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stream link?

I wish there was a thread last week. Lots of funny bits.
Like Erlich talking to Laurie and being intrigued like he wanted to fuck.

The guide says GoT ends in 20 minutes.

someone hook us up with a stream

Finally starting!

that's enough animal scenes for the rest of the series

>Flanderization the cast

fucking based gavin

HBO stream
http: //movie24k. tv / game-of-thrones-season-6-episode-10-live-streaming-free/

Are these the same Tunak Tunak workers moot hired for Sup Forums's hits for profit to fund his trip to mootxico?

dead elephant

no more qt redhead

Season or Series?


Season. It's HBO's highest rated show other than Game of Thrones.

>would it make you feel better to strike me?


Big Phew!

>I jerk off a little bit
>I don't cum
Fucking madman

>erlich actually did something right

based red going to save the day

The blog will pay off. Bighead wins again.

Coderag is going to get a ton of hits from that story. Erlich is going to be rich.

>blog worked out

I expected that but it's nice to see Erlich showing his value

all this dead elephant talk is quite triggering *hic*

This guy fucks

Richard is going to fuck himself time and time again

nothing fun happens anymore


what the fuck. why is he doing this to himself.
why does he give a shit what Monica thinks? They need MONEY and they just FUCKED their reputation.

richard fuggin himself again

just show me more monica now that this show sucks

dogface's vidchat gonna save the day?

Monica is a nuisance
She doesn't have their best interest in heart.
Remember when the PC crowd tried to get more women in this show when all the women in it are shit.

not because of monica

he was scared about the fraud


> Boston

The Lisa was a failure and Steve Jobs almost died there

Bachman is getting his stock back

> Jing Yang!

> the elephant in the room

P2P has a critical mass. PP is going to blow up (on a good way).

Fucking Jin Yang

This is upsetting.

Richard is a chickenshit. At this point I want to see him fail.

He's had something like 50 million dollars worth of offers tossed at him so far, most of it with no strings attached.

fuck you, Alanis Morissette

no one knows what irony is anymore

>Bachman bought pied piper

Top kek


Can a majority share holder really fire someone and just make someone part of the board?

>Monica, I love you

That based as fuck out of left field curveball.

Based Erlich

bighead is gonna win the game of silicon thrones

Yes. That's what being majority shareholder means.

Holy shit. I have the exact same shirt as that first day guy.

Can we see first-day-guy again? He's great.

Lmao that bro reconciliation

based bighead

I have several of the shirts that Richard and especially Jared wear

It's a nice shirt, Banana Republic?

Good finale. Something good actually happened to them

Show ends on a high.

finally a non shit ending and fake peter gregory is gone fuck yeah

What's everyone final rating for this season?

Erlich discovers time travel!
What a tweest!
Best season finale ever!


what was the name of that version of ending song? it sounds familiar, swollen members?

rise up. the one with tom morello

fuck me thats what I hopped online to find out
sounded like cypress hill but with the guitarist from rage against the machine

This show is really funny, but it really needs to find a new status quo. I'm not looking forward to another season of them awkwardly trying to get a product out the door.

>Monica, I love you
Laughed so fucking hard.

what a great episode. based fucking Erlich came through for his best friend.

is next season the last?

perfect ending song. and monica is finally joining the team, I'm curious if she is going to let her hair down

thank you

>Monica, I love you

Is modern popular culture literally designed to breed beta cucks?

meh should have ended with Green Day like in season 1 honestly.

Torrent when?!

It's up now on my private club

I really hope they start using Jian Yang more in the next season, he's clearly the best character

>no more corporate law bullshit
>just a bunch of friends running a multimillion company

Things are finally looking up

I even rewinded my tv so I could shazam it

So do you guys still like Richard?

I can't tell if Backman is kind of serious or not about not trusting Richard, even with that ending. Thoughts?


No, but i still love Bighead

This was a great episode

one of the funniest yet, gavin's scenes were ridiculously good

Calvin Klein

solid finale

>my Business partner "convinced" me

Holy shit, did Bighead grow some balls/brains and threaten Erlich?

i always had a feeling bighead would end up a big stakeholder in pied piper

pretty cool

Except it was all Big Head. He knew Gavin was wanting to buy and Elrich even though owns half of the million basically forfeited it away to not get a dads ass whoopin

i hope not

this is turning out to be HBOs best show desu

Elaine getting BLACKED

not gonna happen

best part about the finale was that it made the whole season seem necessary: Erlich and Big Head getting rich, Action Jack and the Box, Gavin's animal metaphors, the blog, it all really came full circle. This was probably the best-written episode of the series.

veep would be 10/10 if montez gets killed at inauguration

erlich is so fucking hot

Do people really think this? I don't understand.

You're on the wrong site.


yeah wrong thread sorry

yeah I want him to dick me down more than anything else in my life

user stop..

He's a blob of smug fat, come on

I'm a sad blob with uneven titties. It works