Recommend me some movies about cats Sup Forums

recommend me some movies about cats Sup Forums

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the new Kevin Spacey movie

I had forgotten this existed and now I want to die


Cat people. Martha Kent gets her tits out.

Private Life of a Cat

I thought this was the poster for Girl Interrupted at first lol

I'm hyped

The Cat From Outerspace is the only non-pleb kittykino that exists.



Whisper of the Heart


The 1942 version is pretty great.

oh fuck, that's a great one



Jonesy > rest


What in the FUCK

Cat in the hat

pure catkino

cant stand the voice actors in any language, think it had good potential otherwise

What the fuck

What kind of cat is that?

>record scratch
>freeze frame
>"So, I bet you're wondering how I got here? A man in a cat's body"

Cat Soup

brown recluse

inside llewyn davis

Your a big cat.

holy shit that's adorable

that darn cat is a classic

It's cute until they grow up.

We do the same thing every minute.

Rent a neko.
It's slow as fuck. I could only watch 10 minutes of it.

That's why you have to constantly watch them. It doesn't even specify how the kittens killed the squirrel interestingly.

I liked the total self-awareness on this movie


wait no thats about living with AIDS in the 80s


is that what it's about?

The Cat from Outer Space.


I came here to solely post this.

I loved this film as a child, and old farmer vision tv only had about a dozen films it constantly played during the summer when nobody watched tv.

This, The Money Pit, and that movie where they rob a bank in Huey Louie and Dewey masks and the money gets thrown out over a dock in the final scene. Also Legend and Bedknob and Broomsticks.

Is it? I thought that was the other one...Rent?
Never seen either.