Is it ok to give a 3 year old a small amount of valium or codeine so he would shut up and sleep

Is it ok to give a 3 year old a small amount of valium or codeine so he would shut up and sleep.

I'm working as a babysitter for the first time and I'm losing my mind from all the screaming.

any opiod will fuck up their brain chemistry at that age, and the comedown from valium or opium will make him scream more.

Children's Tylenol works wonders. Also take your dick out of the toddler.

Try something more natural first like melatonin.

Im sure it can't hurt, just give it a very s amount

What if I give him a cannabis brownie?

Use fucking common sense
Don't give the kid that shit, see or

What do you care? Natural shit wont help the kid.
Try even a half a mg of valium if you got it or a tiny bit of xanax

Isn't codeine natural?


So is heroin you dumb fuck.

Just give him some melatonin and turn down the lights, it'll start working in about 20 minutes

Tickle its feet.

Give him elavil 100 mg

use vodka instead

Obvious troll is obvious

Diaper dry? Hungry?

Let's be serous for a moment...
How much of an idiot is OP for asking Sup Forums how to make a child go to sleep?

Maybe don't babysit?

Melatonin doesn't do shit because it does not cross the blood-brain barrier

Use Phenobarbital or Fentanyl patches

So is cocaine, heroin and weed

Casey Anthony please report in

Suck it up and do your fucking job

lol.. opioids will not fuck up brain chemistry unless used on a frequent basis. When a child is in pain, do you think hospitals just don't give them pain medication?

Also, there is no comedown from benzos. However valium has potential to freak a kid out because some kids don't like feeling 'loopy'. I know i hated that feeling when I was little.

So yeah, it's fine as long as you don't give them both. It's frowned upon by society but there's nothing inherently wrong with it.



Valium's a bad idea if you want him presentable by the time the job is done. Use xanax, shorter half life.

You could use klonopin and tell him to put it under his tongue, it's sweeter than the other benzos and absorbs immediately this way.

How about taking one/many yourself you stupid cunt?!

Just going to throw a suggestion out there: Ambien
I'd say 2.5mg would do the trick

How about no

Just put him in a sleeper hold

Bottom line: NO!!!!!!!

You are not a doctor or health care professional and have no qualifications to administer any sort of medication of that sort. And then there's the possibility of death that you gotta worry about.

Doctrors don't know shit. I have to get my medication illegally because they won't give me what I tell them to and only prescribe shit such as SSRI:s and antipsychotics.