Worst movie you've ever watched?
Worst movie you've ever watched?
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Not the worst, but "The East" was pretty bad by what I remember. Couldn't believe its RT score.
2001: A Space Oddysey
The Omega Man
By far the worst adaptation of I Am Legend.
This movie makes me hate the person I was who liked it when I first saw it,
Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice
Is this at least entertaining? I've thought about giving it a watch for shits and giggles.
fucking. garbage.
Worst kind of Hollywood bullshit. Everything I hate about it rolled into one vile package. Flush it down the gurgler.
Tree of life
not even trying to contrarian
There are parts I like and parts I really hate. All the male characters are over-the-top and annoying as fuck.
i don't find her attractive at all
she seems like the type of girl who is a massive bitch in real life, you have to wonder if they get enjoyment from acting anymore or just do it for the limelight?
Teeth was amazing.
thanks for posting garden state, and zach braff is just the fucking worst
So youre a woman?
>movie spends the entire time trying to convince the viewer its depiction of the west is realistic
>eastwood shoots up a saloon full of people and lives
So fucking stupid.
I hate indie films where their epiphany is just sort of screaming loud.
Sabotage (2014) if we're talking absolutely no redeeming qualities.
Threadly reminder that if yopu didn't like Die Another Day then you don't actually like Bond
Delta Farce
Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Attachments
Dinner For Schmucks. Still the only movie I've ever walked out of. It was released during a real heyday of garbage. The Tooth Fairy, The Spy Next Door, fucking MARMADUKE. I'd watch shitty family movies with a friend of mine and we always had a good laugh, but Dinner for Schmucks was just nauseating, boring and embarrassing. I was so angry I'd actually made it to the 45 minute mark having watched it, and I watched fucking Marmaduke twice in a row in theatres.
guardians of the galaxy
It's not a Bond movie, it's a Austin powers movie.
It's a disgrace to the Bond novels. True Bond fan should pretend it doesn't exist.
Some Swedish documentary about two guys who make a fake SUPERSTORE with loads of advertisements about how it's going to change lives.
Then on the opening day of the store, they go around and tell everyone it's a prank and that there is no store.
People are mildly angry, and it's supposed to be some commentary on consumerism.
How can a movie with qt Hershlag be the worst?
this 100% desu
i walked out of the theater
literally one of my favorite movies of all time, despite the cliche ending and coldplay music.
Jurassic World
Criminal (2016)
I'm not kidding, I'm not being contrarian, it's legitimately the least enjoyable movie I've had the displeasure of sitting through. Even terribly produced films have more entertainment value, this one just sits there in the uncanny Valley of good and bad, always looking great, occasionally drifting into terrible, but never drifting into enjoyment.
His decision of acting is fucking terrible. Any way you cut it, it's terrible. If he's wanted to be a cool badass he comes off autistic, if he wanted to be a mixture of badass and autistic, it's cringeworthy, if he wanted to be totally autistic then I'm watching a movie about an autistic man not saying things for long periods of time, he's unlikable, the girl is unlikable, the relationship between him and the kid is by the numbers and artificial, I could keep going.
I also hate it because instead of watching movies I have to complain about how bad it is on the internet before I cry myself to sleep.
he's also a cuck
Kidding me? Me and my wifes son loved it! could relate heaps.
what video game is that?
it was honestly garbage. I can't believe people think watching monkeys throw shit for 20 minutes is good
Moonrise Kingdom.
The Cat in the Hat - 2003
you cant even like this shit ironically
anyone who likes it needs to kill themselves
Worst movie you ever seen? That 70s vibe and soundtrack is comfy as fuck
you moron, that was a great kino.
the flick it inspired was absolute garbage
I enjoyed that. Gave me a new fetish.
>it's an user decides to give trolling a go episode
it felt like a rushed-up movie, they don't reveal the main character's past, he and the husband become friends in a slip second, they do absolutely nothing with the race car, etc.
Even the booze didn't help make this bearable
A serious man and Django unchained.
Couldn't even make it half way. Every aspect of this movie is terrible.
this goes without saying
You posted it OP.
Vive L'Amour
fuck you the tiger part was funny
If anyone has watched this, I pity you.
I don't like the lead actress, but that aside, the plot was just garbage, nobody wanted what the movie was showing. Above all else, the pacing was dreadful, nothing can be gained from this.
>Le Magic Sword
>Dustin Hoffman is a wizard
However, it did make the movie I watched next (Oblivion) much, much better. So I guess, if you want to prep yourself for an actual good film, check it out, raise your blood pressure a bit, then enjoy an actual film.
Land of the lost (2007)
>watched it via someone infront of me on a plane watching it.
Fucking terrible, it has all you need to see to know GitS is going to be unwatchable.
The Strangers
>Milla Jovovovovovich wanting to be taken seriously as an actor
Yeaaaaahh, nah, I'll pass.
You can go fuck yourself.
Are you kidding? This film did an excellent job of showing the brutality of war and the absurdity of religious power in the medieval period.
Idk how anyone could not appreciate that.
I liked it for the sole reason that Milla is my waifu and you can suck my cock.
Did they jump off the plane?
Damn, great choices.
Jumper is awful, but entertaining nonetheless. Moonrise Kingdom is the only movie I've ever walked out of.
*(2009), my B
i just masturbated, no thanks
>worst movie
that is edgy now
Freddy Got Fingered
it's not even funny in an ironic sense, and believe me, I watched the original and MST3K versions, both were horrible
Sorry Buster, you can put all the meaning you want into a film, but if your pacing makes me want to wake from the fever dream I'm witnessing it's all for nothing.
Do you remember the scene at the ball? Where she had to find something? Whoever edited the shit together must have treasured every shot like his own child and thought it had worth.
Pacing terrible, terrible movie, that simple.
Explain? Mad they didn't spend 25 pages worth of film time stimulating your gun fetish like the mediocre author did when he wrote the books? At least the movies were better than the books by light years.
Human Centipede
anyone who doesn't laugh at freddy got fingered at least once is a soulless husk.
>shitting on Brosnan's Bond and not Dalton's
kys my man
Mila is a qt. A QT.
Love Guru was worse
it's like Mike Myers went hellbent on killing his career after the second Austin Powers movie (the third was garbage except for the presence of Beyonce as eye candy). Everything except his cameo in Inglorious Basterds has been awful
ITT: god tier movies you've seen from 2000-present
The Tall Man was the worst movie I've ever seen in its entirety. Moonrise Kingdom is the worst movie that I've seen recently. I didn't watch the whole thing but you'd have to pay me to finish it.
This shit right here, most retarded piece of shit ever. It's not deep or complex, it's just random and try hard. Anime fans need to watch some actual non-children cinema if they think this shit is supposed to compete with real kino.
She really is. I don't care how terrible her movies are.
no. for example, killing a deer then skinning it and wearing it as a body suit isn't funny, it's psychotic
Oh boy here we go
I know there's a thing against explaining lingo on here, but could you explain kino?
I just know that from Pick Up Artistry it's escalating intensity, but that can't be it.
This and it's not really close
has Studio Ghibli/Miyazaki ever made a "bad" movie?
It's so bad that it's good.
[insert Tyler Perry movie]
^that is the only correct answer. or the human centipede movies, you have to be a total mentalcase to like that shit
Literally one of my favourite movies of all time.
>any Nicolas Cage movie
>worst ever
incompatible premises there, my friend
What the fuck I love Moonrise Kingdom
intriguing premise, desu