I found this box in the garage of my parents' house while on a visit, by the sound and weight of it...

I found this box in the garage of my parents' house while on a visit, by the sound and weight of it, there seems to be something heavy, possibly a gun in there, so out of curiosity i'm trying to unlock it, any locksmiths/niggers here know how i can pick the lock on this box or otherwise open it without anyone knowing?
>pic related, the box, sounds like somethings barely big enough to fit in, which leads my suspicion of gun, and something atop it which makes me think of a magazine

hammer and a screw driver have fun op

Grind off face of lock then hit with hammer

Open it With a hammer

How will that work?

I'm pretty sure it'll be noticed if i grind the face of the lock off

Hammer and chisel.

>get paper clilp
>straighten it
>bend it back and forth to put grooves in it
>you now have a rake
>stick the rake in the keyhole and wiggle it raking the pins of the lock
>simultaneously apply rotating pressure to the lock with another paper clip

worth a shot, thats all i got fam

Need Locksmith skill 50

That will probably work, just not sure which bit to smash to make it the least obvious that i fucked about with the box since i'm pretty sure from what i asked my mom a while back, the guns are Yugo guns that were smuggled by my dad

Post an image when you have done

leave it there then.

it sounds like you're too underage to actually handle a gun

search for the MIT guide to lock picking

stick a chisel in the groove and hammer it

op can we get a stream

OP here, could i hammer a screwdriver in a gap somewhere on the box and pry it open?

your idea of not getting caught is disconcerting. I suspect you're underage.

Look for info bred there are usially how to pic lock pics, also post if u have it

screwdriver is not a chisel. you'll ruin the screwdriver and the box.


looks like a relatively simple lock if youre persistant enough you should be make a tool and pick it. Managed to pick a shitty lockboxand lockers using a paperclip before.

Take you a while to shape the tool right but it'll work

Buy or make a chiseled key

and when you do open it, I demand a pic with the gun to your head.

you're literally giving this kid nigger training.

He's acting like a nigger for not googling it first

If it works why complain?

Nah, it's just i'm kinda questioning the legality of the stuff in the box, and my dad got pissed at me when i was a kid when i asked what was in the box, so it's either guns or dildos or some shit


you clearly have no experience with guns

Or maybe a dildo gun?


try a credit card. if that don't work maybe a liybrary card.


Aside from the fact in order to legally own a gun here, you have to have it locked in a safe and that it's a bit suspicious to have a locked metal box that weighs a few kg and clearly has something probably metallic inside hidden away.


Here's a crazy thought, try asking your parents about the fucking box.

In addition to this, use needlenose pliers to hold the lock still.

then dont open it little boy and go back to playing with ur matchbox cars

you're young enough that you can still be punished by them, its a bad fuckin idea. you dont seem to know anything about handling a firearm

and atleast tell us where you're from so I can check the news for the teenage fag that shot someone


Why don't you just take the box to them and ask what's inside instead of snooping around in other people's shit. The worst they can say is no.


>Hasn't posted a timestamped picture of the box

You're all cucked

no you can without fucking it up that methed is "i dont give a fu k about this box i want it opened" ur going to have to pick it or use a shime key


Look for the key in logical locations of the house.

so ur going to have to put the box back then


I sense a shitposter

Stop trying to steal your parent's shit you sack of garbage
Hopefully one of them hears you rustling around and blows your brains out thinking you're a nigger thief.
Which you are.

Welp, tell us if you get the box open, OP.

certain open-bolt guns can fire if you shock them hard enough

just FYI