Ask a lifelong resident of Mississippi anything

Ask a lifelong resident of Mississippi anything.

lifelong resident of Alabama here. How does it feel to be even shittier than our state?

Do any white people live there?

Florida fag here. How does it feel to be in a shittier state than my state?

Normal. We've been last in pretty much everything since the end of the Civil War.

>red state
>asking if any white people live there

The demographic is actually well diverse. We have more blacks than the national average, too.


Why is Mississippi so shitty though? I dont understand why they have the lowest education score and highest rate of obesity.

Kentucky fag here, where known for Bourbon, Horses, and rampant drug addiction. AMA

The dollar here goes further than anywhere else in the United States. Gas is cheaper than anywhere else, food is cheaper, housing is cheaper, EVERYTHING is cheaper. When food is cheap and poverty is high, people eat for enjoyment and tend to eat less healthily overall.

As for education, our schools blow. Most are tiny, which I like as it offers a lot of one-on-one time. However, they're too terribly underfunded to achieve any real success.

Oh and poor.

Feels ok since I'm in Huntsville. How does it feel to be the only state in the South that isn't Southern?

I have family in Kentucky, my sister and stepmom are up there right now, actually.

their economy is based on college football teams that aren't even good and have to resort to cheating

NCAA investigators don't even want to go there and they still get caught.

Fuck off yankee

How much actual inbreeding happens there?

Not as much as depicted, obviously. I've only heard of one maybe two couples in my town throughout my life that were related.

I would know I've lived in the shit state for a while. The schools are shit the are really easy. A lot of black people live here. They sound like they have all had strokes they have trouble speaking clearly.

Another thing about Mississippi, a vast majority of us literally live within a 30-40 mile radius for our entire lives. I myself have only been to TN, KY, AL and FL outside of my state for brief periods.

alabama here again. that's pretty high bro. never heard of a single case of incest over here.

My income calls for boots on the ground, so I hear a lot of what happens here on the "down low". I'm usually the first or second to know when the feds are in town or when something interesting happens, ie related couples.

Where you from within the state? I'm in the northeast.