Independence Day: Resurgence Flops

What went wrong

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It'll make 200 Million in China

Nobody wanted it. The plot is literally "Same as the first one with a bigger ship."

they cast a hemsworth

And those nips will keep 75%.

fatal lack of buzz? i never heard anything about it until a week ago

And no Will Smith, nobody was going to see this if it didn't have Will Smith

Does anyone actually find Liam hemsworth appealing? He has a complete lack of charisma is seems to be riding the wave of his much more talented brother

the word of mouth was terrible and nobody really ever wanted it. maybe if it was made ten years ago idk

wasn't released on independence day

Doomed from the start; no one really wanted a sequel, it was fine as a single movie.
The final death knell was when It Ain't Me played in the commercials.

Did thor forget to take his steroids???


All the other movies airing on Independence Day weekend are set to do horribly.

Thor never had a box office success outside Marvel, with the exception of Snow White and the Huntsman but that was years ago and during the peak of the Twilight fever so the tween girls took it as medieval Twilight

>lets make a sequel on a perfectly fine movie that never needed a sequel

>why didnt people come see it?! Surely Liam is a big enough name?

Hollywood is retarded for hiring these shit actors like lawrence and hemsworth.

I'll go see this shit in theaters if It Ain't Me is used in the movie. I could use a good laugh.

>Be Roland Emmerich
>have a medium-hit with Stargate in early 1990s
>have a huge hit with ID4 in the mid-1990s
>OMG we A-list now
>make Godzilla
>massive bomb
>oh well he at least directed a movie before let's give him other jobs with a slighter smaller budget
>The Day After Tomorrow
>even more fucktarded
>lol costume drama called Anonymous
>also huge bomb
>lol you can't get work anymore
>what's the one movie you can still get greenlit at this point?
>ID4 2: The IDening
>huge flop
>Emmerich and ID4-cowriter Dean Devlin already announced a Stargate reboot two weeks ago

When that bombs too (because it ignores three TV shows that have huge followings), finally we'll be rid of this assclown.

people dont care about remakes, reboot, redos, restarts, franchise reboot sequels/prequels anymore

ghostubusters will be the singularity of all of this

its time to start making more original movies

fucking idiot

ghostbusters is gonna make like 20m opening weekend if this summer so far is anything to go by

>le china meme

They dont even want this shit

>finally we'll be rid of this assclown.
You don't understand the power of jewish nepotism, user. You can literally be imprisoned for child rape and still have a job waiting for you in Kikeywood if you are a member of the tribe.

Don't think it plays in the movie. Just the commercials unfortunately.
But on the bright side, it is in the soundtrack for Suicide Squad

>ghostbusters remake announced
>why remake a perfect movie that;s dumb
>no no, it's a FEMALE reboot. if you hate it, you hate women
>fine, whatever
>don't go see movie
>it bombs
>see guys? no one likes movies with girls in them. here's Transformers 6.

why the fuck would you make Independence Day without Will "welcome to earth" Smith?

You forgot 10,000 BC which was a huge flop.

I agree. He only gets by because of his face

$20m domestic opening for that movie would be considered a flop.

He's just another forgettable face in the recently growing line of bland Aussie exports

No Will Smith

And on top of that they ruined the president by turning him into a paranoid cripple with a weird voice

Releasing opposite of a Pixar movie like a bunch of idiots.

this guy disappeared lol

It's currently tracking for $40-$50 million.

Also that. All his bullshit runs together, he's like a parallel universe Michael Bay.

literally 90% of the movies released this year have flopped or underperformed

only deadpool has been a surprise hit and made tons of cash

I thought this was Jai Courtney until I read the file name

>implying you'd see it if Will Smith was in it


F4 was tracking similar. GB will do at the absolute maximum 40m.

It's over.

I hadn't been in a theater for over a year and a half for this

Star Trek Beyond will be interesting BO wise, but there isn't much left. Did BvS even hit 800m WW?

>studio head literally says "are you kidding me?!" when confronted about the backlash

hemsworthless at the box office

>Star Trek Beyond
Star Trek Beyong comes out in like a month and there are no ads for it and there absolutely no buzz for it.


This is literally a meaningless number, it's decided by accountants. "If we hire actor X it will make Ymillion, if we spend Z on marketing that will add an additional Q million. Projections show Y+Q = opening weekend."

They forgot the part where it's a pointless remake (regardless of gender) of a perfect movie, and every trailer has been terrible.

Biggest bomb of the summer, mark it down.

Reviews matter these days

Batman V Superman would have fucking bombed super hard if it wasn't Batman and Superman

only 6 movies this year have done over 200 million

only 9 have done over 100 million

I've seen like four movies with Jai Courtney in them and I couldn't tell you what he looked like if you put a gun to my head.

872 million but WB wanted at least a billion

That is why this is happening now

They made a new Star Trek?

he's the main character in the highest grossing movie of all time and he's currently making 4 sequels


Isn't Independence Day like a kind of schlocky, charismatic, funny action movie?

Don't the trailers for Resurgence look like they took the Dark Knight route and made it super serious?

All they needed was a black guy to say "aw hell nah" and it would have made a billion dollars.

>Emmerich and ID4-cowriter Dean Devlin already announced a Stargate reboot two weeks ago

This isn't Star Trek, the fanbase actively dislikes the idea and literally no one else cares enough to be hype.

They're dead unless they can come up with a new successful IP again and I think we know the chances of that.

Batman v Superman is the prime example of how much reviews, it would have easily don't like 1.6 billion, but the reviews killed it.

I haven't seen him since 2010

>why the fuck would you make Independence Day without Will "welcome to earth" Smith?
He was making After Earf at the time and was against doing two films that (he felt) mined the same ideas.

This. The first one wasn't even that good to begin with.

yes and people hate it

It's coming out next month and a swear to god when I first remembered it existed 3 weeks ago, I assumed it was coming out in November or 2017, it comes out in a month and no one is talking about it.

Look how fucking terrible this quarter has been!

Everything is bombing!

OMG, It's bigger and stronger! How surprising.

They will even need a female and a non-white to help the All American Hero.

What a refreshing plot!

he has never seen you at all.

The new trailer is getting good reactions.


And I bet you money a majority of people don't even know it's coming out soon.

I vaguely recall reading that he would only do the movie if they gave his son an important role in it as well. Studio said no, so Smith said no.

I respect that Will Smith wants to give his son a good foot in the door for his acting career, but it shouldn't be on his faher's coattails- he needs to make his own identity.

Jason Borne and, assuming it doesn't get poor reviews, Suicide Squad will be the only movies this summer than don't under perform.

>I vaguely recall reading that he would only do the movie if they gave his son an important role in it as well
You'd think he'd learned from After Earth.

Will didn't want to do Suicide Squad and this movie

He gave them a crazy $60 million dollar quote to hire him that he knew they wouldn't be able to pay

>ifirit ebola gets top billing
Has any other actor been so forcefully shoved down everyones throats?

The first one is actually quite good for its genre

>not a surprise hit
>not pure kino

This whole year has been shit. There's been like, what... three good movies?

> Independence Flops
If only Sup Forums posted a screenshot like this when the Female Ghostbusters movie comes out.

Sadly you know it wont flop. Do to all the bad press the trailer has gotten there are people even in this very thread who are going to go see it just to see how bad it really is.

It's tracking poorly.

How Can Box Office Reception Be Real If Our Acting Talents Aren't Real

Disney only has surprise flops

Maybe, but it wasn't good enough to deserve a sequel.

Apparently test-screenings were pretty poor and they had to reshoot a large portion of it, even including a new character, and that's why there's been little marketing about it.

those slopes will keep 75%

>reshoot a large portion of it, even including a new character
Sign of an excellent movie.

the top 3 box office winners this year are all disney movies.

This movie is about to come out in a month and there's been no ads for it.

Literally none of that is true. He had time commitments and they rewrote the script to focus on a younger legacy generation instead of a father-son relationship.

Will Smith has already said he doesn't want to star in movies with his son anymore.

T-they can't keep getting away with it!

so many bombs this year

Wasnt Warcraft outed for box office fraud in China?

Smith didn't come back because he had just done "After Earth" and didn't want to do another movie where he's a soldier in a technologically-advanced military unit going through drama with his kid.

He's clearly trying to shed his "family man" image and do some edgier stuff to win back the crowd, first with "Focus", now with "Suicide Squad", next with the David Ayer/Max Landis gritty fairy tale buddy cop drama film.

How about I shed your skin and wear it as a suit?

Jai Courtney is the new Sam Worthington.

>even Will Smith knows his son is a piece of shit now

Its kinda nice.

Anonymous was good though.

Yeah, I only realized about that movie in this thread

one time he threw a brick at my friend at a bar in philly

Probably because Roland Emmerich has spent over the last two decades cultivating a career of making forgettable schlock. Plus, the original Independence Day is one of those movies that you remember liking as a kid, but then you rewatch it, and realize that it hasn't held up all that well.

>Will Smith has already said he doesn't want to star in movies with his brave genderfluid child anymore.


but people wanted a Finding Nemo sequel?
>inb4 it's only okay when Disney does it

As a film, it takes itself too seriously.
As an sequel to Independence Day, it makes no sense.
Remember, the aliens in Independence Day were scavengers, analogies for industrial concerns of the day; consuming one planet before moving on to the next. It was stated in the movie that they were attacking because they would starve otherwise, and heavilly inferred that this was the only ship of this species.
Moreover, the ship in the movie made no sense either.
A ship that large, moving as fast as thet particular mothership was shown to would be making +p speeds. If anything making reletavistic speeds collided with the Earth's atmosphere, the Solar system would end. No ifs, ands, or duts about it; it would just fucking end. Not to mention the fact that a ship that massive would destroy the planet just as a function of its gravity, and not even touching on the total unfeasability of a ship that large that isn't self-sustaining.

>that's not a brick, this is a brick!

>analogies for industrial concerns of the day; consuming one planet before moving on to the next
Oh fuck off.