What are your thoughts on the Star Wars Extended Canon?
What are your thoughts on the Star Wars Extended Canon?
What are you talking about, OP? Star Wars ended years ago.
I don't really care, only the movies matter.
I can feel the butthurt. It flows through you.
Literal SJW shit
Pretty uninteresting and garbage.
Remember when RLM read that article on wokipedia? Wew.
That entire article was not canon though
Neither is anything beyond the original three movies
according to you?
but the dead can feel no fear, so he is either surrounded by the fearful living or the already dead
and TFA
According to everyone that likes good things
>chewy dual-wielding lightsabers
It's shit, a Mon calamari grevious is more stupid than the sun crusher.
that's fuckin rad tho
real star wars, white people all over and nigger just does the darth vader voice(talking about the masterpiece that is the first movie before they added apes in the second and third)
Someone rec some good star wars books
I don't want to be jumped by /lit/
>haha look at me im eating shit, you dont like eating shit?! Ur just butthurt, oh god i love shit assfgglalosbdjcndo!
Do you care if its canon or not?
Sup Forums has arrived.
Thrawn Trilogy, Death Troopers, Crosscurrent & Riptide, Darth Bane, some others
The only good """"canon"""" is Tarkin, the rest is Sup Forums-tier pandering trash that got rushed to justify its shit lore
Lost Stars is easily the best canon book, but its aimed toward young adults and it can tell in a few parts. Other than that its pretty perfect.
the Thrawn Trilogy is easily the best content over all though, even though its not canon any more
Oh and Darth Plagueis too
No, I just want to read some good, comfy Star Wars sci-fi
>Dath Bane
Thanks, will read
>Darth BANE?
No really, just read the first one though, the rest were meh and its up to you, even the first one I would only recommend because it established why why Plagueis and Palp did their thing