You walk into an empty bar and this girl says sheo nly likes Aryans and Germans

>You walk into an empty bar and this girl says sheo nly likes Aryans and Germans.
What do you anwer?

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Slap the bitch and remind her she's an albanian whore who sold her self because she was desperate at 13.

She immediately drops to her knees and sucks my cock. As I orgasm, shooting my seed into her throat, I shout "AUFITEZAIN" at the top of my lungs.

Heil Hitler

i slowly whisper into her ear "Die Fahne hoch! Die Reihen fest geschlossen! SA marschiert mit ruhig festem Schritt."

afterwards we hold hands and march into the sunshine

What the fuck do i care? Btw it should tell you something if a female sits in a bar alone

i drop kick her then stomp on her head... lovingly of course...

racist piece of shit whore

turn 360 degrees and walk out

How the fuck am i talking to someone in an empty bar? I need meds!

As a finn, I would just stare her from a corner


my mothers side is german and I'm aryan so i'd probably just slip her the dick

>what does that mean
>how do you tell the difference
>do you really understand the clear distinction I don't do you smoke

Dropkick this bitch for not realizing Anglo is master race.

If it's an empty bar, there is no girl.

My nuts hurt.

someone, help me.

yet another 12 year old gay faggot posting a random fb pic lazily asking for expert advice about how should he masterbate his ridicolously tiny flaccid saggy penis

>glance over at her.
>"Uh. okay...?"
>Continue drinking.

Why so serious?

wonder why she's talking to me in the first place because I'm a shit skin.

in english?

spooky scary skelletons send shivers down the swine

I'm listening to Wehrmacht marches, strolling around the bar in strict posture. Haben Sie PAPERS BITTE!?!? Then I proceed to slap her and take her out to Gestapo headquarters.

Seig my dick

I just pull out my BBC and she forgets her name

Spell "Sieg" right, you nigger

With my strongest most nazi through the teeth accent :
Guten Morgen fraulein. Wie geht es dir?

I respect her preferences and offer to buy her a drink to try to make conversation in hopes of attracting another girl in the bar with social proof that wants to sleep with an Asian guy.

NeeegaaaH! Face to face! Don't try'n mess with the masta race!

never, you fucking kraut loving kike fuck

Who let a racist twelve year old into a bar?

Ask her why they let a 14 year old into a bar

>those man hands

>"Where the fuck did you come from? This place was empty 2 seconds ago".

Nothing because she has a right to like or dislike whomever she wants. Fucking brainwashed zombies say otherwise

slap the bitch and tell her that germs are not on par with slavs, do a 360 squat and walk away

I go home and take my schizophrenia medication because I'm hearing and seeing shit in an empty pub.

Ask if she's down to hate fuck me.

Remind her that the germanic peoples south of Denmark are contaminated with Hun and Slav dna, and that she's racially impure, while I stroke my eggshell white highland erection through my kilt.

More like pic related.


Knife in the five head

Ask her if she'd like a white russian.

thanks for share

I clarify her I'm not white and she is about to be culutrally enriched