Round-up of all potential spoilers that have leaked about the movie so far.

>Luke Skywalker and Rey are training in the ancient Jedi temple in Ahch-To. Luke is not Rey's father.

>Luke and Rey interact with the Force ghosts of Yoda and Anakin Skywalker.

>Luke reveals to Rey that the Force comes from an ancient tree, and that its powers were first harnessed by two siblings, a boy and a girl. The power corrupted the boy, who murdered his sister and went on to become the first Sith. The girl became one with the Force, assembled the Jedi order, and has been reincarnating throughout the centuries in both male and female form. Each incarnation is the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force.

>Anakin was the Chosen One, but was corrupted by Palpatine and spent years serving the Dark Side before being redeemed by Luke and bringing balance to the Force. However, it is is disarray once again, and Rey is the next Chosen One.

>Rey is told she must kill Kylo Ren to defeat the Sith and reluctantly agrees.

>Kylo and the Knights of Ren attack Luke and Rey. Luke single-handely defeats the Knights of Ren and destroys their transport while Kylo overpowers Rey in a lightsaber duel, but is forced to flee when Luke intervenes and becomes stranded on Ahch-To with them.

>Meanwhile, Finn and Poe are fighting the First Order together, and the remnants of the New Republic have joined Leia's Resistance following the destruction of the Hosnian System.

>Leia is injured during an attack by the First Order, and a corrupt politician played by Laura Dern attempts to seize control of the Resistance intending to seek a compromise with the First Order. Poe steps up as the leader of the Resistance in Leia's absence and rejects Dern's plans to surrender.

>Benicio Del Toro is a high-ranking member of the First Order.

>Kelly Marie Tran is a member of the Resistance who shares several scenes with Finn and is important to the plot.

>At one point, Finn goes undercover as a Stormtrooper.

>Tom Hardy cameos as an old friend of Finn's who doesn't know he betrayed them to the Resistance.

>At one point in Ahch-To, Kylo tells Rey something about Luke that Luke doesn't want her to know, and Luke becomes so angry he destroys a mountain with the Force.

>Eventually Rey and Luke reunite with the Resistence.

>At one point, Rey and Finn must rescue Tran from a First Order stronghold.

>There's a subplot about evil Force worshippers of some sort.

>Captain Phasma is trying to regain her lost honor by capturing Finn, and at one point she apparently succeeds.

>Phasma forces Finn to lower the shields of the Resistance in revenge for him making her do the same to the Starkiller, and Finn later gets revenge by cutting off Phasma's arm.

>Snoke is apparently the first Sith, the boy who murdered the his sister, which would technically make him Rey's brother.

>Kylo still has his crossguard lightsaber for a large portion of the movie, but no longer wears a mask.

Kylo is going to be the hero by the end of the series

>In "Empire Strikes Back" the heroes are trapped in a remote location with the powerful villain
>In this the villain is trapped in a remote location with the powerful heroes


Apparently no.

>At one point in Ahch-To, Kylo tells Rey something about Luke that Luke doesn't want her to know, and Luke becomes so angry he destroys a mountain with the Force.
Apparently it's a hut Luke destroys because of a conversation Kylo and Rey were having. I'm beginning to think Kylo gets stranded there with them after his fodder crew gets rekt by Luke.

>1977-1983: "The force is a magical energy field that exists and flows through all living things"
>2015-2019: "LMAO THE FORCE IS A TREE"

Will it ever end bros? Will the force be re-explained as yoda's half eaten ham sandwich Episode 10 Circa 2025?

He does. Then he escapes somehow after revealing the foregone twist that it was Luke who abandoned Rey in Jakku.

>Luke who abandoned Rey in Jakku.

When will this theory die?

Rey was in Jakku for 14 years. In the book Bloodlines Kylo was 23 when he turned. At that time he was training with Luke. The book takes place 6 years before TFA.

>Thinking books are canon

>>Luke reveals to Rey that the Force comes from an ancient tree

This is worse than medichlorians

But his not wrong. Like it or not the book is canon.

Sure it is, bro.

Sure it is...

Prove it's not...

You remind me of those Rey Skywalker theorists that are in denial.

Sounds cool.

The tree thing is kinda of in the lore, I think it is suppose to be that the cells in your blood are like mitochondria which some scientists believe is an "alien" organism which connected to animals, it does have its own DNA after all and is separate to the "hosts" DNA

The Medachlorians are suppose to be like our Mitochondria, I assume that the force sensitive trees in the expanded universe ( I think Poe Dameron plants one in a comic set before EP VII ) act in the same way as force sensitive people, they have Medachlorians but perhaps have even more or are the first organism which developed some means of communicates with the force.

The force is not a tree or cells in your blood, the tree can simply control the force better than anyone and the more cells in your body that can do that the more you can control the force.


It was, point for point, knocked off from the theory of mitochondria. Hell, the words even sound similar. Mitochondria. Midichlorian.

Bravo, Lucas.

Here's some behind the scenes pics.

Got any source on this fanfiction?

And another one;^)

>Tom Hardy cameos as an old friend of Finn's who doesn't know he betrayed them to the Resistance.

pre-ordered the Blu-Rey!

If all of this is true, I think I know how Ep9 will end.

>>Snoke is apparently the first Sith, the boy who murdered the his sister, which would technically make him Rey's brother.

So what the fuck was Snoke doing all these years?

This whole fucking plot is dumb as hell.

Speaking of SW, Vader better fucking slaughter Erso in the new movie.


why would she need to be trained

she already knows how to do force everything

Hahaha who do you think is making this? Do you actually think they'd have the BALLS or common sense to make a good Star Wars story?

>Adam = Snoke
>Eve = Rey
>Force tree = Forbidden fruit

So they're siblings but aren't Adam and Eve lovers? What the fuck is Disney thinking?!

>but the Mary Sue IS a good story user!

A little bit of Cain and Abel mixed in.

>>Adam = Snoke
>>Eve = Rey
>>Force tree = Forbidden fruit

The POTTERY is out of control

Pottery is the key to all of this

>complaining about incest between siblings

>Tom Hardy cameos as an old friend of Finn's who doesn't know he betrayed them to the Resistance.

Isn't he a little big to be a storm trooper?

That's not how pottery works, dumbasses. Pottery is when it rhymes with older films, not when it's a complete and shameless rip-off.

Wait and see, homeboys


Is this legit

because it's awful

The whole thing sounds Plausible bevause it's more evil men stuff

Snoke isn't Sith though. They explained this

>Luke is not Rey's father.
>Luke and Rey interact with the Force ghosts of Yoda and Anakin Skywalker.
>Rey is the next Chosen One.
>The Knights of Ren show up just to be killed off, and never get to do anything cool or meaningful
>Snoke is apparently the first Sith
>Kylo no longer wears a mask.

Wow this sounds fucking awful

I agree.
Midichlorians at least have the redeeming quality of
>uuhhhhh... I guess that makes sense.

Now they're going full Avatar.


if its real just burn the film it'd look better as molten shit

I don't see the issue with the Force ghosts or Rey being unrelated.


>>Tom Hardy cameos as an old friend of Finn's who doesn't know he betrayed them to the Resistance.

Is he a big guy?

> Luke reveals to Rey that the Force comes from an ancient tree, and that its powers were first harnessed by two siblings, a boy and a girl. The power corrupted the boy, who murdered his sister and went on to become the first Sith. The girl became one with the Force, assembled the Jedi order, and has been reincarnating throughout the centuries in both male and female form. Each incarnation is the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force.

Ughh... some things are better left unexplained.

> Snoke is apparently the first Sith, the boy who murdered the his sister, which would technically make him Rey's brother.


> Tom Hardy cameos as an old friend of Finn's who doesn't know he betrayed them to the Resistance.

Daniel Craig had a cameo in TFA. So why not?

> Anakin was the Chosen One, but was corrupted by Palpatine and spent years serving the Dark Side before being redeemed by Luke and bringing balance to the Force. However, it is is disarray once again, and Rey is the next Chosen One.

Honestly. The chosen one stuff probably should have been left alone. That was Anakin's thing. And how often does this balance need restoring?

> Luke single-handely defeats the Knights of Ren

And why didn't he do this earlier? Obi-Wan and Yoda had an excuse.

we avatar now

I can't sufficiently convey to OP how much I hope this idiotic plot synopsis is something he randomly pulled out of his ass.

As others have said, that whole bit about The Force coming from an ancient tree sounds worse than the midichlorians, which were almost as bad as Jarjar.

But there is nothing at all good in this thing. If this is the Star Wars that Disney has to offer us, I can only imagine they feel like they're getting too rich and powerful, and so want to destroy some of their franchises in an effort to level the playing field a bit.

>retconning the sith

pls dibney

I've heard most of what he's saying before.
He's using the age-old ploy where he assembles "leaks" and rumors from the past few months into one semi-coherent plot.
On top of that, he has to thrown in a few new pieces of info so we associate them with the truth we now think we know.
There's your tree idea.

>Luke reveals to Rey that the Force comes from an ancient tree, and that its powers were first harnessed by two siblings, a boy and a girl. The power corrupted the boy, who murdered his sister and went on to become the first Sith. The girl became one with the Force, assembled the Jedi order, and has been reincarnating throughout the centuries in both male and female form. Each incarnation is the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force.

I just don't understand how everything can keep getting worse. Why are modern films and shows so creatively bankrupt?

Because OP's lying to us. _________________________________________________

*movies opens with lukes hand floating in space*

I don't like this picture, it looks like she is a vampire or something



Still not buying it.

>Luke is not Rey's father.

Well this doesn't make any sense.

>Luke reveals to Rey that the Force comes from an ancient tree, and that its powers were first harnessed by two siblings, a boy and a girl. The power corrupted the boy, who murdered his sister and went on to become the first Sith. The girl became one with the Force, assembled the Jedi order, and has been reincarnating throughout the centuries in both male and female form. Each incarnation is the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force.
>Snoke is apparently the first Sith, the boy who murdered the his sister, which would technically make him Rey's brother.
what a terrible way to expand the mythos. i think i give up.



fuck this franchise.

>Luke reveals to Rey that the Force comes from an ancient tree, and that its powers were first harnessed by two siblings, a boy and a girl. The power corrupted the boy, who murdered his sister and went on to become the first Sith. The girl became one with the Force, assembled the Jedi order, and has been reincarnating throughout the centuries in both male and female form. Each incarnation is the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force.

Fuck this. First Anakin was Jesus (dude virginal birth lmao) and now we get Cain and Abel.

Fucking Disney you ruined the franchise. The movies were shit already but they were bearable. Now Disney is adding their stupid disneyfication magic to the movies and appealing to the lowest denominator of society. Something Lucas didn't do as well even though his intention was money.

holy shit

>now we get Cain and Abel
And a little of Adam and Eve thrown in their.

It's a little Jesus with Rey, too.
>The Chosen One dies and has risen again

>Force tree


Disney failed to understand that the more they explain about the Force, the less interesting it becomes. Even Lucas dropped the midichlorian bullshit after the universally negative reaction to it.

>defeat the Sith
except they were when palpatine was thrown down an elevator shaft

All these rumors all 100% bullshit like rogue one

Snoke is still alive, he's clearly a Sith

>Luke reveals to Rey that the Force comes from an ancient tree, and that its powers were first harnessed by two siblings, a boy and a girl. The power corrupted the boy, who murdered his sister and went on to become the first Sith.
That's Naruto

Didn't one of the main producers or Jew Jew say he wasn't?
I remember someone saying something like
>He's just a bad guy who wants power

you sure about that 100%?

I refuse to believe this

But the sad part is that Disney's canon is so ass and cant figure out any new canon that isnt a complete half-assed ripoff, that I wouldnt be surprised if this turned out to be true

>trusting Jew Jew

Right, just like he said Khan wasn't in Star Trek Into Darkness

Disney doesn't do a lot of market research. They run with the brand name and hope for the best.

I'm not sure it was him.
I want to say it was Lawrence Kasdan, but I'm probably wrong.

All they need now is a magical eye.

Maybe it was Pablo.

>He's just a bad guy who wants power
>That inexplicably looks shrivelled up and white as fuck, similar to Palpy dearest in Sith Mode
>Is also recalling Kylo to finish his "training" (he must be teaching the young chap gardening, so Kylo can build a little get away and work off the stress)
>Totally not a Sith Lord
What does J.J. think we are? The Jedi Council?

Either way, it's still bullshit to believe them. They want to "shock" the audience.

That's exactly who it was.
Pablo fucking Hidalgo.
Can never remember that fucker's name.


You're not wrong.
But like said, it was Hidalgo.
He's a little more trustworthy.

>Even Lucas dropped the midichlorian bullshit

>Reanimating midichlorians to save Padme was Anakin's main motivation for turning to the dark side

I wish you were right, senpai

So its like the Dragon Reborn. Snoke is the Shadow and Rey is the Dragon, reborn again and again in a perpetual war with the shadow. Difference faces/etc. each time but same essence. The shadow/dark side endures in one form because its more concerned with the material world and has discovered some measure of immortality.

If this is true i swear to god I get up mid movie and say fuck this movie and leave.

No you won't.

OP just compiled all the "leaks" known so far. However after seeing them all together, it really makes hope none of this is real. Disney will effectively kill the franchise in time if this is what hey have to give.

If the "leaks" are true, I'd rather they had just use or rehash the NJO plot, instead.

I'd take the Vong 10x over this abrahamic-inspired force crap.

Well, Sheev said he could manipulate the Force itself to create life, I don't think he mentioned midichlorians at all. Or maybe he did, I can't remember exactly what he said.

Snoke is NOT a Sith. The Sith are destroyed. Anakin wiped them out. Snoke and Kylo Ren are Dark siders not Sith. the Sith is a belief spread from teacher to student. No real Holocrons or books. Just passing knowledge down to their students to make them stronger. They learned their lesson after getting doubled teamed by the Old Republic, Jedi and themselves thousands of years before the movies.


The tree rumors came after it was revealed not before. Also it breaks lore severely. See Mortis arc in Clone Wars and Yoda's arc in season 6.

As long as Rey is not related to Luke.

The Plagueis book talks a lot a about midi-chlorians. It is as canon and established in the lore as you can get.

Oh yeah, and what if it turns out that Snoke is Darth Plagueis? Then he is a Sith.

I fucking will and record it and past on Sup Forums to prove it. I hope it does not come to that though.

>midichlorian bullshit

I still don't understand why people get upset about this. They are not the Force. Not even the Jedi know exactly what they are or how they really work.

It was when he was telling the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Palpatine said he was so powerful that he could manipulate the midichlorians to create life.

So when Anakin was foreseeing Padme's death, he saw that tale as his hope to save her.

>>Luke reveals to Rey that the Force comes from an ancient tree, and that its powers were first harnessed by two siblings, a boy and a girl. The power corrupted the boy, who murdered his sister and went on to become the first Sith. The girl became one with the Force, assembled the Jedi order, and has been reincarnating throughout the centuries in both male and female form. Each incarnation is the Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force.
>>Anakin was the Chosen One, but was corrupted by Palpatine and spent years serving the Dark Side before being redeemed by Luke and bringing balance to the Force. However, it is is disarray once again, and Rey is the next Chosen One.
So this will explain why she is such a fucking mary sue? Jesus kill me.
I hope Trump wins, he will stop this.