What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

black people


Black guy stole his girlfriend.

Will smith kidnapped his girlfriend after murdering a ton of his friends

Wasted potential the movie, could have explored the themes from the book but decided to literally deus ex it's way into a generic zombie plot

Gomez Cucked him

this tbqh

Not to mention that the CG zombies looked like shit. We could have had these creepy looking motherfuckers done with real makeup.

Will Smith was the monster they were afraid of. He was legend.

But instead the writers and director decided to go "lol dey spooky zombiefolk"

>Survives 3 years with dog
>Dies after 1 day with a woman

the book was better and has a much more powerful message

me on the left

>all the zombies are pale white
>hero is black

they were doing it even in 2007

this is one case of "the book was better"

one of the few books i've read in the past decade

>Robert was the monster they were afraid of
this is the only thing that makes the book so good and unique and they decide to just throw it away because lol wils smith gotta be le hero
also he was white in the book :^)

The book was wrong

Would you run into a pitch-black building filled with roided zombies to save your dog, Sup Forums?

The alternate ending was filmed but test audiences didn't get it so they canned it. You can find it on YouTube though

literally every book is better.

maybe lord of the rings comes close.

>"Damn. We brought in literal retards for the screening."

Omega Man did it better.


Would you run into a pitch-black building filled with roided zombies to save your nigger, Sup Forums?

Godfather the movie was better
Psycho the movie was better
Touch of Evil was better than Badge of Evil
Hunt for Red October movie was better
Jaws the movie was better

inb4 kubrickfags

Fuck that fucking shitty Woll Smith movie.

Totally fucked up the whole story and meaning of the book.

Robert Neville is the devil. He is the boogeyman. He is Bigfoot. He is Dracula.
You and your family and your community are hunted by this old creature not quite of your race. When you go to sleep, he stalks your city streets. If he sees you or your people out and about, he kills you.
That is his legend.

Your wrong.

I'll give you jaws purely because of the score and how groundbreaking it was.

rest are wrong.

what was the msg m8?


Retards at test screenings

White people are on the losing side of history.

Thanks. I knew I dropped my wrong around here somewhere.

how can it be?!

The theatrical version a shit. The director's cut is the real version.

The book was written in the 60s, it's all an allegory to black empowerment. The protagonist in the novel is a blonde-haired white male.

das racis

vampires = niggers

So it was like that one Robert E. Howard story but more subtle?


Which story?

Anyone else watch those animated prequel comics in the bonus features?

What the fuck, man.

I liked the one about the guy who wanted to make America great again.

well the zombie don't go in the sun so it kinda makes sence
but i don't remember it triggering anyone backthen


i swear freds head turns at one point. like when he's driving by.

>even ugly vampire niggers get to have gfs

Please not make me remember dat shit

There's a subtext to it that eventually what is considered normal today is abnormal tomorrow. Societies change and tend to consider people who don't as monsters even though the societies themselves are literal vampires.

God, man those fucking feels.
I was told by a teacher of mine who actually gave a shit to read that book and when I got there it hit hard. Great book, shit fucking movie.

It does.

If I have to remember this disturbing shit, then so do you

How bad was it?

It's a little more intense than the movie

I'm notoriously lenient, but I thought the theatrical ending kinda' made it come across Neville had become Legend. It was obvious that the zombies wanted the female he had captured, and there's a moment where he cries that "I can help you" and the lead zombie scoffs at the notion. It's just that, rather than accepting he was the aberration of a new world order, he clung onto his memories of a world long gone to suicidal extremes.

But then again maybe I'm just excessively forgiving.


Not only that, but he was literally a white, blond-haired Anglo-Germanic man with a strong jaw. Like, that's exactly how Matheson describes him. I guess even in 2007, having a character like that as anyone but the villain was raycis.

Damn i remember the one with like the family hiding in some kind of bunker and the girl sneaks out and they wont let her back in and somehow they still get infected. That shit was somehow way to fucked up for 13 year old me


I don't think they understood him in the theatrical ending.

I'm not sure what was more disturbing, the soldiers gunning down the patients and doctors (which included shooting a fleeing boy in the back of the head), or the way the indian family was slaughtered

Either way, that shit is not PG-13 appropriate. I'm very glad I was watching them with my cousin and not alone.

Seriously... is there like some IQ test that if you score too high they won't let you into early screenings?

I could probably think of a dozen films off the top of my head that were totally ruined in post because they were trying to placate an extremely small test audience with little diversity. They make sure every color in the rainbow and every age/gender are in movies, but for their test audience it really does seem like it's either 12 y/o girls or 80 y/o men that have to get back to their yelling porch.

The last time I watched it, I rewatched that part a dozen times trying to figure out how they did that or if it was all just in his head. I couldn't see any wires, but the head definitely moves.

it was just hepatitis C

everyone was being a cranky baby about getting it

>Either way, that shit is not PG-13 appropriate
wow you couldn't be more a weak pussy
kill yourself

I still have no idea why they went with the ending they did. The alternate ending is so much more nuanced and interesting. Not to mention the movie builds up to it.


All things considered, the alpha is actually quite handsome

Honestly, what scared me most about the virus was that it was a hemorrhagic fever.

I'd have eaten the dog very early on or killed it out of anger only to regret it immediately and probably off myself as well. So no probably not

Whoever thought of test screenings should be fucking tortured to death, I want interesting movies that have fun/interesting plots/endings/etc not some lowest common denominator shit

The one with the gubment in the jungle gunning everyone down and the Indian chick going out of her vault to meet her boyfriend and them turning and seeing their POV of the humans as monsters were good. Edgy convict and Asian suicide were alright but forgettable

In the book there are two types of survivors, ones that are super aggressive and those that come out of it basically human but with heavily altered physiology, the aggressive ones harrass legend man and once they all go to sleep during the day he goes out and hunts them down and kills them

He doesn't knows bout the normal ones until the end but it turns out he's been killing both indiscriminately and he ends up waiting for execution at the end

Turns out they were all fucking terrified of this crazy ass vampire rapist, thus the I am legend title

You're forgetting the third group: the people with serious Stockholm syndrome who try to act like vampires.

>tfw you play music loud as fuck while you read all night every night so you don't have to hear the wild screeching of the mean vamps
>tfw every day you exact vengeance by hunting them down and murdering them while they sleep

From a psychological perspective, the book is an absolute masterpiece. I don't think I've ever read such a good depiction of someone slowly but surely losing it.

Not sure he really lost it, he just never knew until they sent that girl in that most of the vampires weren't the insane kind

He is until he starts doing the bacterial research. Before that, every day was a struggle and the monotony was wearing away at him. He constantly fights his internal monologue to just walk out and end it all and/or rape the vampire women.

Not zombies?

the cgi in this was fucking terrible

My book also had other Matheson stories, including the scary as shit "Prey."

Vamps. Vulnerable to sunlight, allergic to garlic, etc. It all has a scientific explanation, though, and it's fascinating.


wouldn't do it to save my own mother.

you know those threads where with the OP that says "Reply to this post otherwise your mother will die"? I don't even reply to those.

Ok time to read book. I hope my attention span won't fail me but I secretly know it will.

I'm with you. Going into the lion's den, for whatever reason, simply isn't worth the risk. If I HAD to do it, I'd try to bring some heavy duty UV lights, since it'd probably be more effective than bullets.

Ayyy, you alright m8?

It's actually more of a novella. You can read it in an afternoon.

extremely high test

Magazine > Comic Book > Graphic Novel > > Short Story > Novella > Book > Religious Text > Novel

Generic exclamation mark ! X^D boomer tier plot twist.

I'm sorry, what? I'm simply saying it's short and can be read relatively quickly.

>Graphic Novel > > Short Story
Depends. I'd say they're approximately equal.

Yeah. At nearly 3am while I was falling asleep.

Absolutely demented

Better than the (theatrical) film in my opinion.

People associate Will Smith with sci-fi stuff, so casting him never seemed out of place.

That, and the movie came out when diversity for the sake of it was still wearing diapers.

Too bad the original ending got cut. You'd think the studio would try spelling it out for the audience in a voiceover or something before spending extra for a different shot.

Fuck off, If I had kids I wouldn't let them watch Jaws or Indiana Jones either

So the virus makes most people bleed out, right? Only a minority go full vamp?


Will Smith is a famous person and a box office draw and they wanted to make money

You bleed out initially and then are reanimated where you're given the opportunity to drink more blood. Then you have to continuously drink blood to survive, but not everyone gets that far.