Our next generation is fucked

Our next generation is fucked

You want to give some context there champ?

I mean yeah but you picked a terrible picture to truly represent this.

How so?

>I'm going to fuck our next generation

This is what our kids are like now

Truly fucked

Why is that a bad thing? Are you one of those hardheaded dimwitted traditionalists?

like you never did degenerate things when you were a kid smh

we just had more discipline and self control, blame beta fathers that are afraid of telling their daughters not to dress like hookers

every slut that ever existed has daddy issues, either from a beta father or no father.

Wasted trips.

What the fuck are you talking about?
Are we supposed to know who this is?
Does her identity help us understand what you're getting at?

Fucked? Pics or it didn't happen.

How on earth is this child dressed like a hooker?

Yeah literally. Hnnng.

She looks like she's cosplaying an anime character.

She's a loli

i don't know who it is just an example

>just an example
Of what though?

said everybody ever.

How fucked our children are, would you want your kid walking around dressed like that? pregnancies in teens are getting higher and the age is getting lower. You think this girl is helping?

shes hot!! any nudes???

fuck off pedo

>How fucked our children are,

>would you want your kid walking around dressed like that?
I honestly don't see a problem.

>pregnancies in teens are getting higher and the age is getting lower. You think this girl is helping?
I don't see her outfit being relevant to your concern.

I'm not sure how old you are but I was born in 1990 and I'm pretty sure when I was her age girls worn similarly "revealing" outfits.

Shame on her for exposing her forearms and an inch or two of leg I guess. You must have grown up in the Roaring 20's.

fuck off fag