Hi Sup Forums. I seek for help/advice. A week or so ago someone close to me found my notes that were jokingly written...

Hi Sup Forums. I seek for help/advice. A week or so ago someone close to me found my notes that were jokingly written. In the notes i wrote some dark and psychotic shit. The person that found the notes told the psychiatrist and then he told the cops. Yesteray 2 detectives visited my house. Asked me questions. They told me that if they find anything that proves i was going to do those things ill be taken away. What should i do?

Magnet pc to hide cp

set aside 13 years to practice black magic

Eat you cup of liquid shit and everything will be ok.

eat the pudding and then destroy all evidence that links the two togather

>if girl post tits with timestamp

What did you write on the paper?

snort the pudding and clam insanity also start throwing shot at people and piss everywhere and start eating rat raw and bugs throw computer out the window and fuck ur mom in the ass

>works everytime 50% of the time

What did you write OP?

Well we'll need details first. What is there evidence of?

im with them

>whats on the papper

We can't exactly help if we don't know what you wrote.

You sound like a psychopath eh?

Anyone holding a spoon like that should be taken away. sorry man.


op is a faggot

bump for greentext

lawyer up and refuse to consent to searches

claim that notes were an exercise in writing psychotic characters in fiction. if cops search your house anyway without a warrant then you win already. if they go get a warrant leave it up to your lawyer. contact the aclu if you can't afford a lawyer. they'll represent you regardless of your politics if your liberties are under attack.

good luck user. sounds like the finder was a real shitty individual.

Tell em it's some notes for a bit of fiction you're working on.

I wrote plans on how i would take over a school of i could. Like how i would kill and shit

Nope. Sometimes you're a fucked up person into fucked up shit, and you make some art, or write some shit to base short stories off of. Or its an emotional form of catharsis, expressed in private. Either way, it can be fucked up. I used to draw violent ass shit, and write stories based off of personal experiences with actual characters to encapsulate the real character behaviors that can't otherwise be written off of intuition. Instead, by using elements from ones real world experience, they can recount real, actual thoughts/feelings/responses reflecting a character's personality within a short story. Or fuck, maybe the guy wants to make a movie.
Tell the cops to fuck off and talk to your lawyer if they have any questions. Say nothing to the cops, I fucking mean it op.

So the thing is they were at my house already. Asked me if i was planning on doing it..said no. It eas a joke. Asked me about personal stuff.... then they said they are gonna search my facebook which everyone uses here. They said that if they find anything they will cease my phone and comp. And later on idk wut

This all sounds like it's against your freedom of speech. And it wouldn't be included in threatening violence because you kept them private.

I agree with the others, lawyer up. You need legal counsel to shut that shit down

We're all fucked. The thought police are becoming real. The SJWs started it, making this okay. Trump will use that and twist the morals, then back up the police force with no recourse. The Gestapo is coming.

Chocolate Pudding