What does Sup Forums think of Roseanne?
What does Sup Forums think of Roseanne?
Great. Honestly the closest television depiction of the average working class American family.
>What does Sup Forums think of Roseanne?
The whole time I watched 10 Cloverfield Lane, I kept joking to myself that he was hiding from Roseanne.
>both parents fat slobs
>kids aren't fat too
Haven't seen it but if I do I'll to do the same
I had a friend whose parents were literally over 400lbs each but him and all his siblings were athletic as fuck, shit happens.
Best depiction of what its like raising daughters
Married with children is essential dadcore
Malcom in the middle is siblingcore
Darlene best girl.
Great show
this tbphwyf
i have memories of this show, in a dark and dusty corner of my mind, when times used to be good
who DIDN'T have a crush on darlene?
Dan never died
>tfw no sardonic tsundere-to-the-world quasi-grunge qt3.14 alternative 90s qt gf
Might as well end it all at this point, lads.
Roseanne was hot as fuck sometime in the mid-seasons before the rapid weight loss.
And it was such a great show, it actually promoted being a good person.
It's funny when it's not depressing as fuck.
>both parents smoke
>3/4 of children don't smoke
>dan beats the shit out of a guy he finds out has been beating his sister-in-law
Best episode right there.
I liked that ep where they find Darlene's weed that turns out to be Becky's, and they end up smoking it. Also that one ep with the running gag of everyone saying the milk's turned and just putting it back in the fridge, until the very end when Dan drinks some and starts going into convulsions, but he still manages to crawl back to the fridge and put it back in. Classic.
comfy as fuck. I used to dream I lived in Lanford. I wish it was real and I could move there.
no it turned out to be theirs. Roseanne hid it when she found out she was pregnant with Becky.
Also best line:
Jackie: Is this the sink? Am I shrinking?
I thought the same.
Even if he found a way to divorce her ... she'd hunt him down.
>netflix only has best of
>doesn't have every season in it's entirety
Why the fuck is this?
Parents are suppose to be the example. So the fat parents show the kids how to be thin, because they poor. Thats why no athletic kids. Dan was slightly athletic in school but proved to be a dunce. He wasn't Phil Robertson with a bunch of worthless kids. He was every wannabe 3rd string quarterback in the 80s showing their kids the truth.
Only until Second Becky joins the cast.
Because until you're a fan, you don't give a shit about the bad episodes. Like Arnie aka Roseanne's IRL Husband who almost got the shit beat out of him by Dan, sceen-time. Dan aka John Goodman wanted to hurt Roseanne's husband irl.
Anyone thinks that Arnie would beat Dan is an imbecile.
Came here to post this
for the longest time I thought Nancy was the porn star Belladonna
I don't give a shit about the bad episodes because I want to experience the show again in it's entirety. Bad and good. Not because I'm not a fan.
You sound like the type of person who asks Sup Forums what your opinion on different media should be.
I was a teen when this first aired and I had a massive thing for Jackie
Gay as fuck but she was my first waifu. Appropriate that she's gay IRL too
My slutfu
Best episode.
I wished Darlene was my high school girlfriend.
>it's a everyone thinks the finale was bad episode
It was perfectly fine way to end the show
Darlene was kind of a bitch though.
I'd take Becky over her since she's a real ride or die bitch who is willing to work at hooters and shit for her man.
It was mediocre just like the whole last season, a great show like Roseanne deserved better
No way bro, Darlene was tough as nails but sensitive on the inside. Becky was just kinda blindly pleasing her dumb ass hubbie and trying to be like her mother. Plus Darlene had the sass and the Doc Martins and that was pretty much all it took for me when I was 14.
Who else watched this?
>Doesn't like bitches
Darlene and Mark were the best, and it makes perfect sense that they actually were together. David was a huge pussy and Becky was too eager to please. Story-wise it adds the most stress/story-telling capabilitiy to mis-match the couples so I really can't fault the writers in doing that.
They were originally going to use Roseanne to play Peggy on Married with Children. Good thing they didn't go that route and they became their own shows.
Poison Ivy is still one of my go to faps to this day
The ending will never stop wrecking me...
I saw it a few months ago after years of curiosity and seeing the box art in random bargain bins. Love this film. Drew was sooooo hot.
Tom Skerritt is one lucky mother fucker
I was confused by the part about his wig in that movie. Does Tom Skerrit really wear wigs or was that a plot device? It looked pretty convincing like that could actually be his head...
The episode I always remember the strongest is where they finally realized that the bike shop was going to go bankrupt. Goodman sold the shit out of that complete resignation that his dream was completely fucked while trying to joke "Do you want to get the can of gas or should I?".
>its a DJ discovers masturbation episode
>tfw there will never be a good XXX parody where Roseanne and Jackie lez out