Anyone date a gold digger? I just got out a relationship with one...

Anyone date a gold digger? I just got out a relationship with one. She was a 10/10 looks wise but a fucking cold hearted bitch and gold digger.

(Pic not related)

I almost dated one this summer. All she cared about was what I was buying for her and where I'd take her for vacation. After a point it was clear money was all she cared about. She was hot af though. So I had to limit my conversations with her to only immediately after jerking off (to keep a clear head). Didn't last very long.

Did she let you fuck at least?

Yes, we fucked al lot.

How did you meet her? i took mine to hawaii and travelled quite a bit. she wanted everything all expensed and anytime we ate out she expected me to pay. i';ll type more in a moment

In Hawaii she compared the trip to St. Barts mentioned how "average" or "poor" people in Hawaii looked. She said St. Barts was for 'rich' people. I kept her in private luxury resorts...

In NY she mentioned how her girlfriends are married to cardio-surgeons and they landed a great deal on apartments over million. Whenever I met her girlfriends it was true, they were married to investment bankers and such and she'd always compare me to them.

She thought $150,000/yr salary was middle class. and she made less than $20,000/yr.

Met her through speed dating service in my city. Don't have time to find girls because I work like 80 hours a week.

What's your story with her? How long were you with her and how did it end? Did she find out about your career before you dated? What do you do?

My career was part of our very first conversation. So she knew of course. We went on dates on and off for 3 months before I was sick of her bullshit. After that our communication just died down and that was the end of it.

mine lasted over a year

i want to weed out gold diggers moving forward

I broke up with my gf a month ago. Communications died down. Llast week i told her about my promotion to assistant professor. She has been missing me a lot lately. Arent I the luckiest guy in the world!

congrats bro, what do you teach

Yep ... and mine is gone and pregnant with my child ... fucking sic - after she kenw she was pregnant she went back to her hometown and I already got letters that she want to have money

Yesterday my massagetherapist (woman) told me to not advertise my job etc too much next time i date online. Insists that is how wimenz's minds work.
Let someone like you for you rather than becoming a calculation in their mind.

I showed her too much that I have money ... for that I could punch myself now ...

Thanks user.
Chemistryfag here.

Yes. My first gf. She was 100% wifey material at the start. Both of us from the same Eastern European country. Both of us broke, both of us trying to make the American dream happen. We started senior year of highschool, and went to the last year of college. I planned my whole life around her and was planning on proposing when we graduated.
Towards the end she started getting way more materialistic.
I couldn't keep up with her lavish fucking demands.
She was gorgeous, a proper 10/10 as well.
She left me out of the blue. Went and dated a bunch of older guys, got tossed around. Came back depressed and lonely because she realized they were using her for her ass.
Told her to fuck off. She broke my heart and was vindictive about it too.
Now she works like 3 jobs. She makes good money considering how much she works.
But that dream of hers to live a lavish life is pretty much shattered. She started dating some dude recently who knows nothing about what she did.
I could care less.

No problem. I'm aiming for a PhD in CompSci.

OP here. I'm American and my ex is Eastern European too. For some reason her and all her Russian friends are materialistic and aim for top earning men.

I'm not kidding you, by dating my gf I've been at very private parties full of A-list celebrities. That is one thing I'll miss about being with her is the exclusive A-list lifestyle she has...

But she is a fucking gold digger. She wanted me t co-sign a $30,000 loan for her at one point.

Same story here. Replace eastern european with southeast asian. She is dating 8 yr older guy and working 60 hrs a week. Used to sit home and do nothing when she was with me.
Good riddance!

Good luck!

Dont tell them how much you will make after degree, dont tell them about your parents money or heritage etc, dont tell them about any of that. Wait for the right girl who would care about you.

Thanks man. My ex was only concerned about status. I'm glad she's gone now.

Yeah she tried to make me feel bad one time after our breakup when I ran into her. She was telling me about all these super wealthy doctors and bankers who take her out to amazing rooftop parties etc.
I was stoned and just had finished fucking one of her ex friends.
I smiled, said wow that's nice and left.
I didn't do it to upset her, and she doesn't even know I fucked her ex friend. But it was nice on the inside knowing that information.
Now I'm about to start dating another one of her ex friends. Once again, totally by accident. But still feels kind of nice

All women are gold diggers to a certain degree. They will always go for the most successful guy they will be able to get their hands on.

Rest assured that the most faithful and down to earth of girlfriends will dump your ass in a heartbeat if she thinks that has a good chance of landing somebody more successful than you are and who is more likely to stay more successful. Some will gamble that you are going to be more successful and stick around with you. But if they thought you won't become successful, then they dump you.

The ones that are called gold diggers are the ones who are one degree below escorts/prostitutes. They're blatant about wanting financial rewards for their affection/sexual services.

The difference between waifu material and gold diggers is that the waifu seeks the most successful guy that would be able to take care of her and her children. The gold diggers are simply more materialistic, selfish and short-sighted. They seek immediate rewards instead of waiting that their guy becomes successful.

I dated some of the so-called gold diggers. They're fun while you can afford them. The easiest way that I found to get rid of them is to introduce them to somebody that you make them think is more successful than you.

Sounds too familiar. While we were DATING she told me about going to dinner with a late 40s man that just sold his business for several million and how her friend was telling her how she'd be good with him (WTF?!) but she didn't 'feel' it with him.

She has all these crazy stories about partying with celebrities and how she has inside connections (which she does). While it seems nice on the outside, it's very vapid on the inside.

For her last birthday I had her in a 5-star hotel and we met a wealthy guy whose father owned an oil business and she mentioned how wealthy he must be--- all while I had this bitch in a nice place.

Also, I told her to give me a list of things she wanted for her birthday and I'd choose ONE thing from it, she gave me the list and TOLD ME I needed to buy her EVERYTHING on the list. I ended up not buying her anything.. thought the trip and expensive dinner was good enough

Wait girls are into professors? I thought professors didn't make money and girls went for doctors and software engineers.

I'm currently deciding what I want to do in my life, which would probably something similar to your path ideally. Just always thought it'd be a life of no pussy and average income that wouldn't help getting pussy

>. The gold diggers are simply more materialistic, selfish and short-sighted. They seek immediate rewards instead of waiting that their guy becomes successful.

This is what my ex told me when she broke up. I had a very high paying job and lost it recently due to layoffs. I decided to go back to school for the next 4-5 years and by the end of it should be able to net 150-200k/yr starting salary jobs.

She said would be X+4 years old and couldn't wait on me. She needed a man that was successful and could take care of me now and left. This is many months of being together and about 3 months after I lost my job

so sad, but so true

Here is my full story If anyone is interested:

Dated a girl from Tinder - I live near the polish border and the german girls here a crap ... On the first day she came with me and started to live in my flat on the first day for about 2 month. For me it was love on the first sight ... the sex was amazing and she was a 9/10. I really thought she could be wife material - but I had to pay everything (including short Trip to greece ..). It didn´t bothered me much, because I have enough and I don´t have time to spend the money (60 till 80 hr a week working). Suddenly she became really agressive towards me, started to treat me like shit and didn´t showed in any way that she lovedy me. As she wanted to start a fight with me on my birthday I breaked up. She went back to poland, wrote me that she is pregnant and want to have money already during the pregnancy (700 Euro per month - wich is poland more than a teacher earns). Now my polish lawyer communicate with her. I made her the offer that she can come back if she stop treating me like shit, but she seems not to be interested ...

Dude leave that bitch alone she is fucking nuts

WTF do you do that would pay that much?

i know, but i still love her and it is my first child

Leave her. It's not worth it. Also, do you have a pic of her?

I'm not the same guy you are asking. But lots of jobs pay that much.
If you are amazing at sales you can hit these numbers. Also medicine, higher levels of management, finance etc.
I'm trying to break into investment banking. And if only for the fact that I choose finance as my college major for my ex gold digging cunt of a gf. Now I know tons of finance shit so I figure, why not.

deleted all of her on my birthday ....

I am good looking and she knows i can pull pussy if i want to. She is ok looking and even though i know she can pull dick (all women can!), I am a great role model for her 7 yr old kid, i am a caring thoughtful person. BUT none of that matters because she probably figures i am the best she can do if I am a professor.
Professors dont go out partying but we do get to interact with a ton of legal girls looking for authority figures :)

PhD in Computer Science. Focus in Machine Learning + Data Science in the Bay Area.


Asian women are awful in this as well. Better get hookers instead.

Yeah not so much the partying, but the perception of societal status/money. Professors don't make all that much compared to doctors and software engineers, who can make 100k on a starting job if they're good. Right? Is this not the case? So a gold digger/woman in general would not gravitate towards this, based on the less money and societal status that is. Not in terms of partying or how many famous people you know . Or am I wrong?

Sociopath, avoid at all costs. Don't pay single penny.

Yes see like this guy:Except if he's in industry which it seems he is

Honestly I want to see what her face looks like. What you've posted is enough for someone to track her, why not just show the face too

Spainfag here. 38 M. Happen to live in a castle that used to be mine, but is not anymore and till new business is off the ground I'm a poorfag with about 1000 a month to spend on food, clothes and nonsense. Met a cute black 21 yr old 8/10 who grew up in Ibiza. First two months were great but I was always paying for everything. So at some point I was fed up when she ordered a lavish meal that she barely touched and when the bill came I proposed to split. Next day she says she's wondering what she's getting out of it, her friends are dating gangsters and businessmen and get treated like princesses. So I return the question. What do I get out of it. Anyway, dumped her on the spot and drove her to the train to get her ass back to the city. In the two months we'd dated I had turned her into a very sexually submissive whore and basically perverted her. For months after she gave me call after call explaining me how she can't cum anymore with 'normal' guys. Twice I invited her over, directly fucked her ass, made her cum continuously for hours and dropped her at the train again like a cheap whore. Now I'm done with her I think.

mhm there actually is a polish law that I have to pay the costs of the pregnancy (in this case the polish law counts) ... but it would be not that much ... yep I also think she has some kind of mental disorder, soziopathic or autistic (I couldnt touch her face with my hands, everything had to be desinfected...) - she also never had a long realtionship

She has a nice body but you can do better, i am ugly as fuck but i give alot of love and it's lead to some really hot girls [spoiler]dumping [/spoiler] me

I´m still hoping that she would come back

Based on your experiences should I pursue a compsci/software engineering path in industry or a career in the medical field (either of which I do have some interest for) with all the money and societal status and hope of pussy (I'm a viegin with crippling social anxiety and I don't know if I can ever get a girl) or aim for what I'd really like: mathematics academia. The only reason money is a concern for me is because I just don't know if I can get a girl without some above average amount of it. All of these alpha jocks are throwing women around while I'm sitting here watching like a loser. If I pursued what I really wanted, would this be the rest of my life too?

Dude, you can do better than that. I know you're a Sup Forums tard and mayben not that capable, but when it comes down to dating eastern european sociopathic gold diggers you can surely find one with a smaller tummy, prettier face and non square hips.

I hads unfortunate relationship with sociop.. First it was so nice but soon enough the mask went off and manipulation started. Sure way to recognize these monsters is that if they say 'i love you' within few days of seeing, avoid. Also any talks about family, marriage coming up, that's insane to talk about these immediately.

Are you guys interested in posting some hot chicks pics if i'll give you their insta/fb?


I did. All the bitch wanted to do was go to expensive restaurants and be all lovey dovey but when I decided to not go out as much to fancy places with her then it became an issue, like I was not doing enough for her. Pic related, she also loves to sleep with everyone in town and can never stay loyal.

How would you even cope with such bullshit for more than 5 minutes?

You said she's an autist who wouldn't let you touch her face. She's psychotic and your life will be shit. I know someone in similar shoes. Showing her face won't lower your chances of all these in any case. If we wanted to, we could figure out who she is with the info that's already here. Let's see how pretty she is to see if she's worth all the pain and torment you're going to suffer. Or if she's an ugly bitch in which case, there's nothing there for you

Depends on your passion. Don't choose your career over pussy.

Machine Learning requires a lot of mathematics & statistics, which isn't easy. It also requires programming knowledge, again programming isn't immediately easy. If you are doing it for pussy alone you'll get to a point it's too hard and drop out. If it's for pure interest then when you get to that point you'll have the ump to push forward.

Because she was a model (not model mayhem shit) but a legit New York fashion model. I could only take it for a little over a year though. After I told her no to the $30,000 loan, she dropped it to $10,000 which I told her no again

Damn in retrospect I dated a girl back in high school who was quick to do all this. But she was always just so frigid and what she said never matched up with her behavior

Woah woah woah.. that girl is a slut?? You don't say.. lol the only one to blame here is you, for expecting any different. Enjoy the ride, don't expect fish to breath air and you'll have a lot better time

when I say model, I mean look like this. This isn't her but they all look the exact same.

Despite their looks models are usually broke and normal, except the one I dated had mental issues and was a gold digger.

you seem to be doing well for yourself, why the fuck the insecure beta style searching for attention from 'model' women?

Two ways this happens:
1. You are a somewhat depraved lonely beta.
2. You attract gold digging bitches and find them hot cause you are no less of a materialistic, money graving, 'I am the upper class'-type of person than they are

Either way, godspeed!

It is 1). I used to be made fun of in school, never had a gf until mid-20s. It was validation on my part but at a huge $$$ tag.

I felt alpha as fuck being seen with her. She was the most attractive girl in the room and way hotter than any of my friend's gfs.

But behind closed doors she'd bitch and complain, thought my friends were lame and expected me to treat her like a princess.

I would spent ~$200 on lunches on her in Manhattan and she didn't give a fuck. She expected it.

can not confirm. Modeling has a tendency to push people in to two directions, I think. If they arent successful they become emotionally insecure. If they happen to make it, they become ego overloaded wrecks.

Fuck off you bitter closet homosexual trannie femanon you're not fooling anyone

I say find yourself a cutie in academia

She had the chance to become big but she is very difficult to work with and it has hindered her career. She worked with big names like Louis Vuitton, Ralph Lauren, etc.

She is bossy and thinks too many things are beneath her. She'll get a small modeling job for $300/day and say it's a waste of her time since she had other jobs where she mad several grand a day.

She uses modeling as her main career and is broke as fuck due to it. But since she looks 10/10 she thinks she should be married to a rich husband who will take care of her so she'll never have to work again. Fuck that

thanks mate. i'll be looking.