Worth the money? It's 33% off

Worth the money? It's 33% off

I'd buy it if i were you

been playing it for 2 weeks it worth every penny



yes, completely worth it, instead to Star Wars Battlefront, more maps, more content, more explosions, more ww1

Is that the download price
I prefer disc

Starwars sucks ass
>only play air battles

Yes, just not worth renting a server yet
Like battlefield 4, it is starting off great, not the best game ever though, but like bf4, the updates will bring more content

As worth as any Battlefield game is at this point

Bought it

enjoy it!

shouldve got overwatch instead m8

Youre gonna play it for like 5 hours and get bored ASFug

Yes it is worth it

$36 worth it?

where is that deal?

Xbox one store

man the best i can find is like 40 something for pc

enjoy your already dead game

less than 200 people playing

fucking retarded move adding niggers to ww1

Ive got titanfall 2 and overwatch at the moment. I dont really need bf1 as well do i?