Is this the true successor to Black Hawk Down?
Is this the true successor to Black Hawk Down?
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Black Hawk Down had better action scenes and characters who were actually distinct. In this movie they all are the same guy, except one who's a bit of a joker.
BHD was probably the first movie I remember seeing where the majority of it was an extended action scene. I can probably describe Black Hawk Down as two 40 minute long action scenes with stuff inbetween them.
more like Rules of Engagement
>embassy rescue
>shouting match over rules of engagement whilst in combat scenario
>higher ups getting off the hook for a shitstorm
BHD was also very, very accurate in regards to its depiction of what happened as well as the timeframe/sequencing of events
bonus points for best officially unofficial movie-based-video game was very based
>Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
>Novalogic RIP
This movie wasn't accurate because it didn't show the Libyans getting upset over the youtube video before going to attack the ambassador also it doesn't show Secretary Clinton ordering the air force generals to go help and try to save them before she was mansplained too and oppressed by the evil patriarchy that wanted to let these men die so that the american people would have an excuse to be racist against muslims and elect Trump
that's not Lone Survivor
Horribly acted and directed tripe.
Why would you attack a target BEFORE mortaring it?
because it was an impromptu attack
What was her fucking problem?
a harvard grad that majored in muslim women studies and knows everything.
giv eme a fucking break. just because they copied the style and font exactly.
the character played by gale from breaking bad was a caricature. i cringed through all of it.
i watched it for some stupid Bay action and that's it
black hawk down is the most underrated militar/war movie of the past 20 yrs
Jaime motherfucking LANNISTER tho
Also, that guy was awarded a MoH for the real life actions portrayed in the movie
does it have a scene where Obama gets a phone call requesting backup and denies it while laughing
British cunt who as the other user said was Ivy League educated and as said before, a cunt.
I never saw 13 Hours but Lone Survivor was pretty much BHD lite
So we agree, lone survivor is a based modern military operator kino?
Not as good, but it was decent.
13 hours is miles better than Lone Survivor.
explosions looking like fireworks like every fucking bay movie.
Krasinski was seriously playing operator Jim which was funny but out of place. He was the only fleshed out character. Everyone else was a MASSIVE stereotype.
>the elitist cunt woman
>the punny too old for this shit bureaucrat who disrespects our heroes and is waiting for retirement
>geek supercharging the wifi
>brown looking interpreter who falls in love with muhrika
>the best friend
>the immature guy who rubs his dick on stuff off duty but turns out to be super pro when SHTF
>some other operator dudes with muscles and stuff
>those "command center" scenes with jargon he picked up off wikipedia with guys wearing glasses looking at analytical screens with dots on them and stuff
>mandatory drones
>naive blonde diplomat ambassador shaking hands talking about the future being so bright he has to wear shades
that film was surprisingly enjoyable but come on lone survivor had a little more soul
No BHD was about actual soldiers. These guys were highly paid Mercenaries.