Hi ! Average French guy coming to California for two weeks. What are the odds I can legally fuck with a local lady...

Hi ! Average French guy coming to California for two weeks. What are the odds I can legally fuck with a local lady ? What's the best way ?

Why would you want to go to Cali? Thats one of the shittiest places in the U.S.A. to go to.

There's none, you're french

My company is sending me there...

Take a shower.

Also, what do you mean "legally"?

If you got good game then you should be good.

I mean no rape, no prostitute

Just go to a bar, make random french words to whoever is the most stupid, but hot looking, and least very drunk; profit!

Nice faggot, nice

What's nice ?

Midwestern hick detected

He thinks people on Sup Forums know how to get laid?

You're company must hate you.

Take advice from a Mexicali user, the women in La and SF are shit, don't let your guard down at night, If you're going to be sent to the oil industry locations in the Central Valley I'll buy you a beer then buy you a burrito and have my cousin pimp yo whip

a place in france

I'm Cali born; you faggatron.

Where in California? I live in Ventura and the pickings are really easy here, especially if you have an accent. I'm South African by birth, and still have a slight cape accent, women love it... and because I'm white.

Orange county... Yeah I know

if youre hot and suave youll probably end up with a wife

Great show

Claire girls are easy, and even easier if you have an accent
Just make sure they dont rob you because you're a foreigner

You'll be fine. Get on Tinder, and go out to bars. Crack jokes about american culture and ensure you have an exit plan... Like a hotel nearby or have a ride ready to go. Find girls that are drunk, get them to laugh, and invite them to party further back at where you're staying.

Get back to your stupid country