Age 19

age 19
location UK


Fuck John Key

no two snowflakes are ever the same

Age: 18
Location: USA

>inb4 someone goes around calling all the greens snowflake sjws
sjws are in the red, lrn 2 politics

28 AUS
Most millennials are green or purple quadrants.

Not all reds are SJWs, but all SJWs are red.


18 Algerian student



not really hitler was more centralized


23 Male

I am 22 and live in the usa. I don't know what that picture has to do with anything

I am 23 and live in the Netherlands. I don't know what this comment has to do with anything.

maybe you should put the joint down

>I don't know what that picture has to do with anything
if you cant figure it out, dont even try to get into politics

Centralized? Dude, Hitler was like...

show me your meaningless picture

worst shit ever seen.

22 male USA

it's not accurate though, I'm an authoritarian leftist

i believe the government should force everyone to work hard enough to deserve their basic needs, and then compensate them accordingly

this seems like the only solution to the following moral paradox:
* everyone deserves a certain base standard of living
* no one deserves anything they don't earn

you see, if anyone were allowed not to work enough to deserve to get by, they would have to not be paid enough to get by, which would be unethical, but it would be just as unethical to let them be a burden to the system

therefore it must not be the case that they are allowed not to work enough to deserve to get by; working at least that much must be made compulsory, and failure to do so must be punishable by gentle but firm coercion and nothing more nor less

as for the government itself, obviously if this system were ever instated, it would have far too much power

... for a sentient being at least

therefore i propose it be a computer

Age 18.
Location Russia.

Age: 27
Location: Australia

age: 18
Location: Sweden

Age 20
Location: Israel

We could live in a Society where everyone just works one day a week if we wouldn't live in capitalism. Robotics and automats already developed far enough to do 90% of working class jobs. Capitalism is just slowing this down but in 100 years maybe 99% of all Jobs will be done by machines

Stalin, is that you? I thought you were dead.

It's going to be difficult to force everyone to work when robots are doing 99% of it. You don't have to earn anything to live and it's high time society at large realizes this. The concept of work will change from menial labor to meaningful accomplishment. You'll no longer be a slave to capital. You will be free to go out and do some straight up Star Trek shit.



Age: 20
Location: Germany

Why are here so much blue cucks?

This is like weeaboos going to Japan and seeing that not everyone is into anime, but in this case the alt-right goes to Germany and sees that not everyone is into killing Jews.

not totally accureate though, because I'd be more left than that. Don't see how I should be center.


Hitler was more central left economics wise but ultra authoritarian and I think that this is what he meant.

I don't even know what the fuck you want to tell me.
btw: Alt-right = Neo-Nazis. Don't use their new brand to refer to old white supremacists.

You know germany has less right-wing people than every other country in europe? This is like you compare USA with native tribes

you do know that right means generally saying that there is a difference between people based on attributes they generally cannot change about themselves, like location of birth, skin color and other things?
Hitler was the epitome of that sentiment with his euthanasia and hatred of jews.


Sorry, language barrier. I know AR=NN.

All lefties deserve death


23 India

Just try again and maybe use a different approach. Don't try to use an analogy and maybe you can formulate a reasonable sentence.

btw: I understand English perfectly fine, as I was raised bilingually in German and English.

Famous nazi needlepoint

typical right-wing sentiment: Not acknowledging basic human rights.

22 USA
You green fags are sad

Kek I have other things I can be proud of than the geographical datas of my birth faggot. And authoritan ... I guess you are one of those bible faggots believing every bullshit someone telling them

That is incorrect to the core.
Right and left represent economical and individualists views.
Left wing politics is about collectivism and the idea of "the better good" while right wing politics is about survival of the individual and the further right you go the less government you get.
This is why a lot of right wing people are also religious - they don't believe in the idea of a secular government but on the same side this is why the radical republicans movement was the one to Push Lincoln to free the slaves(and why for years upon years the democrats were the racist party)

My apologies.

Seeing a German that isn't a nazi must be strange for neo-nazis. I know they probably understand that not everyone in Germany is a nazi, but it's like a betrayal to them to see a white skinned, blue eyed, blond haired human speaking German, and that person doesn't believe in the total eradication of people they are even remotely uncomfortable with.

go ride a cross dildo.

>Being that cucked by the government
Lame ass motherfucker

i wish i could m8


Authoritan libertarian is how much government you get. Authoritan says 'i need some people telling me what I can do and not do' and libertarian is 'i can decide on my own what's good for me'

USA (northern)

Thats why authoritan are always bible faggots. They need someone telling them what to do because they are ethic cripples

Correct, but right and left dictate what the government do, right wing is more about the individual with small spending on social ideas.

28 / Portugal

>not even knowing basic political definitions

You're probably american. I have heard that their minimal public education spending resulted in shitty standards.
Left believes in the equality of man, right believes in the inequality of man. The economic ends are not intrinsically right or left in some approaches, but they have manifested themselves based on right or left rhetoric. Free market is seen by right wing people as good, because few individuals can gain fortunes and they believe that one day they may find themselves in that situation, though for most, the reason they are right is because they are uneducated in the first place and cannot see the good of the people beyond their own greed.

The reason why hitler went autark was not because of left-wing thinking processes. If you want to create a wide-spanning empire, you do not want to be dependant on those you fight in war, so he had to create everything he needs in Germany. That this would nowadays be seen as a left-wing thing, which is more historically than policitally motivated, is of no relevance in this scenario. Economic seclution is the only way to prosper when you try to destroy all other nations.
Ultimately, his stance was completely right-wing. His means to an end may be interpreted as left because of historical reasons, such as the UDSSR being similar in economics, but nontheless, Hitler was a right-wing hardliner.

I think right left is more about. Right is 'we against the other, I only like things I know' and left is 'we all the same, all together can do it'. But there was never real communism. Because an country wth an elite has an hierarchy what is against ideology of communism

Well, whenever there is a official protest of neo-nazis in germany, there is a tenfold counter-protest by moderates and lefts and also conservatives in germany. They know they are unwelcome and should overthink their approach to life, as everything they see in their day to day life shouts at them how unimaginably dumb and wrong they are about everything.


how about you just read the definitions of left and right instead of making wrong statements?


admittedly though, you are right about the fact that true communism never existed. authoritarian communism is still just a differently justified dictatorship.

I literally said this Just in cheaper words and bad english

I might have misread your points then.
It seemed to me, that you equated right with xenophobia, which is true for most right wing people, but isn't entirely right.

>there is a tenfold counter-protest
As well there should be. Fascists should never be allowed to rally in peace.


Shout it, my brother!
I've seen your pic as a grafiti in my area a few times, pretty good laughs.
Still, I wouldn't want them to die. They should just acknoledge basic human rights.

This faggot is right

Unfortunately in America webe been convinced that lowering taxes for people that are impossibly more rich than we'll ever be will somehow be more benefitial than allocating more money to education.

Retardation of the masses helps those in power but there's a lot of great educational opportunities in the US as well. Those of us lucky enough to be born in the right area to the right people will get it but I've done enough volunteer work in "the wrong part of town" not to take my advantages for granted. I'd encourage anyone out there to do the same.

In the US, the Republicans have managed to equate the word liberal with cuck/faggot/sjw/fedora. Whats ironic is its very cowardly to sit there with great advantages and insult people who are ballsy enough to to speak their mind.

Whatever. I guess being educated and worldy makes me a cuck faggot liberal.

In an ideal world no one wants anyone to die but sometimes the few must be sacrificed for the good of the many

The act of doing so is not right but it will make the world a better place so it's a matter of being willing to sacrifice personal moral dignity for the greater good

Male 23

commie = fag

nah, that's some right-wing sentiment you're spouting here.
They don't have to die. In many countries, hate-speech is a crime, so throwing them in prison is enough, imo.

Yes, many homosexuals are communists because fascists tried killing them.

i agree but that could all be handled better without a government



No, all homosexuals were communists already and the only qualm I have with fascists is that they didn't finish the job.

My brother.

JK is such a slimy bastard. How has he had this long in office?

>all homosexuals were communists already

Strange, I was more on the top last year. I didn't really think I'd be that libertarian.

31yr dude USA

Not that guy, but to want fascists dead isn't right-wing. It's anti-fascism, and it's completely left-wing. And it isn't some big romantic rivalry. It's literally just a bunch of dickwads who want to kill people that aren't like them, and everyone else who wants those dickwads dead.

well it true


I've noticed a rise in the militant left, but maybe because I've only just started to grow up to a point where I can see it.

Is that an accurate assessment? What happens next?

The "militant" left is simply the working class realizing they're being fucked over by the ruling class, and they're ready for FALGSC aka Star Trek and they want it sooner, through revolution, than later, through revisionism.

Some of those questions in this test are bullshit that can't be answered that simple

Oh. I want that.

say that to my face and see what happens.

>communists and leftys spend their time on Sup Forums.
Lel. Sounds about right.
Make any good investments recently? :^)
Get a job and study economics you fucking hippies.

>make any good investments
So I can profit from the toil of exploited workers?
>Get a job
Holy shit, a real life labor fetishist
>study economics
I did, and it turned me into a communist
>Fucking hippies
Jesus Christ, that's liberals not communists

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 no h8

age: 24
location: Dixie

