them get connections. Because Jews live in such close knit communities they're able to blob up in industries like that, blacks tend to become isolated from other blacks once they get rich though, so it's not surprising they don't pull others in their group up with them once they make it big.

There are several good O&A broadcasts on jewtube with him and the big guys from the east coast circuit where they tell stories about when they first met him and helped him. He's extremely humble, and funny imo. Reminds me of Snoop's rant about the Roots remake.

Is he even black hung?

Naw if he wanted to get on their side he'd say the opposite.

Im sure his great great grandpappy was.

Meanwhile Anzis Ansari.....

Martin Lawrence.

and I'm not sure how good Kevin Hart is.
He's no chappelle or chris rock.
Very likeable on talk shows, but I haven't found him super funny.


He also beat that faggot Draymond Green in a 3 point competition. He's alright.

Is fucking JLaw

rate him highly after i saw him in 'comedians in cars', he seemed so genuinely happy and excited to be hanging out with Jerry, like he really respected him and wanted to learn and get somthing out of the experience.

I bet him home life is whiter than Wanye Brady's

Nice try, Sup Forumseddit

He's one of the guys that got the best handle of this controversy, his bits at the Oscars were pretty on-point too.

He's right, but people are going to freak out and call him an Uncle Tom.

>black manlet is weirdly humble

Yeah, no shit

how fucking short are you for ak to stoop? anyway dem titties

He's always great when he and Conan do those remote segments on his show. I've never listened to any of his standup so I can't rate that though.

opinion disqualified

Respect +1.

All MSU players should fucking hang.

What's wrong with that you fucking racist? There's literally nothing wrong with being a nigger.

>using the n-word unironically

I'm sure at least one slave ship owning Jew tried to increase their profits by importing pygmies.


Because he's best friends with Ice Cube

Yeah he's great, he talks about how he used to be Lil Kev the Bastard for a long time but it wasn't working, he's been around for years and years and years and it's only recently he got big.


>It looks like we sellin' ass.

>that bit with the qt racemixing Asian intern

Patrice O'Neal said he was. He told everyone about it all the time apparently and then Kevin went and told everyone about the time he caught Patrice jacking off and Patrice got pissed at him because at least his story made Kevin look good. Heard that on some radio show someone posted here. Worth a search if you like Patrice.