Daily reminder Lester Nygaard did nothing wrong

Daily reminder Lester Nygaard did nothing wrong

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Until he let his 2nd wife get killed.

He got his qt loyal asian wife killed, he's a cunt.


This. The edgelord writers needed a last minute vessel to make him appear evil.

Fuck this shit.

> he got his wife killed

What would you do in his position? He couldn't know Malvo would kill his anime gf.

>The edgelord writers needed a last minute vessel to make him appear evil.

Yeah him caving in his wife's skull wasn't evil at all.

Shut up, idiot.

He kinda did by giving her his coat

yeah youre right this show was retarded in hindsight damn

I really sympathise with Lester, this guy is lot like the cuck NEEThordes that post on Sup Forums

>Lester's life would have been perfect if he just let Malvo go

His wife deserved it 2bh.


> his wife rapes him emotionally while he tries to fix the washing machine for her
> he hits her in a moment of pure panic
> evil

Fuck off edgelord.

I don't understand this reference

Daily reminder that Dodd did nothing wrong


favorite scene in the entire season

>the drums at the end of the episode

Name a better pleb filter than this and season 2 of true detective

Season 2 True Detective is actually shit tho

Ayys were based as fuck though

Rapid City WHEN?!

Fargo season one was pleb? I haven't seen the second season but it looks like GOT fanfiction by D&D.

It's a video game thing. You go to this resort that has a huge safe filled with gold somewhere there, and go through hours of bullshit to get yourself in there before you find out you have to let go of the treasure to leave.

>tfw immense lack of fargo images
Why doesn't Sup Forums like it? Too many Sup Forumsedditors?

2 seconds of fun doesn't make a man evil for life

His first wife, not his second wife.


come on dude

Was it rape?

I don't understand this implication


Sup Forums likes Fargo just fine
Except for the ironic shitposters who don't like season 2


Bear literally did nothing wrong the entire season.
Not even meming

Season 2 discussion was incredibly dead half the time when it aired.

Plebs were filtered by the aliums

lol'd at that scholar pic

>Balanced diet
>Half and Half

wew laddie

for a man his size? oh yeah

killed the coalburner

She betrayed the family.

Protecting the family

true, but killing your niece who is a young person that obviously had an abusive father out of vindication rather than just letting her go where she couldn't do any more damage isn't very admirable

he wasn't protecting anyone, it was vengeful. At that point she couldn't do anymore harm if he knew about her betrayal, plus she wanted to leave the whole thing behind, but he killed her anyway

Don't get me wrong, she was a total cunt that had it coming, but to say it was "nothing wrong" is pretty generous

>a young person
Old enough to know that what she did was the worst thing she could.
There's a reason why the deepest part of Hell is reserved for traitors

>it's 100% ok to kill your wife because she says you're dumb (and she's right)

>"Fuck off edgelord."


>Lester did nothing wrong

haha it's really funny when there's no sound.


Cashier was a qt in that scene, especially with that exaggerated midwestern accent :3

He was racist so by 21st century tv logic he was 1000% deserving of dying