What did Snyder mean by this?
What did Snyder mean by this?
>caramel cereal
what the fuck is wrong with americans?
Fuck off, Weetabix.
It's a cereal movie for cereal adults like myself
the placement of the cereal bowls makes it look as if Batman and Superman are cumming into the cereal
>breakfast marveldrones can't understand
well you know i guess we all see what we want to see
>be me
>at work
>stocking cereals
>fucking Kylo Ren on a box of corn flakes
Advertising has gone too far.
Why are their tits on the front too? Makes it look like Superman is lactating in your cereal.
damnit, you almost got me
I'll have to go with supes cereals
Batman V Superman is a deep philosophical film that analyzes Jungian archetypes and cultural social normals. It is not a silly children's movie like those lame Marvel flicks. It is a cinematic treatise on Nietzsche ideologies and they very nature of humanity.
What did I mean by this?
is it any good?
>No Colors from Artificial sources
>No Artificial Flavors
>No High Fructose Corn Syrup
Dawn of Breakfast. Every bite comes with a full serving of justice.
If there's a 1% milk that can be poured against us, we must take it!
underrated post, and czech'd
Dad just bought a bunch from 99 cent store. Probably try them tonight.
Goddamn that Superman cereal is god tier
Bought a bunch at my local grocery store. Had them on clearence for $1.50
>"Tell me, do you eat? YOU WILL!!"
>Chocolate strawberries
Batman doesn't eat fucking strawberries. What the fuck is this?
>tfw you have the emblems cut out from the boxes
its terrible
So you made cereal slash fiction?
>Superman Caramel Crunch
Very much like creating caramel, where you slowly melt down materials, you must slowly form a perfect kino Superman, one that takes multiple movies to truly form.
>Batman's chocolate strawberry
Within the dark, slightly bitter outside shell, you have a much more sweet and cheery center. Much like Batman, who hides his emotions within, the chocolate strawberry is a flavor of both mystery and justice.